The Bargain Bin

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Xbox Black Friday 2023 Sale: Games at their lowest ever price

  • EbizuEbizu1,738,503
    Posted on 24 November 23 at 16:55
    The Dirt 5 price is extremely tempting for me.
    Yes me too!
    It's been a long time since Dirt 5 was on sale...
  • EbizuEbizu1,738,503
    Posted on 24 November 23 at 17:00, Edited on 24 November 23 at 17:13 by Ebizu
    IAteA11ThePies said:
    Many of there are often on sale at the current price. I know it's just semantics, but it's be nice to have some indicator of which are at their lowest *ever* price and which are at a price they've not been lower than before. This would allow users to more easily prioritise those titles like Dirt Rally 2.0 which are rarely on sale and have never previously hit this price while ignoring those that hit this current sale price every other month.[store]=microsoft_ie&filter[discount]=new_low

    You welcome👍
    Posted on 24 November 23 at 19:07
    At least 90% of these are "games at the same price that they are in every sale every couple of weeks"!
  • Posted on 24 November 23 at 19:53
    IAteA11ThePies said:
    Many of there are often on sale at the current price. I know it's just semantics, but it's be nice to have some indicator of which are at their lowest *ever* price and which are at a price they've not been lower than before. This would allow users to more easily prioritise those titles like Dirt Rally 2.0 which are rarely on sale and have never previously hit this price while ignoring those that hit this current sale price every other month.
  • eayragteayragt422,494
    Posted on 24 November 23 at 20:05
    MelodicVirus118 said:
    Majority of these games are on Game Pass and there's never any 360 games on sale, so what's the point?
    Spoiler: The majority of these games are not on Game Pass
    Say everything with a smile
  • An AlphyAn Alphy488,787
    Posted on 24 November 23 at 22:23
    im still on the fence for soul hackers 2. im in no rush to play it but i feel like the price wont get any lower for a long time

    also is the premium edition worth the 5 extra bucks or should i just go for the basic version 🤔
  • AllgorhythmAllgorhythm666,640
    Posted on 24 November 23 at 22:28
    Best bang for the buck: THIEF

    It’s being shown as an 85% discount but that’s misleading. The game was priced 60 USD at launch so the game is really discounted 95% off—a 57 USD savings.

    The game is a hidden gem—one of the first to showcase the graphics prowess of the new XBox One console that launched just a few months before the game’s release.
  • Pedle ZelnipPedle Zelnip1,055,336
  • IgolorbrIgolorbr222,712
    Posted on 25 November 23 at 02:13
    Mirro's Edge Catalyst at 0.99 is an amazing deal.
  • MaxLive360MaxLive360399,802
    Posted on 25 November 23 at 11:03
    It should be noted that for several regions there's a cash back offer for some of the EA games as well. For the UK you get £4 back when buying EA SPORTS™ PGA TOUR™ plus 500 Tour Points, whatever they are.
  • s8nlovesyous8nlovesyou234,499
    Posted on 25 November 23 at 13:42
    MelodicVirus118 said:
    Majority of these games are on Game Pass and there's never any 360 games on sale, so what's the point?
    Not everyone has gamepass Captain Clueless.
  • Posted on 25 November 23 at 16:34
    s8nlovesyou said:
    MelodicVirus118 said:
    Majority of these games are on Game Pass and there's never any 360 games on sale, so what's the point?
    Not everyone has gamepass Captain Clueless.
    And even if they are on GP, subscribers may wish to own them and/or their dlc. I have it, but I'm definitely getting Dirt Rally 2.0 GOTY in the sale as the dlc alone usually costs quite a bit more than the GOTY complete edition.
  • Posted on 25 November 23 at 17:09
    IAteA11ThePies said:
    s8nlovesyou said:
    MelodicVirus118 said:
    Majority of these games are on Game Pass and there's never any 360 games on sale, so what's the point?
    Not everyone has gamepass Captain Clueless.
    And even if they are on GP, subscribers may wish to own them and/or their dlc. I have it, but I'm definitely getting Dirt Rally 2.0 GOTY in the sale as the dlc alone usually costs quite a bit more than the GOTY complete edition.
    DLC sales are good for me personally, I got Shadow of the Tomb Raider & Rise of the Tomb Raider and all of its DLC for £13 alltogether, and its a steal at that price. Might also get RE4 since I heard its so good.
  • CanezzaCanezza303,947
    Posted on 25 November 23 at 19:48
    Allgorhythm said:
    Best bang for the buck: THIEF

    It’s being shown as an 85% discount but that’s misleading. The game was priced 60 USD at launch so the game is really discounted 95% off—a 57 USD savings.

    The game is a hidden gem—one of the first to showcase the graphics prowess of the new XBox One console that launched just a few months before the game’s release.
    Going to pick this up for sure
  • CanezzaCanezza303,947
    Posted on 25 November 23 at 19:48
    Allgorhythm said:
    Best bang for the buck: THIEF

    It’s being shown as an 85% discount but that’s misleading. The game was priced 60 USD at launch so the game is really discounted 95% off—a 57 USD savings.

    The game is a hidden gem—one of the first to showcase the graphics prowess of the new XBox One console that launched just a few months before the game’s release.
    Going to pick this up for sure
  • TymanTheLongTymanTheLong567,847
    Posted on 25 November 23 at 22:14, Edited on 25 November 23 at 22:17 by TymanTheLong
    R3f1CuL said:
    Pretty much everything that is actually decently priced I've already picked up and things I want to pick up still seem INCREDIBLY unreasonable. Especially games like Callisto, Evil West and Dead Island 2. Games that by all things I can see didn't exactly sell gang busters and are old enough to warrant steeper discounts than this if they are wanting to move some more copies. Also most things that are truly GREAT PRICES are only that way because they are in Gamepass/EA Play or from Ubisoft, because Ubisoft...
    Dead Island 2 is fantastic and just dropped its first DLC which was very good (not quite as fantastic but mostly due to length).

    That may not be the discount you want (35-40%? Not sure) but it’s its steepest discount by a wide margin and there’s about 2 better games that came out in 2023 (and Dead Island 2 launched in June or July so it’s under 6 months old).

    Evil West is even more recent than DI2 and is 50% off, I know there are always a few titles that are surprisingly deep discounts two months post launch but that’s not the norm. 50% off is decent.

    I’ll probably pick up Monster Hunter plus Sunbreak, $30 is actually $12 cheaper than it’s been on previous sales and if World/Iceborne is anything to go by we won’t get much better discounts in the future.

    I’d like to get Evil Dead too but I can’t really play more than I already have going right now.
  • AllgorhythmAllgorhythm666,640
    Posted on 25 November 23 at 23:01
    Canezza said:
    Allgorhythm said:
    Best bang for the buck: THIEF

    It’s being shown as an 85% discount but that’s misleading. The game was priced 60 USD at launch so the game is really discounted 95% off—a 57 USD savings.

    The game is a hidden gem—one of the first to showcase the graphics prowess of the new XBox One console that launched just a few months before the game’s release.
    Going to pick this up for sure
    When the game came out, people complained about how hard it was to find their way around the city. There were video guides but the players said it made them seasick. The video creators did not make it any easier because they'd usually use the default rotating mini-map rather than the easier to follow fixed orientation option. Moreover, most videos showcased the creators' skill rather than instruct in navigating the city.

    To that end, the intent of the THIEF Walkthrough was to demystify the game. I spent over 1000 hours on all platforms and more than five times that amount creating the graphics. It is written so that an achievement hunter could complete the game in a streamlined manner. The official guide, in contrast, focused on collecting all common loot. Since there is no achievement for collecting all common loot, the path to do so is not optimal for achievement hunters and is very time consuming.

    People who played both 360 and XBox One versions of the game could appreciate the advances of the 9th gen consoles. The textures, shading, and transparencies of the new graphics cards contributed immensely to the emotional impact of the ambience of the city.
  • TymanTheLongTymanTheLong567,847
    Posted on 26 November 23 at 00:04
    Allgorhythm said:
    Canezza said:
    Allgorhythm said:
    Best bang for the buck: THIEF

    It’s being shown as an 85% discount but that’s misleading. The game was priced 60 USD at launch so the game is really discounted 95% off—a 57 USD savings.

    The game is a hidden gem—one of the first to showcase the graphics prowess of the new XBox One console that launched just a few months before the game’s release.
    Going to pick this up for sure
    When the game came out, people complained about how hard it was to find their way around the city. There were video guides but the players said it made them seasick. The video creators did not make it any easier because they'd usually use the default rotating mini-map rather than the easier to follow fixed orientation option. Moreover, most videos showcased the creators' skill rather than instruct in navigating the city.

    To that end, the intent of the THIEF Walkthrough was to demystify the game. I spent over 1000 hours on all platforms and more than five times that amount creating the graphics. It is written so that an achievement hunter could complete the game in a streamlined manner. The official guide, in contrast, focused on collecting all common loot. Since there is no achievement for collecting all common loot, the path to do so is not optimal for achievement hunters and is very time consuming.

    People who played both 360 and XBox One versions of the game could appreciate the advances of the 9th gen consoles. The textures, shading, and transparencies of the new graphics cards contributed immensely to the emotional impact of the ambience of the city.
    Can confirm that THIEF was hard as hell at launch. I would ALWAYS end up in combat. It seems like the game itself really wants you to do multiple play throughs to learn where everything is. I have no memory of playing the original Thief games so maybe it was always this way. Regardless I finished the game with very few achievements because it was just that hard.

    A guide like mentioned would be wise unless one really wants to devote some serious time to the game.
  • Woolyguy24Woolyguy24802,107
    Posted on 26 November 23 at 02:28
    Shadowclast said:
    I'd love to play some of the 360 era CODs but I'm not paying £30 for MW3 DLC in 2023! When I've got the chance to spend £70 on MWIII which should have been a DLC
    There is websites online you can get COD DLC alot cheaper.
  • AllgorhythmAllgorhythm666,640
    Posted on 26 November 23 at 06:06
    TymanTheLong said:
    Can confirm that THIEF was hard as hell at launch. I would ALWAYS end up in combat. It seems like the game itself really wants you to do multiple play throughs to learn where everything is. I have no memory of playing the original Thief games so maybe it was always this way. Regardless I finished the game with very few achievements because it was just that hard.

    A guide like mentioned would be wise unless one really wants to devote some serious time to the game.
    You’ll be pleased to hear that the THIEF Walkthrough has zero combat. There is an achievement for no kills or knockouts so at least one of the playthroughs must avoid combat entirely.

    As you, no doubt, have seen; the game provides myriads of routes to get to the objectives—many of them fraught with peril. The WT reduces the risk by guiding the player along a short, safe path.

    Because the WT limits loot gathering to a minimum—only what is necessary for achievements—it is much shorter & safer than the traditional guides that tend to be fixated on collecting common loot. In short, just as players found the game to be complex, authors found it very difficult to create guides for it.

    I recommend you give the game another shot. If you follow the WT, you will not end up in combat. smile
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