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Windows Phone Releases February 20th, 2013

  • finallife6finallife61,881,210
    Posted on 20 February 13 at 20:55
    I wouldnt be caught dead supporting shitty Nokia so i'll suffer with Samsung I guess...
    I really do hope all Nokia exclusives drop to all specially when no wp7 games come out anymore....
  • Posted on 20 February 13 at 21:12
    Dear Microsoft, I thought you were greedy money hungry people, guess not since you lose a huge part of your market that is already small by releasing these exclusives. Assholes.
    IT'S CLOBBERIN' TIME!!!!! BlaziNBuckwheaT
  • Bryan2041Bryan2041182,913
    Posted on 20 February 13 at 21:13
    Chromium Stars said:
    So glad I got my 920 :) And glad I have a pile of WP credit stored up from Bing Rewards....BEJEWELED AND ZUMA IN A WEEK!?!?!?!?! :D It's like happy birthday from popcap! :D
    Um, what. I thought you couldn't spend MSP in the windows phone store, or is there some sort of thing you can do with Bing Rewards that I am missing.
    On the US xbox website Windows Phone deal of the week is Final Fantasy for $4.99 down from $6.99
  • LAFTALAFTA568,007
    Posted on 20 February 13 at 21:14
    Great view on the exclusives from litepink.

  • liiamiliiami307,554
    Posted on 20 February 13 at 21:17, Edited on 20 February 13 at 21:18 by liiami
    So nothing for non-nokia WP7 owners. This is really disappointing, again.

    I'm due an upgrade next month but I'm seriously not considering a WP8 due to the fact I'll have to get a Nokia or suffer with shit releases.
    Whilst the Nokia line is nothing to be snuffed at, I'm just not sure I can support WP8 when it feels like WP7 has been left to fester in the corner.

    Whilst I realise a dev-unlocked phone can access the Nokia exclusives, I'm just not that bothered any more.
  • Skanker irlSkanker irl1,075,528
    Posted on 20 February 13 at 21:20
    Nokia for the win.
    No Mercy.
  • CASS190684CASS190684264,327
    Posted on 20 February 13 at 21:28
    All 4 are games I'd buy, yet I can't get any of them. Thanks for nothing (again) Micro$oft.
    I like what I like and I don't what I don't.
  • PhxSuns1FanPhxSuns1Fan593,106
    Posted on 20 February 13 at 21:44
    2 more months for my upgrade then im crushing these games, Nokia ill open my arms to you
    My life doesn't evolve around Xbox, or atleast I keep telling myself that :)
  • JakeythedudeJakeythedude1,313,612
    Posted on 20 February 13 at 21:52
    ALL OF THEM? What kind of bullshit is that?
  • mrsilvxtmmrsilvxtm494,474
    Posted on 20 February 13 at 21:52
    Damn, I wish I didn't have a HTC Mozart now angry
    Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today.
  • Chris8875Chris8875712,857
    Posted on 20 February 13 at 22:06
    Like many on this thread I am disappointed - have been a loyal WP user for 18 months, but because I am:

    * Locked into a two year contract with my phone provider and can't pay to get out of it (nor do I want to) and
    * Bought a WPdevice long long before Nokia decided to support the platform.

    I can't get any of these games. And that has increasingly been the case over the past 4-6 months.

    My loyalty to Windows Phone, and support for it before it became a little more trendy with Nokia, obviously means absolutely nothing to Microsoft, who seemingly refuse to release games like these now on the WP7 platform, or for non Nokia users.

    And there would be plenty of longtime WP users who would feel the same sense of abandonment. Its as if Microsoft is happy to go and play with its shiny new toys and all its new friends, while leaving those loyal for a lot longer in the corner with nothing much to do.

    I have been gearing up to buy a Nokia 920 when my contract runs out in August because I wanted to continue to support the WP platform. But everytime Nokia exclusives and WP8 exclusives are released that exempt a decent number of people from purchasing them, I become a little less enthused.

    Really disappointed - not in Nokia, who are supporting the platform brilliantly. More in MS, who again abandon loyal users of devices and platforms in order to chase the shiny new things.
  • Posted on 20 February 13 at 22:25
    Chris8875 said:
    Like many on this thread I am disappointed - have been a loyal WP user for 18 months, but because I am:

    * Locked into a two year contract with my phone provider and can't pay to get out of it (nor do I want to) and
    * Bought a WPdevice long long before Nokia decided to support the platform.

    I can't get any of these games. And that has increasingly been the case over the past 4-6 months.

    My loyalty to Windows Phone, and support for it before it became a little more trendy with Nokia, obviously means absolutely nothing to Microsoft, who seemingly refuse to release games like these now on the WP7 platform, or for non Nokia users.

    And there would be plenty of longtime WP users who would feel the same sense of abandonment. Its as if Microsoft is happy to go and play with its shiny new toys and all its new friends, while leaving those loyal for a lot longer in the corner with nothing much to do.

    I have been gearing up to buy a Nokia 920 when my contract runs out in August because I wanted to continue to support the WP platform. But everytime Nokia exclusives and WP8 exclusives are released that exempt a decent number of people from purchasing them, I become a little less enthused.

    Really disappointed - not in Nokia, who are supporting the platform brilliantly. More in MS, who again abandon loyal users of devices and platforms in order to chase the shiny new things.
    This!!!!!!! Read please :3
  • BrutalGuitarBrutalGuitar3,258,546
    Posted on 20 February 13 at 22:31
    I'm glad that I recently got the Nokia Lumia 822 that has Windows 8. I don't have to worry about missing out on any new games whether they're Nokia exclusive or Windows 8 only.
  • grex9101grex9101577,108
    Posted on 20 February 13 at 22:44
    You know what?

    Nokia only exclusives fucking suck. angryangryangry

    Utter bullshit, and m$ should get their fucking house in order.
  • Dancsi27Dancsi27190,080
    Posted on 20 February 13 at 22:54
    That's not true, the Lumia 610, 620, 810 and 820 are WP8 also.

    The cheapest one is the 610/620, you can get one unlocked from 300$ from The 810/820 is a little more expensive, around 560-580$. And the Lumia 920 ~780$. Ouch

    Exactly what I was thinking. Games seem to be either Nokia exclusive or making the jump to WP8. And as others have more eloquently put it, there's compatability issues up the ass, not to mention what seems like only two WP8 phones on the market in the Lumia 900 and 920.
  • BrudworxBrudworx288,729
    Posted on 20 February 13 at 22:55
    Glad my GF won me a lumia 820, Nokia is the choice for any mobile 1998 - NOW
    Anyone got some spare XP lying around that i could have?
  • xPut Name HerexxPut Name Herex1,704,422
    Posted on 20 February 13 at 22:59
    I like how Microsoft is getting a lot of hate from people here, when it is really an EA/Nokia deal that MS is powerless to stop. You have to remember that without Nokia, these 20 (total released and unreleased games) may not have come to the WP marketplace at all. Maybe two or three of the really big ones, like Madden or FIFA, but that would likely be it. Nokia, who had already taken a gamble on the WP and its OS, decided it was in their best interest to negotiate a deal with EA for 20 timed-exclusive games, with EA giving Nokia (note, NOT Microsoft giving Nokia) their games in return for doing much of the legwork to get the product out there on the markeplace. Nothing stops other phone companies and game companies from doing the same, but only Nokia has bothered to do so currently.

    One may then argue that sure, Microsoft couldn't stop the deal, but they could still stop the Xbox Live licensing. But think about it for a second, why would they do that? First off, it would be a slap in the face to Nokia, the only company who have switched entirely over to MS's OS, and who are emerging players in the Chinese and developing world markets (where, if you are in the smartphone business right now, you want to be focusing your resources). You can't do that to such important business partners.

    Second, it would break the mold and may scare the other carriers away from carrying WP. Phone exclusives have been a thing pretty much since the birth of the app marketplace, and the only reason these exclusives are being noticed is because their icon carries an "Xbox Live" banner on the tile. If Microsoft were to tell Nokia, "No, you can't have your own exclusives", with Nokia being MS's biggest partner in the WP endeavor, why on Earth would HTC, Samsung, and whoever else carries WP expect to be treated any differently and be allowed to keep their exclusives? They would all instantly drop their WPs from their catalogs (especially Samsung, who don't seem to acknowledge WPs in their lineup over their Android-based Galaxy phones).

    So yes, it is possible for an international, multibillion dollar tech giant to be powerless against two smaller companies, especially when it is depending so much on them to become a power-player in an already established market. In a couple years, if the WP keeps heading down the path it seems to be taking (especially in those emerging markets), then maybe it will be a different case. For now, be happy that Nokia was able to bring 20 additional games to the WP marketplace through their own doing, and Microsoft got them to put a time limit of six months on their exclusivity. Without Nokia exclusives, there would be a much larger complaint about the lack of games for Microsoft's OS.
    I miss the good old days of WW2 Call of Duty
  • A PhizzleA Phizzle150,310
    Posted on 20 February 13 at 23:23
    Mr Rodster said:
    I would gladly buy all four, had I a Nokia phone. I would gladly buy a Nokia phone if the good one were offered on Verizon. I would gladly switch from Verizon if AT&T didn't suck balls.

    Damn you, AT&T!
    I know how you feel man, but you should check out the 8X. Im very happy with it, but if the 920 was on VZW I would of had that phone.
  • WiznyattWiznyatt2,138,901
    Posted on 20 February 13 at 23:25
    DrCanadianNinja said:
    BiLLzThEd0n said:
    I think its time to get rid of my WP7, wtf is the point now =/
    Exactly what I was thinking. Games seem to be either Nokia exclusive or making the jump to WP8. And as others have more eloquently put it, there's compatability issues up the ass, not to mention what seems like only two WP8 phones on the market in the Lumia 900 and 920.
    I have the Lumia 822. Same specs as the 920 but a different footprint. I'm not sure why I went with the 822 in retrospect.
  • Posted on 20 February 13 at 23:28
    Lumia 920 just arrived in Brazil. I`m in !!!
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