Surprised at the 2 replies. Was expecting the usual takes from neurotic busybodies, usually from EU, who compulsively assume the worst and get very judgmental.
New Paralyzer said:I don't see why TA should even remotely care also who is anyone to ask you how you got a copy.
HUN playmore said:No outsider can really tell your copy is legitimate or not. If the platform holder accepts it then TA and everyone else assumes it is legitimate.
This was the attitude I was expecting though. The 'as long as no one knows, you're fine' as though there's a whiff of piracy or nefarious behavior going on.
The purpose of this post was to point out GFWL games are winding up on abandonware sites. And yeah, they can be gotten, played, and the achievements earned without paying so long as you've got a valid GFWL cd key. Pepole tend to get goofy at this idea equating it with a rom sites, places that actually are in moral/legal grey areas.
But the fact of the matter is if it were illegal, Sega and/or Microsoft would've jumped down the throat of every site hosting an iso of the game. Abandonware literally means the software is abandoned. Neither the developer nor publisher give a damn about the game or how its distributed anymore.