Game Discussion: The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena

Melee Combat is Broken

  • Ashen SeraphAshen Seraph1,200,305
    Posted on 04 April 09 at 15:15, Edited on 17 August 11 at 12:16 by drabik
    I seem to remember the melee combat in EFBB to be difficult to master, but by all means fair. They broke it massively in this game. The developers said that they actually sped up Riddick's combat movement, but instead they seem to have sped up the enemy. The frames that an enemy is actually vulnerable to attack is stupidly small. Against the small fry this isn't an issue because of the counter system, against bosses though it is just stupid. Winning is more about sheer luck than anything else.
    TA Clan - 49 20 41 4d 20 4d 41 43 48 49 4e 45
  • Posted on 06 April 09 at 17:03, Edited on 06 April 09 at 17:03 by d3vilsNight
    The melee worked great in the original. If they ruined it, that sucks.

    Escape From Butcher Bay is still one of my favorite original Xbox games. All the bad press DA is getting is beginning to worry me...
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 17 August 11 at 12:19
    This is late I know, but I just picked up this game, and having played EFBB on the original XBOX, I can see a difference in the melee.

    As mentioned i'd not really noticed until I got to the Rust fight, but then it really became obvious. I am only playing on Normal to start with, and the fight must have taken me 5 attempts simply because I had no window in which to attack after blocking. I adore EFBB, but this is a step back in my opinion from the system that worked pretty perfectly (if I remember correctly) in the original.

    Still, the game is just as great as I remember, broken melee or not.
    [12:24:55] drabik: BWT, I don't have any problems with him, I just question his intelligence
  • APB PlaysAPB Plays684,092
    Posted on 13 October 11 at 14:44
    I'm also super late to the party, but I figured I would offer my 2¢. I never played the original, so I can't compare it to that, but I'm now playing through EFBB on Normal difficulty, and I'm finding the melee fights to be quite easy. I think the key is that there's absolutely no need to block; I just mercilessly beat on people with my fists until they go down. Even if they block the attack, it knocks them back and seems to do some damage, so I just advance and punch again until they fall. The only exception so far has been the fight with Bam, who doesn't get knocked back, but with him I just punched, retreated, circled around and punched again, and he went down in maybe 8 or 10 hits. Hope this helps anyone having trouble with the fights.

    And I also agree - the game is all sorts of fun. I normally steer clear of HD remakes of old games that I never played, as I find that they don't hold up to today's standards, but this one is a clear exception. It's great.
    Posted on 27 October 11 at 07:43
    Runch Optimus said:
    I'm also super late to the party, but I figured I would offer my 2¢. I never played the original, so I can't compare it to that, but I'm now playing through EFBB on Normal difficulty, and I'm finding the melee fights to be quite easy.
    Does this include the achievement-related fight?
  • APB PlaysAPB Plays684,092
    Posted on 27 October 11 at 14:17
    EYEHUNTER 42 said:
    Runch Optimus said:
    I'm also super late to the party, but I figured I would offer my 2¢. I never played the original, so I can't compare it to that, but I'm now playing through EFBB on Normal difficulty, and I'm finding the melee fights to be quite easy.
    Does this include the achievement-related fight?
    Yes, the achievement-related fight is the one with Bam that I mentioned above. Really not too difficult on normal.
  • YuhansYuhans224,013
    Posted on 24 May 12 at 15:54
    OK let me add something. I'm playing Butcher Bay on hard right now, and countering is not that bad. In Dark Athena on the other hand it was almost impossible to counter attack on hard. I struggled to beat Iron Lord.
    Everynight I tell myself I am the cosmos.
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