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Xbox Ultimate Game Sale 2022 now live with discounts on 500+ games

  • paramoreRyanparamoreRyan1,152,572
    Posted on 15 July 22 at 09:26
    Can someone look through and tell me if there's anything I'd be interested in, thanks laugh
  • Posted on 15 July 22 at 09:26
    wishlist notification?
  • atryeu1atryeu1498,176
    Posted on 15 July 22 at 09:34, Edited on 15 July 22 at 09:35 by atryeu1
    Some fun 360 games on there but the same old ones that I already have sadly. For anybody curious however with the Ubisoft stuff going on, Assassins Creed Rogue can be completed fully offline ;)

    Question! Anybody play The Bard's Tale ARPG and is it any fun? It's been on my list a long time. I never played the originals back in the day. If anybody has played it, any idea an actual realistic completion time estimate for those that prefer not to use command codes or follow walkthroughs? I'd rather just go through the game myself first and then I can do another run and clean up anything I missed with a guide if needed :P I'm pretty certain 2-3 hours is not remotely correct for a full actual run of the game however.

    Zasta 360GameTV said:
    wishlist notification?
    No wishlist alerts but I had price notifications like 12hrs ago or something.
  • Posted on 15 July 22 at 09:51, Edited on 15 July 22 at 09:53 by WhySoSeri0usXxX
    Deja Vu
  • Posted on 15 July 22 at 09:58
    Just got a gaming pc from prime days so this is perfect to pick up a few stackable games
  • drewblesdrewbles473,639
    Posted on 15 July 22 at 10:09
    if you look at comparison sites, prices are usually cheapest in November Black Friday sale, seen a lot of games on this list that were cheaper in previous sales
  • iVanquishEvliVanquishEvl800,444
    Posted on 15 July 22 at 10:16
    So many good games on here I have no idea where to start
  • Sir MiramirSir Miramir1,141,576
    Posted on 15 July 22 at 10:17
    Another pitiful DLC showing for both One and 360. Even the “ultimate” sales never particularly impress with their offerings.
  • SambarineSambarine1,300,708
    Posted on 15 July 22 at 10:39
    I don't understand why the call of duty games go on sale and the collections also go on sale but the individual dlcs don't?
  • Tendoman77Tendoman775,987,401
    Posted on 15 July 22 at 10:45
    Yamorak said:
    Honestly not seeing anything I'm interested in. I hoped Crysis Remastered Trilogy, or Oddworld Stranger's Wrath HD would show up, but we get the same stuff that's usually on sale. And annoyingly it's always only 20% off The Outer Worlds expansion pass, if they did 50% I'd probably buy it.
    This, especially Crysis, be great to revisit those games without the fear of having to do multiplayer anymore.
  • MueKEMueKE2,195,597
    Posted on 15 July 22 at 10:46
    *Sarcasm On

    A Sale without Outbreak: Definitive Edition or any other Outbreak Game is not a Sale

    *Sarcasm Off
  • FoerlFoerl1,192,627
    Posted on 15 July 22 at 10:54
    Tendoman77 said:
    Yamorak said:
    Honestly not seeing anything I'm interested in. I hoped Crysis Remastered Trilogy, or Oddworld Stranger's Wrath HD would show up, but we get the same stuff that's usually on sale. And annoyingly it's always only 20% off The Outer Worlds expansion pass, if they did 50% I'd probably buy it.
    This, especially Crysis, be great to revisit those games without the fear of having to do multiplayer anymore.
    Dont you wanna play crysis 2 6 months later again. ;)
  • EbizuEbizu1,742,328
    Posted on 15 July 22 at 10:59
    Not crazy at all
  • EchelonSixEchelonSix1,290,281
    Posted on 15 July 22 at 10:59
    Yamorak said:
    Honestly not seeing anything I'm interested in. I hoped Crysis Remastered Trilogy, or Oddworld Stranger's Wrath HD would show up, but we get the same stuff that's usually on sale. And annoyingly it's always only 20% off The Outer Worlds expansion pass, if they did 50% I'd probably buy it.
    asking for Crysis Trilogy which is like every 2 weeks in a sale.... complaini g about "same stuff thats usially on sale"

    this is why we can have nice things
  • CasperTCCasperTC917,221
    Posted on 15 July 22 at 11:03
    The Xbox store is giving me greater discounts than listed above shock Offers are "Just for you" Far Cry 5 Gold is £10.50 instead of £17.49 and Odyssey Gold edition £12 instead of £19.99. Never seen these kind of offers before, might have a deeper look through the list again headspin
  • EarthboundXEarthboundX2,393,090
    Posted on 15 July 22 at 11:06, Edited on 15 July 22 at 11:08 by EarthboundX
    Sylveonica said:
    Have they forgot about Xbox 360? They seem to never have sales on some digital only non-backwards compatible titles. Or haven't for like 3-4 years.
    Unless that is up to the publisher of the game, and they forgot/don't care.
    They sometimes still do, but these automated lists articles are glitched sometimes, and don't include them.

    Go here and filter to just Xbox 360 games, and sometimes you'll find them on sale when these list articles do not mention them.

    Latest Xbox Sales

    I don't know why it says Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Online Edition Price is on sale though, when I check it's still full price.
  • SaucyBrotatoSaucyBrotato320,234
    Posted on 15 July 22 at 11:08
    MAH BOI 420 said:
    onidemon666 said:
    Some nice stuff on there and you can get 4,000 points with rewards as well if you spend £35
    Just curious, but if you buy them off your PC for the Xbox it all counts toward it, yeah?
    It does, yes! I just grabbed a few via PC website, for Xbox, and my amount spent has registered just fine on the MS Rewards page for the offer
  • Tendoman77Tendoman775,987,401
    Posted on 15 July 22 at 11:11
    EchelonSix said:
    Yamorak said:
    Honestly not seeing anything I'm interested in. I hoped Crysis Remastered Trilogy, or Oddworld Stranger's Wrath HD would show up, but we get the same stuff that's usually on sale. And annoyingly it's always only 20% off The Outer Worlds expansion pass, if they did 50% I'd probably buy it.
    asking for Crysis Trilogy which is like every 2 weeks in a sale.... complaini g about "same stuff thats usially on sale"

    this is why we can have nice things
    Think he means like the actual trilogy bundle, not them seperately
  • mkdfanmkdfan1,154,878
    Posted on 15 July 22 at 11:14
    Finally The Outer Worlds got a proper discount. Also Wasteland Remastered for 99p, dunno if I’ll ever play it but it’s a quid!
  • VeedrockVeedrock883,484
    Posted on 15 July 22 at 11:15, Edited on 15 July 22 at 11:32 by Veedrock
    Damn, nothing I was looking for is on here.

    Looking again there's some good deals, just nothing I don't have or want bad enough to bite. I may grab MK11 Ultimate as I haven't played the Aftermath DLC.
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