The Bargain Bin

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Xbox sale round-up October 1st, 2024

  • ShootZombiesShootZombies375,558
    Posted on 01 October 24 at 22:57
    Got Fear 3 physical installed on my series x already but tempted to buy it digital now too. Good to have options and send xbox the message we want more of this lol.
    Ah thanks for the info!!
  • vanusluxvanuslux253,480
    Posted on 02 October 24 at 02:56
    Nice to see I wasn't the only one who was stoked for F.E.A.R. 3. I loved that series and wish there was some spiritual successor. As far as I know there haven't been any good story driven Horror FPS games in a long while. It is, admittedly, a tricky genre since making a game spooky while also letting you be an absolute killing machine is a tricky task.
  • DK ShadoW999DK ShadoW9991,410,499
    Posted on 02 October 24 at 05:11
    Bought Fear 3 immediately, I was waiting for a sale for a long time.
    Now I need to check if it's a doable 100% smile
  • Pasty365Pasty365262,910
    Posted on 02 October 24 at 06:24
    Trepang2 is an excellent FPS and has huge F.E.A.R. vibes, I'd highly recommend it.
  • Posted on 02 October 24 at 08:41, Edited on 02 October 24 at 08:41 by Guitar LInc0ln
    Of course when Darksiders III goes on sale, it's only the Xbox version as always...
    If buying isn't owning, then piracy isn't stealing.
  • Dr MartyDr Marty1,287,374
    Posted on 02 October 24 at 11:51
    Nice, the Tomb Raider collection for 5$ per game.
  • uberJamesuberJames576,631
    Posted on 03 October 24 at 11:17
    vanuslux said:
    Nice to see I wasn't the only one who was stoked for F.E.A.R. 3. I loved that series and wish there was some spiritual successor. As far as I know there haven't been any good story driven Horror FPS games in a long while. It is, admittedly, a tricky genre since making a game spooky while also letting you be an absolute killing machine is a tricky task.
    Trepang 2
  • uberJamesuberJames576,631
    Posted on 03 October 24 at 11:18
    Graymawr said:
    I refunded Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection at launch. It is on sale for the first time now. I need the completion. Is it worth picking up now? Is it fixed?
    As far as the achievements go, yes it's worth picking up and playing in single player or local co-op. I can't speak to the online as I didn't play it.
  • FireDrake007FireDrake007271,348
    Posted on 05 October 24 at 19:10, Edited on 05 October 24 at 19:11 by FireDrake007
    I bought Alien Isolation Collection for $7.49 and am considering buying FEAR 3 after all the excitement on this thread about a game that has never gone on sale before.
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