The Bargain Bin

Forum for discussing where to pick up cheap deals

Easy Gamerscore: 85 quick completions from the Xbox sale

  • Posted on 25 August 23 at 07:08
    I thought Inside was okay but Limbo holds a bigger place in my heart. Probably because I've had to play through in like 10 times to get the completions on 360 and One. laugh
  • HawkeyeBarry20HawkeyeBarry201,081,901
    Posted on 25 August 23 at 15:39
    J4CKA1 said:
    Lefty24 said:
    If y'all are going to include a picture in the article you should at least put a footnote stating what game it's from. That's several weeks in a row that I've been curious about what game the picture is. I shouldn't have to ask in the comments to find out. The last couple weeks, others have asked before I've had to.
    Especiallys when it's Ms. Katies
    That's what I appreciates about you
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