The Bargain Bin

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Xbox Black Friday Sale 2021

  • Quantium GQuantium G191,966
    Posted on 18 November 21 at 23:00
    Same old, same old.
  • ChrupdiddyChrupdiddy386,655
    Posted on 18 November 21 at 23:09
    I’m a happy camper. Lowest price I’ve seen for nfs heat as well as mk 11 ultimate. Was saving up my reward points for either the Black Friday sale or Boxing Day. Gotta love free games!
  • SuperPed13SuperPed131,135,772
    Posted on 18 November 21 at 23:19
    I knew it would be shit yet i am still disappointed that it is
    I would second this. Going from a series X to a one X is painful. It reminds me of waiting 45 minutes for a cassette to load on the spectrum
  • Posted on 18 November 21 at 23:19
    Oh now they put the Surviving Mars season pass on sale, after they took the game out from Game Pass....of course, I'm not even surprised
  • MehanizamMehanizam611,351
    Posted on 18 November 21 at 23:20
    Someone remind Gearbox of the Commander Lilith dlc never gone on a sale.
    Its 15 buck all the years. Every other dlc,season pass or a BL game gets discounts but Liliths
  • RDSRDS469,331
    Posted on 18 November 21 at 23:21
    Snagged the DOOM Eternal season pass on PC, not sure what else I want (Metro Exodus does look seriously tempting).
  • Posted on 18 November 21 at 23:26
    Some gems here that I have been holding off on, good for me overall!
    If all pork chops were perfect, we wouldn't have Hot Dogs!!!
  • An AlphyAn Alphy488,983
    Posted on 18 November 21 at 23:38
    mass effect LE continues to tempt me
  • Posted on 18 November 21 at 23:41
    NotAnother8ob said:
    Yes! The Borderlands 3 Season Pass 2 is finally on sale!
    This is the third time it's been on sale
  • SnorehammerSnorehammer134,282
    Posted on 18 November 21 at 23:49
    Got a good list of time consuming games that should keep me going for a while, cheers!
  • GiinceeGiincee813,735
    Posted on 18 November 21 at 23:53
    Is it just me or is it the first time that there are less 360 games than the last times?
  • Larvi1Larvi13,057,706
    Posted on 18 November 21 at 23:55
    Bit of a letdown, lots of games but nothing appears cheaper than it has been on sale for before. They could have at least put the Windows version of Surviving Mars on sale, would have picked that up but just the xb1 version is on sale and I already have that on disc.
  • vegansoundvegansound1,369,431
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 00:00
    'Gears of War: Ultimate Edition' and 'Killer Instinct' (and certainly lots of other titles here) are ALWAYS in sale at 9,99€ every other times of the year. Aren't we supposed to enter BLACK FRIDAY, the most reduced prices of the year??! What a shame. My wishlist notified me of several games going on sale, but I'll take nothing because they are only discounted at -20/-55%, and they are not very recent... Not enough for me, next year maybe..........

    No 'We Were Here' sales, no 'We Happy Few' sales for the season pass/DLCs alone and buying the complete edition is mendatory if we want them.

    Are we indeed in a shitty Black Friday year? You'll see they'd accuse the Covid for that. Covid is always the reason for all... facepalm

    'Conan Exiles - Complete Edition' for 97€ instead of 130.............. The world goes really wrong.
  • EthigyEthigy1,412,575
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 00:01
    These sales are always the same.
  • EMBICKEMBICK386,169 386,169 GamerScore
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 00:12
    what a joke lmao same old recycled junk for the most part the ac games are always on sale same with rez games and so on laugh theres maybe 10 things i want
  • Oncogene27Oncogene27637,687
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 00:16
    They could put the entire catalog on sale at no less than 50% off each and people would still be all "What a major letdown!"
  • EazyE2285EazyE22851,146,406
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 00:22
    Zasta 360GameTV said:
    Please fix your wishlist notifcation for this kind of sales. This is broken since YEARS.
    What's broken about it?
  • EazyE2285EazyE22851,146,406
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 00:31
    I think it said 12 things on my wishlist for this sale. I got through the bundles and will have a look through single games later. That said I went to the notifcation and deleted most those wishlist games. I'll NEVER get around to all I have bought already and unless it's something truly special or quick score dirt cheap to use for contests here I'm done buying them. I wish I'd gamed as hard during the 360 and early One years as I have the last few as sorting through my list of games makes me sad that I'll never experience most of them.

    The fact most the stuff on my list was barely on sale and seems to be as low as they'll ever go made the decision easier. Time to clean up some of these hundreds of games I've gotten through the years.
  • DarkLord ZephyrDarkLord Zephyr2,123,877
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 00:34
    I am shocked and disappointed the Kingdom Hearts games aren't in this
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 00:38
    Has halo wars awakening the nightmare ever been on sale by itself?
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