Game Discussion: Vancouver 2010 (GFWL)

Would TA freak out if someone pointed out this game is abandonware?

  • Archer SpenseArcher Spense1,956,379
    Posted on 21 January 25 at 06:15
    Because it was delisted from Steam forever ago and is now available on several abandonware sites.

    If true, it could be activated and played with any GFWL cd key since its one of those sorts of GFWL games.
  • New ParalyzerNew Paralyzer1,555,519
    Posted on 21 January 25 at 07:16
    If you use a legitimate GFWL key that's all Microsoft cares about, how you obtain the game is irregardless

    And if it's properly on abandonware sites, that's actually a legitimate way to obtain a game, did for a lot of dead Mac software

    I don't see why TA should even remotely care also who is anyone to ask you how you got a copy.

    Just no cheating gamerscore or using unofficial servers to revive a dead multiplayer
  • HUN playmoreHUN playmore2,315,462
    Posted on 21 January 25 at 08:32
    No outsider can really tell your copy is legitimate or not. If the platform holder accepts it then TA and everyone else assumes it is legitimate. It means nothing if the game is not purchasable anymore. You could have bought it any time before it was delisted. I have games I bought more than ten years ago but never started. If a game requires servers and the publisher turned it off it is an obvious sign of cheating (though "dead" servers come back sometimes) but otherwise? Nobody will going to ask for the receipt.
  • Archer SpenseArcher Spense1,956,379
    Posted on 21 January 25 at 21:32, Edited on 21 January 25 at 21:47 by Archer Spense
    Surprised at the 2 replies. Was expecting the usual takes from neurotic busybodies, usually from EU, who compulsively assume the worst and get very judgmental.

    New Paralyzer said:
    I don't see why TA should even remotely care also who is anyone to ask you how you got a copy.
    HUN playmore said:
    No outsider can really tell your copy is legitimate or not. If the platform holder accepts it then TA and everyone else assumes it is legitimate.
    This was the attitude I was expecting though. The 'as long as no one knows, you're fine' as though there's a whiff of piracy or nefarious behavior going on.

    The purpose of this post was to point out GFWL games are winding up on abandonware sites. And yeah, they can be gotten, played, and the achievements earned without paying so long as you've got a valid GFWL cd key. Pepole tend to get goofy at this idea equating it with a rom sites, places that actually are in moral/legal grey areas.

    But the fact of the matter is if it were illegal, Sega and/or Microsoft would've jumped down the throat of every site hosting an iso of the game. Abandonware literally means the software is abandoned. Neither the developer nor publisher give a damn about the game or how its distributed anymore.
  • FFX BrotherhoodFFX Brotherhood1,681,319
    Posted on 21 January 25 at 21:49
    I can pretend to be bothered if you want? I'm also from the EU so I can try provide an authentic experience wink

    TA really only cares about achievements though. Doesn't really matter how you get the game (provided you don't go shouting about any nefarious methods in the forums) and so as long as you earn your achievements properly, you're good to go
    I do like it when the red stuff comes out.
  • New ParalyzerNew Paralyzer1,555,519
    Posted on 21 January 25 at 23:26
    GFWL used to have a dedicated support team. It was very small, called for support twice and twice I got the same guy.

    He told me as long as you have a valid CD key to get into the game that's the important part.

    If you replace your .exe with a patched file that skips checking to see if the disc is in the drive, it's fine because your CD key is the verification.

    If you're getting multiple GFWL games off abandonware sites and you're able to use whatever key you have to log in, then go nuts and get unlocking achievements
  • Archer SpenseArcher Spense1,956,379
    Posted on 22 January 25 at 01:47, Edited on 22 January 25 at 13:50 by Archer Spense
    FFX Brotherhood said:
    Yes, thank you for this.

    But seriously, TA has some very special people who are sensitive to topics like this. Its always GFWL games too. I'm too lazy to look, but I seem to remember one was for Dark Souls. I mentioned there's a method to roll back the version to one that has GFWL if you own the Prepare to Die Edition on Steam and mentioning here on TA only to have some clowns accuse me of file modification like they honest to god thought I was violating TA's rules and hacking games. Tron Evolution GFWL was another game TA members got butthurt at me over. I don't care how dumb 'hey, contact this guy on steam' sounds, it works. I couldn't play a game I own because Disney was stupid enough to add a 2nd DRM from a private company that expected to be paid forever for their service and Disney was too cheap to pay them and too lazy to patch it out.
  • VeedrockVeedrock920,729
    Posted on 22 January 25 at 06:36
    This is such a fart sniffer thread, you made it just to be smug about a subject you're obviously not versed on. Abandonware is not "legitimate," it's not some legally recognized and protected class of software. The copyrights for the game still exist, and your flimsy ass justification isn't gonna save you should somebody want to prosecute you or these sites for violating it.

    That said, nobody really gives a shit. Download it, play it, whatever. Hey guess what, I downloaded AFL Live to play this year (if I can figure out the rules of aussie football). TA doesn't care and members that get uppity can punch air. There was a thread not long ago where somebody wanted to report another user for playing region variants offline, a sign of a modded console, but he was told he couldn't. This isn't TrueCollectors where every game played needs a receipt. We all have games that we've borrowed, lost, sold, etc.
    "If you haven’t completed the arena why should you get a say for anything arena related at any point?" - DaxterDude, on Sea of Thieves discontinueds
  • New ParalyzerNew Paralyzer1,555,519
    Posted on 22 January 25 at 08:03
    Chill, it's software sharing where as it's reached the point it's too old to care. At any point the copyright holder whoever that is could request its immediate removal, but for Vancouver 2010 I highly doubt that.

    His question is valid as it's looked down upon in general whenever you tell anyone on the internet you avoided paying money. Everyone wants to defend a studio they have no monetary ties to.

    And you're proving his point. But now he knows nobody is looking to grill him into the 3rd degree because he found an obscure game and he's gonna appear online with forbidden copies not accounted for in the TA community.
  • Archer SpenseArcher Spense1,956,379
    Posted on 22 January 25 at 13:52
    New Paralyzer said:
    lol even I could tell they were being sarcastic
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