The Bargain Bin

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Xbox Black Friday Sale 2021

  • Posted on 19 November 21 at 04:25
    Halo Reach and Doom Eternal Deluxe for me I think. Should have bought Walking Dead Final Season on sale
  • VeedrockVeedrock914,987
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 04:43
    Grabbing Sonic colors for sure.

    Wow Rider's Republic is already on sale? I think that still has a reward punchcard it's that new!
  • PROF4NEPROF4NE401,593
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 04:54
    COD being the laughing stock of deals and bringing down Sekiro along with em, shame. Nothing for me this year, I guess.

    I was hoping Immortals Fenyx Rising Gold Edition would be $20 by now, oh well. Might just buy Return to Arkham for the sake of buying something.

    Control Ultimate Edition for that price is a steal, I recommend anyone who hasn't yet, to pick it up now.
  • Posted on 19 November 21 at 05:08
    You know for a Black Friday sale I was hoping for more than an ok remaster that I’ll only get if there’s nothing else I’m interested in and two games from a publisher I’m now boycotting and would’ve probably gotten physically anyway.
    Least I can play Infinite without interruption.
  • Posted on 19 November 21 at 05:09, Edited on 19 November 21 at 05:11 by FivePartTrilogy
    This is the first time that Metro Exodus (Windows) Gold Edition has gone on sale since the enhanced ray-tracing update happened in April. Definitely snagging that one.
  • ClockKingRMClockKingRM1,347,065
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 05:19
    Borderlands 3 Season Pass 2 costs more than the game itself.
  • The SCHWARTZ 00The SCHWARTZ 001,206,619
  • Doc BuddhaDoc Buddha1,090,039
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 06:02
    Percentage amount of saving varies region to region, but appears to be fixed for U.S. only. e.g. Far Cry 6 ultimate states 33%, which is correct for the states, but in U.K. it is £79.99 (from £99.99), only 20% off.
  • Mr M BurkeMr M Burke136,450
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 06:11
    I get a feeling of déjà vu. Again.
  • Posted on 19 November 21 at 06:18
    Nothing jumped out as must have. Shame. On the plus side I got 12 games on Steam yesterday for a total of £7.09
  • xKrypt0xKrypt019,730 19,730 GamerScore
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 06:19
    For the most part it is a large sea of things I already own, or that have not been reduced enough to bother with.
    I found like two things in the sale that were things I either didn't already own or that were not over priced and both of those were things I only didn't buy due to a technical glitch.

    It is a shame as I was hoping something like Castle of Illusion remake, or well anything that we have not seen dozens of times already. Not even noticing any Artifex Mundi games either.

    Even a few more things from the new Backwards compatible pile would have been "nice"

    I almost wish they'd make Bandai, Capcom and Ubisoft have their own "publisher sale" so anything else doesn't get lost in a seas of the predictable.

    I would have loved some of those SNK Coin-ops conversions to be on sale too.
    Overall all they have done is lump the last few months of Weekly sales out all at the same time and made any actually "jems" harder to find in the middle of them all.

    Cyberpunk 2077 is finally approaching a decent price but it will be dirt cheap by January and is already less than that on disc. & frankly I don't need to buy it until they release the Next Gen Console updates anyway.
  • Harvy75Harvy75119,162
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 06:30
    There are so many...
    Bulletstorm, Sunset Overdrive, Torchlight 2, 11-11 Memories Retold, Lords of the Fallen...
    One of the Lost Ones
  • BizzahsBizzahs540,228
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 06:37
    Just a head's up, that recently added BC Conan is on sale too, for 5.99, well at least in EU.
    Oh well, i wanted to snag it on sale, will have to wait for another i guess ??
  • Blue RadiumBlue Radium1,758,597
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 06:57
    Is there a way to sort by "all sales that are the best price the content has ever been at?"
  • KnoellKnoell494,791
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 07:04
    TheBongoFury said:
    God, COD older games and they still ask 40 bucks.....
    Those are pretty much Xbox 360 like prices. Idiotic. Nothing interesting so far....
    yeah i keep waiting but like Nintendo, they know their product and dont need to slash the price. It is unfortunate, I havent played one since Ghosts and would like to catch up.
  • Scorpionxx0Scorpionxx0465,408
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 07:12
    Waited all year in hopes that raiden v would be on the list but sadly it isn’t. Oh well there’s always the Christmas sale.
  • HighT3chR3dn3ckHighT3chR3dn3ck1,833,382
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 07:13
    900+ games and not a single one of them I wanted :(
  • I Boz lI Boz l1,544,752
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 07:56
    Money in the bank
  • Soul Boy IISoul Boy II938,274
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 08:06
    NotAnother8ob said:
    Does anyone know when the sale ends?
    In two weeks
  • Maw N PawMaw N Paw1,793,153
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 09:17
    BlackxRyan said:
    That price for Conan Exiles complete edition is completely ridiculous lmao. And what the hell, are they making a new edition each month ?

    Btw of course, the Isle of Siptah DLC has never been on sale alone.
    That's because everyone got the easy 1k and they want their game to make money as well as their DLC.
    There is always a way.
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