The Bargain Bin

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Xbox sale round-up: December 7th, 2021

  • DeeUUDeeUU263,269
    Posted on 07 December 21 at 14:33
    Wonder how long it will be before they start to pay people to download Dakar 19?
  • xKrypt0xKrypt019,730 19,730 GamerScore
    Posted on 07 December 21 at 14:35
    Red dead Undead Nightmare was sold as a stand alone disc - yet here it seems to be suggesting as a digital game you have to own the original - bit odd that.

    There is a way more listed here than there is on the actual Microsoft site's sale page I note even taking into consideration you have to wade through more pages to find them.

    Also I feel Like a lemon as I missed the previous sale entirely and there was a couple of things I wanted- so "nuts".

    Might buy Far Cry Instincts Predator as it's one I don't own digitally.
  • Posted on 07 December 21 at 14:58, Edited on 07 December 21 at 14:59 by SpudimusPrime89
    xKrypt0 said:
    Red dead Undead Nightmare was sold as a stand alone disc - yet here it seems to be suggesting as a digital game you have to own the original - bit odd that.

    There is a way more listed here than there is on the actual Microsoft site's sale page I note even taking into consideration you have to wade through more pages to find them.
    Because it was also offered as DLC to the main game. GTA IV's Episodes are the same way.
  • Posted on 07 December 21 at 15:01
    I already have Far Cry Classic. Is there any point in getting Far Cry Instincts Predator too?
  • halohogghalohogg120,361
    Posted on 07 December 21 at 15:14
    PositiveDefinit said:
    Call of Juarez: Gunslinger is no longer on the 360 marketplace. If I purchase this on the xbox website, will it appear on my 360's download list? I am guessing not.
    I'd like to know the same thing. Are they back compatible versions only? And only playable on the XONE? Or are these still valid purchases playable on X360?
  • Brenin WatsonBrenin Watson1,320,514
    Posted on 07 December 21 at 15:54
    DrDaveWatford said:
    I already have Far Cry Classic. Is there any point in getting Far Cry Instincts Predator too?
    I would like to know this too.
  • CenosisCenosis321,274
    Posted on 07 December 21 at 22:39
    I've been been waiting for Faeria and Sundered to go on sale again and seeing that they are both dirt cheap now this is awesome! (Although Sundered must of been last week's sale I take it?!)

    I'd like to pick up Wingspan sometime too but I'm sure it'll be under ten bucks long before I ever actually get to it (possibly a GwG eventually?! I can hear the boo-birds chirping about it already. Ha, I made a bird pun! :D) so no need to pay $14 for it right now.

    Very happy to add Faeria and Sundered to my collection so great sale!
  • Posted on 07 December 21 at 23:13
    Overcooked 2, just a dlc bundle would be nice.
    GP or just get the Overcooked! 2 Gourmet Edition? I'm just thinking (typing) out loud.
  • bloodlands 666bloodlands 6661,874,136
    Posted on 07 December 21 at 23:54
    Be double boxin far cry pedator and call of juarez cartel in near future if anyone want to join for the 3 player stuff
    Good news could be some hope then
  • Posted on 08 December 21 at 01:03
    Brenin Watson said:
    DrDaveWatford said:
    I already have Far Cry Classic. Is there any point in getting Far Cry Instincts Predator too?
    I would like to know this too.
    Me too.
  • DubstepEdgelordDubstepEdgelord3,498,069
    Posted on 08 December 21 at 01:39
    Zonky said:
    Any opinions on Sonic Forces?
    Despite the community outrage I enjoyed it for what it was but definitely not the best in the series.
  • Posted on 08 December 21 at 11:50
    WanderingPlotor said:
    Brenin Watson said:
    DrDaveWatford said:
    I already have Far Cry Classic. Is there any point in getting Far Cry Instincts Predator too?
    I would like to know this too.
    Me too.
    I think they're different games. I think Classic is the PC original Far Cry remastered and that Instincts Predator is the version from 360 where it's more linear in parts and more of a missions/level based game rather than a massive open world like the PC original.
  • Posted on 08 December 21 at 11:53
    DeeUU said:
    Wonder how long it will be before they start to pay people to download Dakar 19?
    I thought they'd lose the licence so I bought it the first time it went on sale for about £20 haha.
  • Posted on 08 December 21 at 13:32
    XI AlphaMale IX said:
    Wonder if that’s the cheapest Aven Colony will get.
    Go for it, great game, no brainer at this price
  • Posted on 08 December 21 at 19:07
    HolyHalfDead said:
    Bort Bortson said:
    Finally is right. I think this is the second time maybe ever. Every other far cry is on sale weekly lol.
    Like many Xbox 360 games, the sales kind of ended in 2016.
    Xbox 360 Sale Roundup: January 16th, 2018 70% off (not all regions)
    XBL Sale Roundup: January 26th, 2016 75% off
    XBL Sale Roundup: January 7th, 2014 75% off
    Seeing this gives me hope for: Eternal Sonata, Star Ocean: The Last Hope, Infinite Undiscovery, Enchanted Arms and Phantasy Star Universe
  • Posted on 09 December 21 at 17:14
    halohogg said:
    PositiveDefinit said:
    Call of Juarez: Gunslinger is no longer on the 360 marketplace. If I purchase this on the xbox website, will it appear on my 360's download list? I am guessing not.
    I'd like to know the same thing. Are they back compatible versions only? And only playable on the XONE? Or are these still valid purchases playable on X360?
    I purchased all the Call of Juarez games a few months back from the website, they all show up as downloadable from the Download History on my 360 and work fine
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