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Help Unlock A Section 8: Prejudice Gameplay Mode

  • MatrarchMatrarch1,796,929
    Posted on 04 May 11 at 17:37
    VVh1pCr3am said:
    TimeShift, the developers behind the recently released Section 8: Prejudice, announced today that they're looking to reward the Section 8: Prejudice community with a new gameplay mode.
    Should be TimeGate not TimeShift.
    Got it, thanks!
  • l Brizan ll Brizan l188,733
    Posted on 04 May 11 at 18:19
    RadiantViper said:
    This game isn't overpriced at all, nor is it a generic shooter. If you believe either of those you're sadly mistaken laugh Definitely one of the best XBLA titles out there, very happy with spending $15 since I've already got 20+ hours out of it.
    Agreed. I have like 10 hours alone in conquest. I think people just need to get a job and get over it. If you have a job and have bills to pay that's understandable but don't mix up overpriced and you just don't want to pay for it. Can not wait to see this new game mode. Seems kinda like rush from battlefield which will make it even more awesome.
  • ScythekainScythekain68,741
    Posted on 04 May 11 at 18:23
    HWNDarkside said:
    I'll get around to this at some point. I enjoyed completing the original and therefore know how long the unlocks are going to take :-)

    Why does every post about XBLA always have to be inflitrated by tightwads moaning about the price? Get this - nothing is life is free. Pay, or shut the hell up.
    I like the cut of your jib sir.

    Totally agree. Another thing I can't stand is people throwing in the $ into Microsoft's name. BAH!

    per the topic on hand, this game is one of those shooters people either love or hate. I'm in the love camp. To me this is the perfect combination of Tribes, Halo and Battlefield (with the Control Points).

    On top of that it's using the Unreal engine which makes it purdy.
  • Posted on 04 May 11 at 21:29
    I think it's really weird that Microsoft didn't allow the XBLA version of this game to have the same amount of achievements that the PC version has. Microsoft should really start to revise their achievement restrictions for XBLA games. I would be fine if they still want arcade games to have a gamerscore of 200, but they should allow developers to include as many achievements as they want into their games. Section 8 already has 20 achievements for the Xbox version contrary to the normal 12 ones, so why don't include the left overs the PC version got? The same goes for Torchlight. The XBLA version only has the usual twelve while the Steam version has 66. Personally, I don't care about the amount of gamerscore, but I would really like to be able to collect more achievements.
  • Posted on 04 May 11 at 22:24
    Hopefully this mode can be unlocked soon that is a somewhat high kill count if the same sales are low this can take a bit long
  • Posted on 04 May 11 at 22:42
    I love when developers do things like this to sustain interest in the game!
    Don't have Section 8 yet, but happy to see the community getting towards that 10 mil goal!
  • BeachemBeachem659,311
    Posted on 04 May 11 at 23:52
    That's a pretty good idea and a good way to get people playing the game more. Nice marketing!
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 05 May 11 at 12:09
    This is a sequel to a 60 $ Retail game. its 15 bucks---it makes SSF4, in terms of sale range, look expensive.

    it justifies that price by having all of that content, plus more and you still moan about it?facepalm

    Gamers: we expect cheap prices and free blowjobslaugh
    Posted on 05 May 11 at 14:02
    I was hoping Section 8 would be more successful as an XBLA game, but this amount of success is much more than I expected. smile
  • HWNDarksideHWNDarkside996,773
    Posted on 05 May 11 at 17:29
    Epic KxLIVE said:
    free blowjobslaugh
    Now that goes without saying!
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