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Xbox Black Friday Sale 2024 now live with 1,300 discounts

  • byndfitalitybyndfitality507,432
    Posted on 18 November 24 at 16:24
    Subzero323 said:
    thedongyiGuy said:
    Just bought kingdom of Amalur Re reckoning.
    OH MY you are in for a treat the game is fantastic
    Considering you said this 10 times it MUST be a good game!
  • wildwest08wildwest082,566,333
    Posted on 30 November 24 at 15:36
    Leo Ascendent said:
    Got Civ. Anyone convince me on Control?
    Control is one of my favorite games ever, I have already completed 2 of the 3 stacks and will probably do the last one soon. If you get the Ultimate edition, which can be very low in price, you get both the upgraded version and the release version. Both of those version come with a different achievement list if you are into those things. The PC version has its own stack and is on gamepass right now.

    I got to get Civilization
  • notion3000notion3000889,975
    Posted on 12 December 24 at 18:37
    Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League - Digital Deluxe Edition 95% ends in one hour.
  • TymanTheLongTymanTheLong567,847
    Posted on 16 December 24 at 00:17, Edited on 16 December 24 at 00:22 by TymanTheLong
    wildwest08 said:
    Leo Ascendent said:
    Got Civ. Anyone convince me on Control?
    Control is one of my favorite games ever, I have already completed 2 of the 3 stacks and will probably do the last one soon. If you get the Ultimate edition, which can be very low in price, you get both the upgraded version and the release version. Both of those version come with a different achievement list if you are into those things. The PC version has its own stack and is on gamepass right now.

    I got to get Civilization
    If you played and liked Quantum Break it’s impossible to not be let down by Control’s story. The sole bit in Foundation DLC where they delve into what’s obvious from the beginning (that The Board is not the good guys) ends without any resolution. In fact that’s most of what control is story-wise, a bunch of what amounts to vaguely directed college undergrad free writes smashed together into a game with the seemingly sole intent of communicating “gee isn’t this place just weird and bizarre!” Story wise, though, that is ass, and given the optional but very deep sci fi story presented in Quantum Break I was definitely expecting more.

    With that said floating around and throwing rocks telekinetically at your enemies really never gets old. The combat is the extreme high point of Control and it is really good. They actually had the makings of some really great platforming like Immortals: Fenix Rising but outside a few optional rewards for getting to a remote or very high place mostly do nothing interesting with it.

    The original base game remains broken, you can lock yourself out of a necessary quest for achievement completion. Buying the DLC fixes this and the Complete Edition includes the DLC so it’s not an issue there.

    The skill progression is okay if nothing special, the gear progression is unnecessary and mostly garbage that doesn’t bear interacting with much, in fact mostly what you’ll be doing is deleting useless weapon mods to avoid your very small inventory cap. You will quickly find your favorite two gun forms and use mostly those when you’re waiting for your abilities to cool down.

    Control is basically a victim of the same thing Bioware is a victim of with all their recent output and that David Gaider so eloquently put (paraphrasing because I’m too lazy to look it up) “ignoring writers and believing that a good story would just happen as if by magic”.

    You will not be shocked to learn that a good story did not “just happen”. Instead you get a vague motivation to develop your godly telekinetic powers for a few hours and smash everyone who stands in your way including some bosses, most of which aren’t really great boss fights. Very few questions will be answered and you will probably get the same feelings of dissatisfaction as most players with the ending (indeed the principal benefit of the DLC is that it gives an excuse to kind of forget about the ending and go do something else). The AWE DLC actually manages to be not very fun for most people (you will see why) but Foundation is quite fun and actually manages to at least start to reveal a good story before abandoning it.

    I can recommend Control just based on the fun of the combat. For some I imagine it’s enough for them to completely overlook its many flaws. And it does contain literally one of the best gameplay moments in modern gaming: The Ashtray Maze, you’ve maybe heard people mention this. It’s a rare 5 minutes of gaming that by itself can justify playing an entire game, accompanied by an absolute banger of a song. Don’t be fooled about what you’re getting though, as long as you know what it is and what it’s not Control has its place on your hard drive and in your gaming library.
  • Posted on 18 December 24 at 13:23, Edited on 18 December 24 at 13:24 by pablodanielmino
    How are these guys still selling PvZ GW2 after years of having discontinued achievements!!??!!??
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