Game Discussion: Guitar Hero: Smash Hits

Guitar Hero Smash Hits help

    Posted on 14 May 10 at 20:14
    Hey all, I just discovered the ability to export songs from World Tour and Smash Hits, nifty little function. However, while my copy of World Tour is new, my copy of Smash Hits is used, and didn't come with the instrction booklet, which means, I have no "Unique Owner ID" for Smash Hits and can't export my music. So this brings me to my question. If anyone was to be so kind and provide me with their Owner ID (IF the don't plan on exporting) I'd be very thankful to you. So if you can, and if it's not against the law or anything, send it to me in a message. Thanks
  • Kung Fu RikiKung Fu Riki220,431
    Posted on 17 May 10 at 13:59
    I can't really help you out but I was curious where you were exporting the songs to. How does the export process work?
    *** Message me before voting negatively. I'm always willing to improve my solutions. ***
    Posted on 18 May 10 at 01:47
    It's simple, on Band Hero, there's an option to IMPORT SONGS. It'll ask you to download a DLC update and then it'll ask you which game you want to import from. From there, you choose your game, pay the fee (one time btw) and enter the Owner ID for the game
  • Posted on 04 June 10 at 17:18
    Just as a semi-solution, there seems to be a lot of people trading codes on Craigslist or like GameFaqs/IGN message boards.
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