The Bargain Bin

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Xbox Ultimate Game Sale 2023 now live with almost 1,000 discounts

  • GoldenNoirXGoldenNoirX2,480,992
    Posted on 14 July 23 at 12:46
    Simpso said:
    Made it. We lost several adventures on the way... but we are here.. at the comments section.
    Lol; right. And with nothing to show for it!
    Game recognizes game playa...and you lookin' kinda unfamiliar right now-
  • GepardsGepards192,451
    Posted on 14 July 23 at 12:47
    Forza 4+Forza 5 + DLCs + Crackdown 3 bundle ... maybe
    Thanks, guys!
  • Posted on 14 July 23 at 13:35, Edited on 14 July 23 at 14:04 by Alcoholic Socks
    Will Ghost of a Tale ever go on sale cry
  • RhyoliticRhyolitic599,067
    Posted on 14 July 23 at 13:37, Edited on 14 July 23 at 13:40 by Rhyolitic
    psportal said:
    CaarvalhoAle said:
    I've been waiting for enslaved to go on sale for ages now. Anyone gave a guess why i'ts never on sale with the other BC games? Maybe I'll just have to pay full price.

    Expected more from this sale to be honest
    Me as well.
    I've been wanting Star Ocean: The Last Hope to go on sale for what seems like forever. I own it physical, but fuck I don't want to be bothered with the discs for that stupid game.

    And yet another sale without Dark Alliance, Library of Ruina, or Graveyard Keeper on sale. Shocker. This is my surprised face.

    At least Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is on sale, so there's that.
  • Unpredictable DUnpredictable D1,320,961
    Posted on 14 July 23 at 13:43, Edited on 14 July 23 at 13:45 by Unpredictable D
    Nave Sutlef said:
    FinalKaos said:
    You scrolled a long way to read this comment.
    I was just thinking that there needs to be an easier way.
    just click on the green/white circle underneath the title
    "I'm proud of you Sheldon" "yeah, I'm proud of me too" - lol
  • Ravenous IERavenous IE1,240,028
    Posted on 14 July 23 at 13:49
    Why isn't Final Fantasy X/X2 never on sale for Windows, I am not forking out full price for it.

    I just want to play it with mods :'(
  • gobey17gobey171,031,134
    Posted on 14 July 23 at 14:01
    Its funny I got gifted a £50 Xbox gift card for my birthday from a friend, and yet there's nothing here that I actually want/worth the price. :/
  • Mr Yin 90210Mr Yin 90210509,580
    Posted on 14 July 23 at 14:05
    FinalKaos said:
    You scrolled a long way to read this comment.
    I did, hello🖐
    Nice, of those three I haven't played Last Stop. I'd highly recommend What Remains Of Edith Finch ??????
  • PinckneyPinckney149,130
    Posted on 14 July 23 at 14:23
    I love how Black Desert has a -% discount. They actually raised the prices for the sale?
  • R3f1CuLR3f1CuL1,295,566
    Posted on 14 July 23 at 14:24
    Honestly everything that is at a reasonable price I've already picked up, or a large chunk of the games are actually MORE EXPENSIVE now compared to when I first purchased them. Game prices and inflation really have made a joke out of "sales" recently.
    So it goes...
  • MrZombieChickenMrZombieChicken1,644,656
    Posted on 14 July 23 at 14:34
    Anyone familiar with the Yonder X|S version? I have the Xbox1 version and it's 1.5GB. The other version is 22GB. What's the deal there?
    This space for rent.
  • Posted on 14 July 23 at 14:35
    Lethalfart#9265 said:
    Was waiting for Disco Elysium to go on sale.Here's hoping for next week.
    I rarely pay full price for a game but that is one I'd make an exception for.

    It has been on sale a few times but, if it doesn't come up soon, just bite the bullet and buy it anyway. It's worth the price.
  • YΛTVΛN3YΛTVΛN3831,532
    Posted on 14 July 23 at 14:45
    HolyHalfDead said:
    Even the games that came out 6 months ago cost more than they did in a sale 2 years ago.
    ...mmm, time travelling games?...
  • Watty8883Watty88833,473,642
    Posted on 14 July 23 at 14:55
    Gamepass sale sleep
  • EazyE2285EazyE22851,148,259
    Posted on 14 July 23 at 14:55
    Smudge Skyrider said:
    Not sure what you mean adding "view discussion"? Thats to view the comments at the bottom of the page?
    They definitely quoted the wrong post. They also followed it up by telling someone the extremely long and drawn out way they currently would have to use to find out if something is the lowest it's been when they were suggesting it be a feature. It's a very odd couple posts from someone who I don't think I've ever seen a post from but apparently has been here for a couple years.
  • DeadHead82NLDeadHead82NL2,056,068
    Posted on 14 July 23 at 15:06
    no resident evil 4 remake, to bad, ill just wait....
    Eddy ate dynamite, good bye eddy
  • EazyE2285EazyE22851,148,259
    Posted on 14 July 23 at 15:13
    R3f1CuL said:
    Honestly everything that is at a reasonable price I've already picked up, or a large chunk of the games are actually MORE EXPENSIVE now compared to when I first purchased them. Game prices and inflation really have made a joke out of "sales" recently.
    That last sentence was unnecessary as it was spot on until then. It has nothing to do with new prices (which not every company and if we're being honest 90% of the games published) which are $10 higher or even inflation spiraling as old goods don't go up in price along with it.

    It has everything to do with the companies willing to bother putting their games on sale when it'll be a handful of copies or in the case of bigger named games why bother putting it on sale years after release when if people really want it they'll pay where our price settled.
  • Latinfla4Latinfla41,634,023
    Posted on 14 July 23 at 15:19
    some sales I bought songpop party for 3 dollars and in this sale it went up to 10 dollars? I know there are other examples but man the expectations for this big sales is scamming players...only thing that might be cheaper is some good indie titles.
    if you have easy games on your gamercard dont be a hypocrite and stop others from enjoying the same games
  • EazyE2285EazyE22851,148,259
    Posted on 14 July 23 at 15:20
    I'm not counting the games on my wishlist but lets go with over a hundred and probably not 200. 5 are in this sale of 1000 discounts. The odds of that would be staggering if it wasn't the same games I'm not interested in, in every single sale.

    Might pick up the skywalker saga as I believe it's on the list because I used it off GP for a site event and then it left shortly after.
  • Posted on 14 July 23 at 15:27, Edited on 14 July 23 at 15:28 by sickdog 343434
    $42 for the Yakuza series is a steal
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