The Bargain Bin

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Xbox sale round-up December 3, 2024

  • An AlphyAn Alphy488,787
    Posted on 03 December 24 at 02:17
    finally! DJMAX Respect V on sale. last time it was on sale was august 2023, so if yall played it on GP now's a good time to pick it up

    also, does anyone recommend Cat Quest II? seems pretty fun and cute
    all toasters toast toast
  • TymanTheLongTymanTheLong569,156
    Posted on 03 December 24 at 02:40
    When Black Friday expires in like 7 hours everything will be relisted as “Cyber Monday” for a week, and when that expires it’ll be “Christmas Holiday”, followed by a smaller selection of “Last Chance” sales for two weeks in January. It’s like a solid 10 weeks of constant holiday sales.
  • HoxBHoxB727,175
    Posted on 03 December 24 at 03:05
    sega genesis has quite alot of physical stock tbf
  • sarcástinesarcástine124,512
    Posted on 03 December 24 at 04:02
    anchors, mf'ers, have you heard of them?
  • ReynoldsMReynoldsM1,093,454
    Posted on 03 December 24 at 04:50
    PsiScream said:
    50% off on Telltale's The Expanse; love that show.
    Nice spot, will get this ty ^^
  • Zohan2099Zohan2099569,913
    Posted on 03 December 24 at 06:10
    Suicide squad digital deluxe for $5? I'll definitely bite at that price...
  • EarthboundXEarthboundX2,410,887
    Posted on 03 December 24 at 06:14, Edited on 03 December 24 at 09:27 by EarthboundX
    PhantomLions said:
    Suicide Squad for $5? i know the games not supposed to be great but i might have to jump on it for that price
    Oh, that was from this current sale? I thought that was from Black Friday sale that was ending today. I also picked it up, hard to say no to around 90% off. Paid the same thing for Skull and Bones at Best Buy at some point this year.

    I have a feeling the game is only gonna have a couple more updates for contractual reasons before they stop updating it and drop it. It flopped so hard. I think they are on update 6 now?
  • OnicoDCloudOnicoDCloud425,191
    Posted on 03 December 24 at 07:56
    Nothing for me, so glad I keep a list of games I'm looking out for and ignore everything else these days otherwise looking through that would have taken more than my morning coffee.
  • Posted on 03 December 24 at 07:58
    Veedrock said:
    Grabbing Sega Genesis Classics and Suicide Squad for sure.

    Man, wish the Hitman game wasn't so confusing with its content. Getting WOA Part 1 at $3 sounds like a steal, but the rest of the content will probably never go 90% off so you'd save $3 by just getting the complete edition at its usual sale price. Plus I don't think it has any achievements, and I personally have Hitman 1 from GWG way back.

    Power Rangers Battle for the Grid Super Edition is at an all time low by a quite a lot.

    DJMAX with the TEASE. If you want the game now's the time, been 16 months since the last sale. I'm hoping it's a good sign for possible holiday DLC sales, suddenly feels like the devs remember us.

    Veedrock said:
    coolcallumcool said:
    Once again encouraging anyone with big enough of a brain to play gungrave gore
    Challenge accepted.
    Hey I'm several months late but what a coincidence, I just completed this today! Fun enough game but the achievement list was lacking, definitely got bamboozled by the ratio into thinking I was taking on a challenge. Going through on easy to get a feel for the game and level up I was anticipating having to score S ranks in the future, but there was no such achievement. Had the same problem that Metal Hellsinger had, there was potential to really challenge players and they fumbled it. Still, felt like I got my money's worth at that sale price, so I'll pass along the recommendation.
    Yeah game absolutely has gamepass inflation with ratio, but tbf the game absolutely stomped me until I did a playthrough on easy to get some unlocks. Glad you had some fun with it 👍
  • I Boz lI Boz l1,544,752
    Posted on 03 December 24 at 07:58
    As other said, Suicide Squad Deluxe Ed. for €5,49/$4,99 already speaks for itself.
    I was waiting for a price drop to keep the Arkaham series completion going but i never thought it would've been so big.

    Now there's only 2 options here: last desperate move to try to get more players or just a signal that the game is going to be dropped by the devs with no more updates/seasonal content...hopefully nothing will affect achievements
  • ShootZombiesShootZombies387,080
    Posted on 03 December 24 at 08:03
    FiteTalk YT said:
    elangabriel said:
    FiteTalk YT said:
    Looks like no sales before the SEGA delistings this week
    "SEGA® Genesis Classics" is on sale, down to $5.99
    Good catch ty!
    I bought this physical recently in anticipation of the delisting but it's great nostalgia for anyone picking it up in the sale. I've been enjoying it more than I thought I would.

    I also saw Toe Jam and Earl in the sale but both games are in the Sega Genesis collection so that's only for the completionists out there.
    Ah thanks for the info!!
  • FlopsyTheRabbitFlopsyTheRabbit1,374,731
    Posted on 03 December 24 at 08:36
    Decent price for Baldur's Gate 1+2, I recall some people were waiting for this to go on sale
  • Posted on 03 December 24 at 08:39
    Was disappointed with the Black Friday deals - surprisingly little there for me - but this sale is much more like it.
  • EmagmaLakEmagmaLak287,713
    Posted on 03 December 24 at 09:04
    I was waiting on a sale for Divinity Original Sin 2, and I guess I got my wish toast
    That was an improvement, but it's not hard to improve on garbage. Try it again.
  • TMFA80TMFA80477,402
    Posted on 03 December 24 at 09:11
    Nothing for me this week. Back log + GP is getting really silly now, in reality I should stop buying now to even have a chance of playing everything I own *siggghhhhhhh*
    Although still waiting for Goatsimulator DLC to go on sale for the completion, if it ever will :/
  • Posted on 03 December 24 at 09:17
    Some really nice discounts this week.
  • GreasychipbuttyGreasychipbutty1,020,066
    Posted on 03 December 24 at 09:25
    An Alphy said:
    finally! DJMAX Respect V on sale. last time it was on sale was august 2023, so if yall played it on GP now's a good time to pick it up

    also, does anyone recommend Cat Quest II? seems pretty fun and cute
    I thoroughly enjoyed cat quest 2. In fact i've just bought cat quest 3 in the sale.

    Short and sweet, roughly 8 hours for completion.
  • Posted on 03 December 24 at 10:24, Edited on 03 December 24 at 10:24 by JAQS TIS ROCKER
    Been waiting months for Avatar to go on sale. I now have the staple 1000G for every account haha clap
  • Sir DanistarSir Danistar850,813
    Posted on 03 December 24 at 11:48
    I was disappointed by the Black Friday sale, same stuff as before with no new price lows for me. But this sale surprised me with new all-time lows:

    The Messenger 4€
    Wanted: Dead 9€
    Outer Worlds Expansion Pass 10€
    Suicide Squad 5,50€
  • Ebizu GamingEbizu Gaming595,435
    Posted on 03 December 24 at 11:53
    Pretty good sales👍
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