The Bargain Bin

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Xbox sale round-up: February 15th, 2022

  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 15 February 22 at 07:18
    The games I want to buy are still too expensive, pass
  • VeithyrVeithyr354,989
    Posted on 15 February 22 at 09:36
    The Witcher 2 is BC though.
    Feel free to add me as a friend here on TA
  • Epsilon ThetaEpsilon Theta1,126,927
    Posted on 15 February 22 at 09:45
    Do not buy Red Wings, even with 80% off. It is impossible to complete and the developers haven't bothered patching it and likely never will.
  • OsseblokOsseblok290,633
    Posted on 15 February 22 at 10:26
    EricHawrylyshyn said:
    An Alphy said:
    are the forza horizon 4 DLCs worth it? i havent been able to play much of H4 (working on the slugfest that is motorsport 5), but from what ive played, horizon 4 is a lotta fun and ive also heard good things about the lego dlc
    100% worth it (especially the Lego one) but I'd recommend grabbing both - especially since Forza DLC tends to get delisted
    If you have Gamepass, you only need to grab the Lego DLC since Fortune Island is in Gamepass. Might save you a bit.compute
  • Posted on 15 February 22 at 10:31
    An Alphy said:
    Leigrez said:
    An Alphy said:
    are the forza horizon 4 DLCs worth it? i havent been able to play much of H4 (working on the slugfest that is motorsport 5), but from what ive played, horizon 4 is a lotta fun and ive also heard good things about the lego dlc
    Since you've been doing Motorsport 5, have you received any $$$ for your paint or tune? I did at least 300 races in a day with my alt, and I did not get any money. Just wondering if you know or have experienced payback from it.
    i dont have paint/tune, but ive read on here that those achievements are discontinued unless the paint/tune is from before, like, 2016 (or whenever the game was put on end of life status) :/
    To add to this, I recently went back and finished off FM5 except for the discontinued Tuner/Paint achievements

    I actually had a paint job from 2013 that I downloaded with alt account and ran 300-500 races over consecutive days but still only got the message to say with continued use, I could earn credits but never did
  • rekikirerekikire2,368,582
    Posted on 15 February 22 at 10:55
    Oh come on, Xbox Outer Worlds DLC on sale again, and still no Windows DLC sale for the game.
  • Sensei NeoSensei Neo1,752,946
    Posted on 15 February 22 at 11:08
    A whole lot of nothing for me...
  • FailedSeppukuFailedSeppuku1,969,964
    Posted on 15 February 22 at 11:48
    some real cheap stuff in there, gonna have to finally grab Gravel for £3.
  • SchinderdivSchinderdiv891,913
    Posted on 15 February 22 at 11:58
    Regna85 said:
    How is Troll and I? That game looks like it has an interesting story to tell.
    My wife and I thought so as well, once upon a time. Disappointingly, it's one of the worst games I've ever played.
    If you have to ask, you're streets behind.
  • GT3OptionFanGT3OptionFan350,552
    Posted on 15 February 22 at 12:25
    Street fighter x tekken is on sale for 360, which last went on sale July 2018
  • Sol76Sol761,346,436
    Posted on 15 February 22 at 13:37
    Can anybody tell me what is up with METRO SIMULATOR ?
    It has no achievements and not even a page of its own here on this site even though it was released ( did it ?? ) last year.
  • ThreeHaddock62ThreeHaddock621,000,634
    Posted on 15 February 22 at 14:09
    Sol76 said:
    Can anybody tell me what is up with METRO SIMULATOR ?
    It has no achievements and not even a page of its own here on this site even though it was released ( did it ?? ) last year.
    Looks like it just doesn't have Ach's. There are plenty of Indy games on Xbox that don't. Shame, looks good and I imagine it would sell a bit better with Ach's.
  • Brenin WatsonBrenin Watson1,317,121
    Posted on 15 February 22 at 15:01
    Woah Shenmue seems like a great deal for both games, never played them though.
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 15 February 22 at 15:54
    Is that shining resonance or whatever it’s called any good
  • YΛTVΛN3YΛTVΛN3831,608
    Posted on 15 February 22 at 15:59
    Osseblok said:
    EricHawrylyshyn said:
    An Alphy said:
    are the forza horizon 4 DLCs worth it? i havent been able to play much of H4 (working on the slugfest that is motorsport 5), but from what ive played, horizon 4 is a lotta fun and ive also heard good things about the lego dlc
    100% worth it (especially the Lego one) but I'd recommend grabbing both - especially since Forza DLC tends to get delisted
    If you have Gamepass, you only need to grab the Lego DLC since Fortune Island is in Gamepass. Might save you a bit.compute
    ...?what are you talking about?...i have Gamepass and Fortune Island DLC is not included!!!...
  • YΛTVΛN3YΛTVΛN3831,608
    Posted on 15 February 22 at 16:00
    Brenin Watson said:
    Woah Shenmue seems like a great deal for both games, never played them though.
    ...yeah, can not go wrong for that price...
  • SeeD RedSeeD Red1,123,536
    Posted on 15 February 22 at 16:25
    So sad games such as Street fighter x tekken and 3rd Strike are not backwards. I'd gladly buy them if...

    It's obviously not a licence issue, as both games are still available for sale.
  • Posted on 15 February 22 at 16:32
    Burty Jr said:
    Put 👏 360 👏 DLC 👏 on 👏 sale
  • SilentJay76SilentJay76861,502
    Posted on 15 February 22 at 16:54
    Lily Mu RB said:
    Does anyone know if Metro Simulator has achievements on Xbox? It looks like it has Steam achievements but can’t find the xbox ones
    ThreeHaddock62 said:
    Sol76 said:
    Can anybody tell me what is up with METRO SIMULATOR ?
    It has no achievements and not even a page of its own here on this site even though it was released ( did it ?? ) last year.
    Looks like it just doesn't have Ach's. There are plenty of Indy games on Xbox that don't. Shame, looks good and I imagine it would sell a bit better with Ach's.
    Games published through the Creators Program never have achievements.

    Yes, they'd probably sell better with achievements. But the devs would have to publish through ID@Xbox, which has much higher quality standards.
  • OsseblokOsseblok290,633
    Posted on 15 February 22 at 17:05
    YATVAN3 said:
    Osseblok said:
    EricHawrylyshyn said:
    An Alphy said:
    are the forza horizon 4 DLCs worth it? i havent been able to play much of H4 (working on the slugfest that is motorsport 5), but from what ive played, horizon 4 is a lotta fun and ive also heard good things about the lego dlc
    100% worth it (especially the Lego one) but I'd recommend grabbing both - especially since Forza DLC tends to get delisted
    If you have Gamepass, you only need to grab the Lego DLC since Fortune Island is in Gamepass. Might save you a bit.compute
    ...?what are you talking about?...i have Gamepass and Fortune Island DLC is not included!!!...
    Forza Horizon 4 Fortune Island

    I myself surely didn't buy it (not even done with the base game yet) and still I have it... Since it is not free DLC and it is marked as Game Pass on the DLC page (see link above) I would assume Gamepass is what unlocked it.
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