The Bargain Bin

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Xbox sale round-up November 5, 2024

  • JayPsych47JayPsych47526,801
    Posted on 05 November 24 at 18:15
    I'd recommend Lumote if anyone wants a good puzzle game! And way higher ratio than deserves if you care about that. 3.43 but quite straightforward and great guides on YouTube if needed
  • TymanTheLongTymanTheLong568,205
    Posted on 05 November 24 at 19:28
    Last year wasn’t it basically a Black Friday Month sale? I swear they ran it all month. If so won’t we see it launch again by Thursday or so?
  • TymanTheLongTymanTheLong568,205
    Posted on 05 November 24 at 22:18, Edited on 05 November 24 at 22:19 by TymanTheLong
    TymanTheLong said:
    Last year wasn’t it basically a Black Friday Month sale? I swear they ran it all month. If so won’t we see it launch again by Thursday or so?
    I think I can answer my own question here. I just checked the movie sales. Usually if there’s an obscene number of $5 movies on sale for the week that means that they’ll be included on an incoming sale within just a few days (for whatever reason movie discounts are generally the first things to be listed for special sales and the last thing for weekly sales). It turns out there are 4-5 times the normal number of $5 sale movies today, so I do expect Black Friday Month to start sometime this week.
  • HolyHalfDeadHolyHalfDead829,246
    Posted on 05 November 24 at 23:16
    There is a buy 1 get 1 free deal on DLC on the dashboard until 12 Nov. A great way to get 50% off Expansion Passes, or some DLC that never goes on sale.
    He's not a man. He's the holy Half-Dead who has seen the Underverse and returned with powers you can't imagine.
  • DeadHead82NLDeadHead82NL2,056,271
    Posted on 06 November 24 at 00:00
    The blaster master games have not been on sale for a long time, dont know why they didnt add the first, but i already had that, so picked up the other 2. And Batboy, which is pretty good too.
    Eddy ate dynamite, good bye eddy
  • Nave SutlefNave Sutlef280,041
    Posted on 06 November 24 at 02:42
    Can anyone recommend MythForce? I want to play it with my brother but I remember the beta looking pretty boring. Did they spice it up at all with the full release?
    This site desperately needs a separation between legitimate and illegitimate completion times!
  • Posted on 06 November 24 at 19:06
    Hey, I might be able to afford these soon.
  • gothmogesgothmoges824,581
    Posted on 07 November 24 at 19:31
    Monopoly Rabbids! Finally! Waited so long for this!
  • AllgorhythmAllgorhythm667,361
  • TymanTheLongTymanTheLong568,205
    Posted on 09 November 24 at 04:08
    Black Friday Early Access Sale on movies just popped up and I found one or two video game entries on sale for 7 more days in XBox Deals so we might be seeing an early sale in the midst of being listed.

    The movie sale implies that the full Black Friday Sale starts on Friday the 15th.
  • Silvano 92 JuveSilvano 92 Juve1,802,167
  • Reddede123Reddede123889,142
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