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Game Pass loses eight games in March, including Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy

  • xPut Name HerexxPut Name Herex1,707,823
    Posted on 03 March 23 at 12:32
    FlopsyTheRabbit said:
    Quote train snipped
    Agreed, you can't really miss anything as all the paths are laid out for you. The story branches out like a tree with a bunch of splitting paths. Some paths are locked until you do something on another path, but you can do it in any order and you'll eventually unlock everything. One thing that people commonly miss is that you can jump around the story tree to any point you've previously been, so you don't have to keep replaying the same bits over and over. You can play to a decision point, take the 'A' side, and then later go straight back to the decision point and choose the 'B' side.
    Yup, I completely missed that until getting the last ending in 999 last night. Swear I thought I had checked too, but maybe I didn't select the spot to go back to enough times. Wasn't too bad with the skip/knowing the puzzles at least.
  • Vok 250Vok 250562,966
    Posted on 03 March 23 at 13:48
    F1 202 is still available in EA Play though right? Because it's delisted in the store itself.
  • SifferinoSifferino148,706
    Posted on 03 March 23 at 15:16
    Iceman2pnt0 said:
    Sifferino said:
    Please do yourself a favor and play Guardians of the Galaxy. Heck, I never even heard of GotG and I am not a Marvel fan at all. I would never have played it without GamePass.
    Hated the movies? The game is actually *better*, so even that isn't a good reason laugh
    I'm excited to play it, but if you're not a Marvel fan, and had never heard of GOTG, how do you know it's better than the movies?
    Well... having finished the game I was inspired to watch the first movie, that's how I know laugh
    Avid 40+ gamer (Xbox, PlayStation)
  • Iceman2pnt0Iceman2pnt0388,065
    Posted on 03 March 23 at 19:40
    Sifferino said:
    Iceman2pnt0 said:
    Sifferino said:
    Please do yourself a favor and play Guardians of the Galaxy. Heck, I never even heard of GotG and I am not a Marvel fan at all. I would never have played it without GamePass.
    Hated the movies? The game is actually *better*, so even that isn't a good reason laugh
    I'm excited to play it, but if you're not a Marvel fan, and had never heard of GOTG, how do you know it's better than the movies?
    Well... having finished the game I was inspired to watch the first movie, that's how I know laugh
    Fair enough. I quite enjoyed the movies, which is why I'm interested in the game. Did you not enjoy the movie at all, or just less than the game?
    We meet again, Trebek.
  • The Wet ChefThe Wet Chef521,491
    Posted on 03 March 23 at 21:22
    Vok 250 said:
    F1 202 is still available in EA Play though right? Because it's delisted in the store itself.
    Yes, its available thru the EA Play. I just 100% it.
    There is NO stupid questions. Only stupid answers!
  • SifferinoSifferino148,706
    Posted on 03 March 23 at 21:42
    Iceman2pnt0 said:
    Sifferino said:
    Iceman2pnt0 said:
    Sifferino said:
    Please do yourself a favor and play Guardians of the Galaxy. Heck, I never even heard of GotG and I am not a Marvel fan at all. I would never have played it without GamePass.
    Hated the movies? The game is actually *better*, so even that isn't a good reason laugh
    I'm excited to play it, but if you're not a Marvel fan, and had never heard of GOTG, how do you know it's better than the movies?
    Well... having finished the game I was inspired to watch the first movie, that's how I know laugh
    Fair enough. I quite enjoyed the movies, which is why I'm interested in the game. Did you not enjoy the movie at all, or just less than the game?
    Oh, the movie was fun alright. But I don’t know, the characters are a bit flat. Drax in particular is terribly one-dimensional in the movie, while he’s very much fleshed out in the game. I am still going to watch the second movie (more Rocket is always good!), but I’ll keep my expectations in check smile
    Avid 40+ gamer (Xbox, PlayStation)
  • Acurate BobAcurate Bob881,402
    Posted on 03 March 23 at 23:32
    If ever people over rated a game. It's GotG. Good yes, one of the best on game pass, fuck no. Generic third person squad shooter with a half funny story at best. Not fussed about it. Enjoy it if you do, but I got better games to be playing.
    100,000- 28/10/10- Apache Air Assault 200,000- 25/10/15- HALO 5 300,000- 21/04/19- Final Fantasy VII 400,000- 27/06/21- State of Decay 2
  • cardcrusher2cardcrusher2134,134
    Posted on 04 March 23 at 00:38
    Acurate Bob said:
    If ever people over rated a game. It's GotG. Good yes, one of the best on game pass, fuck no. Generic third person squad shooter with a half funny story at best. Not fussed about it. Enjoy it if you do, but I got better games to be playing.
    You have to look at GOTG in context. The Avengers game disappointed so many that a decent Marvel game is seen as almost groundbreaking.
  • TimmayTimmay979,607
    Posted on 04 March 23 at 03:41
    No Bad Games said:
    Nothing good.
    Young Souls was a good beat'em up with rpg features.
  • Acurate BobAcurate Bob881,402
    Posted on 04 March 23 at 07:19, Edited on 04 March 23 at 07:20 by Acurate Bob
    cardcrusher2 said:
    You have to look at GOTG in context. The Avengers game disappointed so many that a decent Marvel game is seen as almost groundbreaking.
    But shouldn't each game be judged upon it's own merits. Now I know for a fact I had a better time on the worse game. Avengers may have been a disappointment to many people. But most aren't patient enough to get a few mates to play in a group and when I did I had a blast doing so.

    I had more fun times with my mates on Avengers than I did alone on GotG.
    100,000- 28/10/10- Apache Air Assault 200,000- 25/10/15- HALO 5 300,000- 21/04/19- Final Fantasy VII 400,000- 27/06/21- State of Decay 2
  • DeadHead82NLDeadHead82NL2,056,068
    Posted on 04 March 23 at 08:44
    Ill probably pick up GotG when its on sale sometime as I dont feel like rushing through it and the game is pretty good
    Eddy ate dynamite, good bye eddy
  • SirUltimosSirUltimos167,501
    Posted on 04 March 23 at 14:18
    Damn, I've been meaning to play GotG for a while. Guess I'd better get on it.
  • MH The RockstarMH The Rockstar1,429,371
    Posted on 04 March 23 at 14:27
    I was going to play GotG but I doubt I will have enough time to finish it before it leaves. Hopefully it gets a steep price cut at some point.
    Looking for a place to happen, making stops along the way.
  • cardcrusher2cardcrusher2134,134
    Posted on 04 March 23 at 18:55
    Acurate Bob said:
    cardcrusher2 said:
    You have to look at GOTG in context. The Avengers game disappointed so many that a decent Marvel game is seen as almost groundbreaking.
    But shouldn't each game be judged upon it's own merits. Now I know for a fact I had a better time on the worse game. Avengers may have been a disappointment to many people. But most aren't patient enough to get a few mates to play in a group and when I did I had a blast doing so.

    I had more fun times with my mates on Avengers than I did alone on GotG.
    You're right. Each game or anything should be judged on its own mertis. In practice. that doesn't happen enough. Look at how the DC movies. There are still being analyzed/reviewed by critics/fans through the lens of the Zack Snyder directed movies even if the man has not been involved with DC for a while now.
  • Acurate BobAcurate Bob881,402
    Posted on 04 March 23 at 20:22
    cardcrusher2 said:
    You're right. Each game or anything should be judged on its own mertis. In practice. that doesn't happen enough. Look at how the DC movies. There are still being analyzed/reviewed by critics/fans through the lens of the Zack Snyder directed movies even if the man has not been involved with DC for a while now.
    Yeah, i still think GotG is overrated, and Avengers, though it wasn't brilliant, but a great game with mates. I mean look at Halo, probably one of the most beloved series on Xbox, yet some games are better than others, even as a huge Halo fan, I will say some are way better than others, but the story is amazing throughout. But with mates all 10/10.
    100,000- 28/10/10- Apache Air Assault 200,000- 25/10/15- HALO 5 300,000- 21/04/19- Final Fantasy VII 400,000- 27/06/21- State of Decay 2
  • Posted on 04 March 23 at 20:38
    I'd encourage anybody who wants to play GotG to play it. It's great fun
  • VeedrockVeedrock920,729
    Posted on 04 March 23 at 20:43, Edited on 04 March 23 at 20:45 by Veedrock
    With so many comments I decided to check it out, looks like about 5500 people have started GotG in the two-ish days since this announcement. That's pretty hefty for a game that was already pushing 20% saturation on the site.

    I wonder if TA has a way of finding out the most started "leaving soon" game there's ever been, I'd certainly be interested in such stats!
  • Posted on 04 March 23 at 23:19
    Acurate Bob said:
    If ever people over rated a game. It's GotG. Good yes, one of the best on game pass, fuck no. Generic third person squad shooter with a half funny story at best. Not fussed about it. Enjoy it if you do, but I got better games to be playing.
    I don’t think I’ve seen a single person say best on gamepass.. just that it’s a good game. Especially for Marvel, GotG fans. Think it’s underrated if anything. Didn’t make a lot of money, which is too bad cause I would have loved that style of game for all marvel characters/teams.
  • PhillipWendellPhillipWendell1,139,876
    Posted on 05 March 23 at 00:07
    II TH3PRO II said:
    Please don't call goat simulator easy. The achievement for doing the TV game thingy is crazy hard.
    He ain't lyin'
  • Acurate BobAcurate Bob881,402
    Posted on 05 March 23 at 08:49
    The Batmid said:
    I don’t think I’ve seen a single person say best on gamepass.. just that it’s a good game. Especially for Marvel, GotG fans. Think it’s underrated if anything. Didn’t make a lot of money, which is too bad cause I would have loved that style of game for all marvel characters/teams.
    Underrated? OK, your opinion. This title doesn't push any boundaries for action, story, gameplay, graphics or even the sound. It's a by the number third person, squad(ish) shooter that follows all the usual trends of corridor shooters. As i said, it's got a half funny story that would keep some playing, but nothing new here...
    100,000- 28/10/10- Apache Air Assault 200,000- 25/10/15- HALO 5 300,000- 21/04/19- Final Fantasy VII 400,000- 27/06/21- State of Decay 2
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