'Gears of War: Ultimate Edition' and 'Killer Instinct' (and certainly lots of other titles here) are ALWAYS in sale at 9,99€ every other times of the year. Aren't we supposed to enter BLACK FRIDAY, the most reduced prices of the year??! What a shame. My wishlist notified me of several games going on sale, but I'll take nothing because they are only discounted at -20/-55%, and they are not very recent... Not enough for me, next year maybe..........
No 'We Were Here' sales, no 'We Happy Few' sales for the season pass/DLCs alone and buying the complete edition is mendatory if we want them.
Are we indeed in a shitty Black Friday year? You'll see they'd accuse the Covid for that. Covid is always the reason for all...

'Conan Exiles - Complete Edition' for 97€ instead of 130.............. The world goes really wrong.