PhantomPlanetAP said:TymanTheLong said:PhantomPlanetAP said:TymanTheLong said:PhantomPlanetAP said:Mudrunner with its sole DLC looks good, as well as Unruly Heroes. Any chances of Othercide joining GP? it's been almost the end of 2nd year of it
I bought Othercide at release for $40 and got my money’s worth. They just released the 3.99 fan requested cosmetic DLC today and the base game is updated with the seed functionality. Othercide was my GOTY the year it was released. For $12 I’d suggest it’s already a steal. I do not think they intend to go with Gamepass, even if they somehow did, it’s a game well worth owning.
Thanks for your opinion and recommendation, I totally understand it. I added the his game to my wishlist right after watching the 1st trailer of it, and have been waiting for it to join GP since then.
Focus Entertainment has had many of their games joined GP in the past so I assume this one is probably on its way to GP or not at all. I will wait for another year for it, since I got too many games to finish already at the moment.
The devs are Lightbulb Crew, which only has one game on XBox (and two games overall, the other being a competitive shooter on PS4 and PC that has since shutdown). I don’t know what their options are for being paid for a 2 year old game on Gamepass but as it’s their only moneymaker at the moment I don’t know if you’ll see it on Gamepass anytime soon. Of course they may have a big bucket of money from Focus for whatever they’re currently working on but it’s hard to even speculate since most of its development would have been during the pandemic.
Many games from Focus Home Interactive had joined GP at start of their 2nd or 3rd year, so this Othercide's got a potentially high possibility to join GP I suppose. Different from ID@Xbox games which are given the chance to be day 1 on GP for an instant payment by MS, those non-ID@Xbox games are much more likely to go for profits by selling copies instead since launch, however If their sales haven't earned much or enough for them to cover their costs, they may consider offering it to GP for a payment from MS as profit, assuming MS thinks the games are still good even after years. For Othercide so far only nearly 1,500 people have played it on TA, and only 90 has it completed now, this small number of distribution probably got the dev frustrated about how to make it more popular therefore more sales. So launching the game on GP helps earning both insufficient profit and popularity as one of their best options. Focus Home Interactive will probably approve launching the game on GP then, like they had put many of other games on GP.
I’m one of those 90 people. It’s tragic because Othercide is a completely unique experience. Much has been said on the sacrifice mechanic to heal another sister, but what people don’t understand is that each an enemy has rules. One might have a rule “moves and attacks the nearest sister” while another might have a rule “shoots the sister with the lowest hit points, in melee will attack the sister with the highest hit points”. The system is heavily based on a timeline and using interrupts to adjust the timeline, healing is hard so you have to carefully direct the enemies how you need (in an identical situation enemies always act the same, there is no randomness to their action), the best skills actually cost life (hit points) and you typically can’t get through an interaction without them.
If this all sounds like it’s simply solved, I can assure you the complexity is wild and there’s no “backsies”, you get yourself in a bind and you lose your best sisters and your run is likely over. Bosses are hideously complex and great fun to try and figure out their “rules”.
The story is very dark and there are heavy Victorian elements to the world.
Anyway, they have done very well on Steam, I’m hoping the game is at least getting purchased during its many sales, if not played… but it should be played.