The Bargain Bin

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Xbox Black Friday Sale 2021

  • RhyoliticRhyolitic598,570
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 00:47
    Has anyone tried Guardians of the Galaxy? If so, how is it and, for that matter, what KIND of game is it? Promo vids aren't clear.
  • AllgorhythmAllgorhythm666,858
  • The AllslayerThe Allslayer1,521,341
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 01:43
    Mehanizam said:
    Someone remind Gearbox of the Commander Lilith dlc never gone on a sale.
    Its 15 buck all the years. Every other dlc,season pass or a BL game gets discounts but Liliths
    I would argue that it has, 100% off for 1 month at launch.

    xXLILBRAZIL said:
    Has halo wars awakening the nightmare ever been on sale by itself?
    Yes but not since Feb 2019.
  • Posted on 19 November 21 at 01:50
    Trying to decide between one of the Mafia games or Saints Row remastered, what would you suggest
  • MH The RockstarMH The Rockstar1,428,158
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 01:58
    There are a few good items mixed in with the usual "deals" this time round. I'm always curious how MS can justify selling a digital copy of a game for more than a physical copy? Cyberpunk 2077 for example - I know I can find it on Amazon for at least $5 less, if not more. Makes no sense to me.
    Looking for a place to happen, making stops along the way.
  • Sneaky G WizardSneaky G Wizard1,676,059
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 02:12, Edited on 19 November 21 at 02:12 by Sneaky G Wizard
    You know all those crap games you never wanted? Check out these discounts on them!

    No thanks, discs for me
    I have to politely disagree, they are all better off neither seen nor heard
  • GhoulOfOnyxGhoulOfOnyx370,194
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 02:18
    I'll get jump force before it gets delisted early next year, was waiting for a sale on it.
  • SpybreakerSpybreaker363,764
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 02:29
    Hmm, lots and lots of repeat sales but I might snag We Happy Few bundle and Rock of Ages III.
    Now you're dead.
  • Posted on 19 November 21 at 02:43
    OK, for real, what are the chances that Mass Effect Legendary Edition goes to EA Play anytime soon? I feel like as soon as I buy it they'll announce its joining the service.
    #1 Resident Evil Fan.
  • BIG SH0RTYBIG SH0RTY1,009,485
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 02:51
    How long is the sale active for?
  • Apostle92627Apostle92627720,847
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 02:55
    Dark Death 90 said:
    OK, for real, what are the chances that Mass Effect Legendary Edition goes to EA Play anytime soon? I feel like as soon as I buy it they'll announce its joining the service.
    This is exactly why I'm not purchasing the fame. Because you just know it's gonna hit EA Play soon.
  • xPut Name HerexxPut Name Herex1,702,894
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 02:58
    Dark Death 90 said:
    OK, for real, what are the chances that Mass Effect Legendary Edition goes to EA Play anytime soon? I feel like as soon as I buy it they'll announce its joining the service.
    It tends to go into EA Play somewhere between 6-12 months after release (depending on whatever the metrics EA uses tell them to do). It's effectively just crossed that 6 month threshold this past week, so it's close, but unknown how close.
  • Posted on 19 November 21 at 03:05
    Does anyone know when the sale ends?
  • SabenRothschildSabenRothschild1,231,858
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 03:06
    While I really appreciate the new ability to filter by genre, it would be more useful if I could use it to exclude e.g. platformer and shoot em up as I'm not interested in playing those no matter the price reduction, whereas I'll consider pretty much anything else. Can't seem to do that with the way it's been set up, unfortunately.
  • iNaiaRiNaiaR150,132
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 03:11
    TG GolemJephson said:
    Nothing here for me. Wish they would put more 360 stuff on sale... it sucks
    Same. They just added more BC games yet the sales are the same 10-20 games over and over.
  • mkdfanmkdfan1,163,336
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 03:13
    £10.50 is the cheapest I’ve seen Control Ultimate Edition so will get that.
  • Rista BRista B965,835
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 03:14
    Scanned through a couple of times and simply not seeing much of interest. Not a surprise but this will probably be the 3rd year in a row where I can get better deals on physical elsewhere.
    "There's never been anything, however absurd, that myriads of people weren't prepared to believe"
  • SchinderdivSchinderdiv891,547
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 04:03
    I've gone about 2 months with nothing of interest in any sales, and even at this there's still nothing. I actually got an email from the Microsoft Store recently that $1.11 in credits will expire soon, for the first time ever. Give me incentive to spend it then!
    If you have to ask, you're streets behind.
  • Skuller 1O1Skuller 1O11,941,013
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 04:06
    Wouldn't it be cheaper to get RE7 Gold and RE8 separately than buying the Complete Edition where it includes both? Odd choice by MS
  • Posted on 19 November 21 at 04:25
    Back4blood annual pass add-on, nice, I knew I waited for a reason
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