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Windows Phone Releases February 20th, 2013

  • Oriole2682Oriole26826,125,822
    Posted on 20 February 13 at 23:29
    To the people that have Nokia WP7, you guys have SpyMouse, Trivial Pursuit & Risk that Nokia WP8 owners DONT have so dont feel too bad...and for the rest of you whiners you do know you can buy a Nokia phone online with NO CONTRACT and hook it up to your computer/WiFi and still get achievements/buy games right?
  • WiznyattWiznyatt2,138,901
    Posted on 20 February 13 at 23:30
    Oh! Because the 920 doesn't have Verizon service! As much as Verizon blows donkey balls they have the best coverage in my area.
  • Posted on 21 February 13 at 00:29
    Bryan2041 said:
    Chromium Stars said:
    So glad I got my 920 :) And glad I have a pile of WP credit stored up from Bing Rewards....BEJEWELED AND ZUMA IN A WEEK!?!?!?!?! :D It's like happy birthday from popcap! :D
    Um, what. I thought you couldn't spend MSP in the windows phone store, or is there some sort of thing you can do with Bing Rewards that I am missing.
    Bing rewards has a new option: - $1.25 - $5.00
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 21 February 13 at 01:45
    Got Zuma's Revenge, lot harder than the Arcade version, plays more liker the original Zuma in a way. The achievement where you have to complete a rail level without moving seems impossible though..
  • Posted on 21 February 13 at 02:04
    finallife6 said:
    I wouldnt be caught dead supporting shitty Nokia so i'll suffer with Samsung I guess...
    I really do hope all Nokia exclusives drop to all specially when no wp7 games come out anymore....
    Lol! This is hilarious.
  • ChrisD0811ChrisD08112,132,164
    Posted on 21 February 13 at 02:17
    Oriole2682 said:
    To the people that have Nokia WP7, you guys have SpyMouse, Trivial Pursuit & Risk that Nokia WP8 owners DONT have so dont feel too bad...and for the rest of you whiners you do know you can buy a Nokia phone online with NO CONTRACT and hook it up to your computer/WiFi and still get achievements/buy games right?
    Actually SpyMouse AND Risk have both since become available on my 920. However, Trivial Pursuit is still a no go. Also, I'm not finding Seasons on my 920 yet. Hmmm...
    First in the World to 1K Dance Central!!
  • Patriot65108Patriot65108866,580
    Posted on 21 February 13 at 05:58
    My contract is up in August and I'm currently on a WP7 handset (HTC Trophy with Verizon). Love the phone and the features, the People tile hub is great. The games, however, suck compared to Android and iPhone counterparts. The only reason why people would even prefer games on WP7 vs the other OS' is because of achievements in the first place. When Microsoft decides to fragment their Windows Phone games between Nokia exclusives, WP8, and WP7 handsets they're only pissing off their loyal customers. convinced me to buy your phone, now WP7 is dead when it comes to Live compatible games? Am I really going to be eager to get out there and get WP8? I don't think so. Whatever idiot is running Windows Phone division at Microsoft better get their head on a chopping block soon because they're pissing away goodwill with their customers and fans really quick.
  • Posted on 21 February 13 at 06:44, Edited on 21 February 13 at 06:46 by mhaskarchief
    Lol at people blaming Nokia/MS
    Nokia made an exclusive deal with EA Games . If deal wouldn't have taken place , EA would have never cared to launch their games on WinPho platform (Like the other devs we don't have Temple run and Subway surfers yet )
    Nokia paid out of their pockets to bring the games to the WinPho platform while getting a timed exclusivity of 6 months (Games like Mirror's edge are already available for other platforms)
    Atleast Nokia is supporting WinPho platform while other OEMs are busy eating fresh Android shit
    I don't know why people are still buying HTC/Samsung phones ..
    Nokia has awesome other first party apps too , plus their after sales support is unmatched .. We Lumia 710/800 users got Bluetooth share and Ringtone maker in 7.8 update not to mention their new Nokia Music+ paid service
  • Posted on 21 February 13 at 06:48, Edited on 21 February 13 at 06:48 by mhaskarchief
    Wiznyatt said:
    Oh! Because the 920 doesn't have Verizon service! As much as Verizon blows donkey balls they have the best coverage in my area.
    Lumia 920 for Verizon will be announced at MWC 2013
    The exclusive deal with AT&T was for only 6 months
  • liiamiliiami307,554
    Posted on 21 February 13 at 07:20
    xPut Name Herex said:
    I like how Microsoft is getting a lot of hate from people here, when it is really an EA/Nokia deal that MS is powerless to stop. You have to remember that without Nokia, these 20 (total released and unreleased games) may not have come to the WP marketplace at all. Maybe two or three of the really big ones, like Madden or FIFA, but that would likely be it. Nokia, who had already taken a gamble on the WP and its OS, decided it was in their best interest to negotiate a deal with EA for 20 timed-exclusive games, with EA giving Nokia (note, NOT Microsoft giving Nokia) their games in return for doing much of the legwork to get the product out there on the markeplace. Nothing stops other phone companies and game companies from doing the same, but only Nokia has bothered to do so currently.

    One may then argue that sure, Microsoft couldn't stop the deal, but they could still stop the Xbox Live licensing. But think about it for a second, why would they do that? First off, it would be a slap in the face to Nokia, the only company who have switched entirely over to MS's OS, and who are emerging players in the Chinese and developing world markets (where, if you are in the smartphone business right now, you want to be focusing your resources). You can't do that to such important business partners.

    Second, it would break the mold and may scare the other carriers away from carrying WP. Phone exclusives have been a thing pretty much since the birth of the app marketplace, and the only reason these exclusives are being noticed is because their icon carries an "Xbox Live" banner on the tile. If Microsoft were to tell Nokia, "No, you can't have your own exclusives", with Nokia being MS's biggest partner in the WP endeavor, why on Earth would HTC, Samsung, and whoever else carries WP expect to be treated any differently and be allowed to keep their exclusives? They would all instantly drop their WPs from their catalogs (especially Samsung, who don't seem to acknowledge WPs in their lineup over their Android-based Galaxy phones).

    So yes, it is possible for an international, multibillion dollar tech giant to be powerless against two smaller companies, especially when it is depending so much on them to become a power-player in an already established market. In a couple years, if the WP keeps heading down the path it seems to be taking (especially in those emerging markets), then maybe it will be a different case. For now, be happy that Nokia was able to bring 20 additional games to the WP marketplace through their own doing, and Microsoft got them to put a time limit of six months on their exclusivity. Without Nokia exclusives, there would be a much larger complaint about the lack of games for Microsoft's OS.
    You seem to have forgotten who owns a large stake of Nokia. Microsoft.

    The hate is not misplaced and not undeserved. 18 month / 24 month contracts are the norm these days. Whilst apple and android customers get shafted by new phones every year, their marketplace doesn't.

    Due to the small nature of the WP marketplace and its lack of non-indie games, if you don't own a Nokia WP you are getting shafted on games to play.
  • PetrifiedPetrified1,715,633
    Posted on 21 February 13 at 08:53
    So sick of these exclusive WP games.
  • Throni360Throni3603,081,020
    Posted on 21 February 13 at 08:54
    Haw many people got a WP? 5% of smartphone users? I love the idea of mobile achievements and bought a WP DAY ONE - like many achievement whores and other gamers. 1 1/2 years later Nokia joined and now almost every game is Nokia exclusive.

    The options are: Either buy a second phone to play those 20 games OR upgrade to a Nokia WP8. If you don't buy a Nokia you miss out on many games. And that's not fair to those who actually wanted to support Microsoft and WP. WP was launched, nobody bought it except for a few achievement whores and it looks like Microsoft said "Fuck it." and Nokia took over and brings us all the games.

    It feels like a scam. I got a decent phone with cool features but absolutely NO support. It's like running out of gas on a desert highway with a gas station nearby that only accepts MasterCard while I have a VISA. A phone with a huge unused potential is just sad. And this is the reason why I won't upgrade to WP8 and won't buy the next Xbox. I won't be fooled again by Microsoft!
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 21 February 13 at 08:56
    Throni360 said:
    Haw many people got a WP? 5% of smartphone users? I love the idea of mobile achievements and bought a WP DAY ONE - like many achievement whores and other gamers. 1 1/2 years later Nokia joined and now almost every game is Nokia exclusive.

    The options are: Either buy a second phone to play those 20 games OR upgrade to a Nokia WP8. If you don't buy a Nokia you miss out on many games. And that's not fair to those who actually wanted to support Microsoft and WP. WP was launched, nobody bought it except for a few achievement whores and it looks like Microsoft said "Fuck it." and Nokia took over and brings us all the games.

    It feels like a scam. I got a decent phone with cool features but absolutely NO support. It's like running out of gas on a desert highway with a gas station nearby that only accepts MasterCard while I have a VISA. A phone with a huge unused potential is just sad. And this is the reason why I won't upgrade to WP8 and won't buy the next Xbox. I won't be fooled again by Microsoft!
    You forgot the option to developer unlock your phone.
  • MaesenkoMaesenko368,058
    Posted on 21 February 13 at 09:42
    I've had my Nokia Lumia 900 WP7 since late October / early November. It's my first phone outside of cruddy prepaid Tracfone and the like, and I couldn't be more pleased with it. I had originally planned on the HTC Titan, but settled for the Lumia when I could no longer find one in stores. It has proven to be a good decision.

    Granted, when I got mine I had no idea about the Nokia exclusive bit. I decided to get a WP because I'm not a fan of Apple and there were far too many choices for the Android market. For a first smartphone, I found the WP to be clean, easy to select from, and hey, it has achievements (a big part of why I wanted the WP).

    As for the people complaining of contracts and providers, I picked up a T-Mobile Monthly4G plan for $50/mo. no contract. My phone was unlocked by AT&T, I have no service problems with the phone or service, and while I do agree there is a lack of good apps, there are diamonds out there. Funny part is, even after buying my phone outright and paying for my monthly refills, I still spend less and get more than most people I know who got a contract with a reduced/no cost handset.
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 21 February 13 at 10:24
    Throni360 said:
    Haw many people got a WP? 5% of smartphone users? I love the idea of mobile achievements and bought a WP DAY ONE - like many achievement whores and other gamers. 1 1/2 years later Nokia joined and now almost every game is Nokia exclusive.

    The options are: Either buy a second phone to play those 20 games OR upgrade to a Nokia WP8. If you don't buy a Nokia you miss out on many games. And that's not fair to those who actually wanted to support Microsoft and WP. WP was launched, nobody bought it except for a few achievement whores and it looks like Microsoft said "Fuck it." and Nokia took over and brings us all the games.

    It feels like a scam. I got a decent phone with cool features but absolutely NO support. It's like running out of gas on a desert highway with a gas station nearby that only accepts MasterCard while I have a VISA. A phone with a huge unused potential is just sad. And this is the reason why I won't upgrade to WP8 and won't buy the next Xbox. I won't be fooled again by Microsoft!
    Totally agree. I've got a HTC HD7 which I got not long after its release, at the time it was the best WP7 phone (this was before Nokia even announced a WP phone.) 2 years down the line and Microsoft have pretty much abandoned the WP7 platform, HTC have abandoned the HD7, and every non-Nokia WP user gets shafted alot by the exclusive games. I'm seriously considering giving up on the WP platform when my upgrade comes in later this year and getting a iPhone which has alot of features that WP is missing.
  • xPut Name HerexxPut Name Herex1,704,422
    Posted on 21 February 13 at 13:39
    liiami said:
    xPut Name Herex said:
    I like how Microsoft is getting a lot of hate from people here, when it is really an EA/Nokia deal that MS is powerless to stop. You have to remember that without Nokia, these 20 (total released and unreleased games) may not have come to the WP marketplace at all. Maybe two or three of the really big ones, like Madden or FIFA, but that would likely be it. Nokia, who had already taken a gamble on the WP and its OS, decided it was in their best interest to negotiate a deal with EA for 20 timed-exclusive games, with EA giving Nokia (note, NOT Microsoft giving Nokia) their games in return for doing much of the legwork to get the product out there on the markeplace. Nothing stops other phone companies and game companies from doing the same, but only Nokia has bothered to do so currently.

    One may then argue that sure, Microsoft couldn't stop the deal, but they could still stop the Xbox Live licensing. But think about it for a second, why would they do that? First off, it would be a slap in the face to Nokia, the only company who have switched entirely over to MS's OS, and who are emerging players in the Chinese and developing world markets (where, if you are in the smartphone business right now, you want to be focusing your resources). You can't do that to such important business partners.

    Second, it would break the mold and may scare the other carriers away from carrying WP. Phone exclusives have been a thing pretty much since the birth of the app marketplace, and the only reason these exclusives are being noticed is because their icon carries an "Xbox Live" banner on the tile. If Microsoft were to tell Nokia, "No, you can't have your own exclusives", with Nokia being MS's biggest partner in the WP endeavor, why on Earth would HTC, Samsung, and whoever else carries WP expect to be treated any differently and be allowed to keep their exclusives? They would all instantly drop their WPs from their catalogs (especially Samsung, who don't seem to acknowledge WPs in their lineup over their Android-based Galaxy phones).

    So yes, it is possible for an international, multibillion dollar tech giant to be powerless against two smaller companies, especially when it is depending so much on them to become a power-player in an already established market. In a couple years, if the WP keeps heading down the path it seems to be taking (especially in those emerging markets), then maybe it will be a different case. For now, be happy that Nokia was able to bring 20 additional games to the WP marketplace through their own doing, and Microsoft got them to put a time limit of six months on their exclusivity. Without Nokia exclusives, there would be a much larger complaint about the lack of games for Microsoft's OS.
    You seem to have forgotten who owns a large stake of Nokia. Microsoft.

    The hate is not misplaced and not undeserved. 18 month / 24 month contracts are the norm these days. Whilst apple and android customers get shafted by new phones every year, their marketplace doesn't.

    Due to the small nature of the WP marketplace and its lack of non-indie games, if you don't own a Nokia WP you are getting shafted on games to play.
    Admittedly, yes, I did forget about Microsoft's stake in Nokia, so they have more control over Nokia, but my other points still stand. Is Microsoft really going to complain about Nokia paying out of pocket for extra games for the WP marketplace, and tell them they can't be exclusive? Company exclusive apps are a fact for smartphones, and I really enjoy some of my HTC ones. If Nokia can't have their exclusives, while would HTC and others expect to have theirs? They could easily leave the WP environment if they thought MS was going to be too restricting on them (I'm not saying that they would leave specifically over exclusive apps, but it sure would make them take a second to think about their partnership).

    And lack of non-indie games, well yeah, because most phones are not designed to be gaming devices. They're smartphones, so they have games on the side of their primary features. I don't know anyone outside of this site who bought a smartphone for the games on it. There's a plethora of both free and cheap apps that are just as fun (if not more fun) than many of the XBL tiles for WP users regardless of handset. If getting games was really the biggest concern for you when choosing a smartphone, then you would have gotten/will get a Nokia, which is kinda the point of Nokia going out and getting this contract in the first place.

    Besides, they're all timed-exclusives through Nokia's deal with Microsoft anyway (Nokia could easily have kept them entirely to themselves without Microsoft's interference). You can't tell me there's a game you just NEED to play now, and are incapable of waiting six months for a cheap phone game, especially when I could find other copies of the game just without that "Xbox Live" banner across the title. Well, you can, but if you stop and think for a second it should turn into a sad reflection for you.
    I miss the good old days of WW2 Call of Duty
  • Throni360Throni3603,081,020
    Posted on 21 February 13 at 13:43
    xPut Name Herex said:
    If getting games was really the biggest concern for you when choosing a smartphone, then you would have gotten/will get a Nokia, which is kinda the point of Nokia going out and getting this contract in the first place.
    Why didn't you tell me that back in 2010, about 1 1/2 years BEFORE Nokia gave a fuck about WP?
  • Posted on 21 February 13 at 13:55
    Nice !
  • Posted on 21 February 13 at 13:58
    Throni360 said:
    xPut Name Herex said:
    If getting games was really the biggest concern for you when choosing a smartphone, then you would have gotten/will get a Nokia, which is kinda the point of Nokia going out and getting this contract in the first place.
    Why didn't you tell me that back in 2010, about 1 1/2 years BEFORE Nokia gave a fuck about WP?
    If you got a Windows Phone in 2010 then you have a phone upgrade with your carrier by now...
  • Throni360Throni3603,081,020
    Posted on 21 February 13 at 14:23
    MC Evil Dead said:
    If you got a Windows Phone in 2010 then you have a phone upgrade with your carrier by now...
    No, my contract ended. The offer was 300€ for a WP8. Way too expensive.
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