Rhyolitic said:I would dearly love to know why they refuse to put the console versions of FF13-2 and LR on sale, but the Windows versions go on sale every time.
More recent ports? That's the only reason I can think of. Windows versions you can play on a current PC might sell more than a Xbox 360 game. But then again games are on sale all the time on PS4/5 and Steam that never seem to be on sale on Xbox, and those FF games are BC. Honestly though, the Xbox 360 versions IIRC used to be on sale all the time as well. I gave up on waiting for Xbox 360 Lighting Returns DLC jobs to ever go on sale again, and I think I just paid full price, I think it ended up being more than I paid for the main game physically, lol. Man, even the BC store works the same as the Xbox 360 store did. I bought the job packs, but it doesn't say I own each individual job that's in those packs. The Xbox One store and after was such a huge improvement over the way the Xbox 360's store worked. Least the game is BC, so we won't lose then once the Xbox 360 store goes down.
Looks like the Window port gives you all the DLC jobs for free.