The Bargain Bin

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Xbox sale round-up September 6th, 2022

    Posted on 07 September 22 at 21:46
    enracer said:
    Can anyone confirm if the Batman Telltale games are worth the purchase?
    I'd say yes. I played the 1st one and really enjoyed it. Yet to play the 2nd but that's just due to so many games to play.
    Posted on 07 September 22 at 21:49
    Anyone have opinions on the Doctor Who games?
  • Jogg92Jogg926,412
    Posted on 07 September 22 at 22:05
    Hello everyone, I am one of the developers of Strong Moon at Chihuas Games, currently our game has a 50% discount for all Xbox live gold or game pass ultimate users, if someone buys it or has already played the final version I would love to hear your comments and suggestions, Strong Moon is our first project and we want to improve our work.
  • AllgorhythmAllgorhythm659,413
    Posted on 08 September 22 at 21:37
    Picked up Bad North.
  • DubstepEdgelordDubstepEdgelord3,355,315
    Posted on 09 September 22 at 17:46
    Picked up Demon's Tilt, Blair Witch, and Furi, not bad.
  • AllgorhythmAllgorhythm659,413
    Posted on 10 September 22 at 17:39
    Picked up SOMA. Too bad, it didn't go on sale for the TA Playlist.
  • wildwest08wildwest082,473,330
    Posted on 11 September 22 at 03:26
    Lot of good games I might get. SOMA will for sure get, might do Bad North as I didn't get a chance to play that in gamepass
  • AllgorhythmAllgorhythm659,413
  • Gamrr4LifeGamrr4Life488,338
    Posted on 12 September 22 at 16:17
    DEDLY CUKE said:
    enracer said:
    Can anyone confirm if the Batman Telltale games are worth the purchase?
    I'd say yes. I played the 1st one and really enjoyed it. Yet to play the 2nd but that's just due to so many games to play.
    Agreed. They’re both really fun if you like Telltale games. Not the most compelling stories, but decent.
  • Gamrr4LifeGamrr4Life488,338
    Posted on 12 September 22 at 16:18
    Sp33dyKat said:
    Have been considering The Solitaire Conspiracy and 80% off is very tempting. Would appreciate any thoughts, if you've played it!
    Enjoyed it, but the “story” got a little tedious after a while. The gameplay is solid though.
  • AllgorhythmAllgorhythm659,413
    Posted on 12 September 22 at 19:18
    wildwest08 said:
    Lot of good games I might get. SOMA will for sure get, might do Bad North as I didn't get a chance to play that in gamepass
    Great minds think alike. smile I picked up SOMA. The TA Playlist selection piqued my interest but I found it too pricey at 29.99 USD. Discounted 90% to 2.99 USD made it a must-buy.

    Bad North was on my short list while it was on GamePass. But I didn’t get around to it much to my regret. Now, I’ve got it in my library thanks to a decent discount.
  • PsiScreamPsiScream681,147
    Posted on 13 September 22 at 01:15
    DriftRanger said:
    I find my favorite games from these sales. Check out Hard West Ultimate, it’s great.
    Thanks for the tip. Went to buy it, and it seems I already picked it up in March for the same price - need to prioritize it.
  • wildwest08wildwest082,473,330
    Posted on 13 September 22 at 03:18
    Allgorhythm said:
    wildwest08 said:
    Lot of good games I might get. SOMA will for sure get, might do Bad North as I didn't get a chance to play that in gamepass
    Great minds think alike. smile I picked up SOMA. The TA Playlist selection piqued my interest but I found it too pricey at 29.99 USD. Discounted 90% to 2.99 USD made it a must-buy.

    Bad North was on my short list while it was on GamePass. But I didn’t get around to it much to my regret. Now, I’ve got it in my library thanks to a decent discount.
    Both of those are great prices and I missed out on Bad North on gamepass
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