Game Discussion: The Cursed Crusade (EU)

Chapter 4, Mission 2 - Fixing the glitch

  • Zeta SighZeta Sigh887,035
    Posted on 24 January 12 at 17:32
    So if you've ever played this game you should be aware that some copies of this game simply will not load Chapter 4, mission 2.

    The only way around this is to host/join a game over Xbox Live and complete the level co-operatively.

    If anybody can help me load this level and play it through with me (Collecting the collectibles too) i'd die a happy man.

    I'm unsure if the two different regions can play together (EU/US), but i'm willing to give it a go anyway.

    Thanks for reading and if you can help send me a message on Xbox Live.

    GT: Aero x360a
  • mooglessmoogless229,748
    Posted on 25 January 12 at 06:50
    while i have the game(NA) i havent started it, would i be able to help even if i am not at that point in the game?
    Remember, science rhymes with compliance. Do you know what doesn't rhyme with compliance? NEUROTOXIN
  • Posted on 28 January 12 at 16:07
    no. you can only choose chapters that you have unlocked. and i do not think that you can help out because you will probably need a copy for the same region. The achievements are seperated so the game regions should be seperated too.
  • mooglessmoogless229,748
    Posted on 28 January 12 at 20:06
    DriZzT1987 said:
    no. you can only choose chapters that you have unlocked. and i do not think that you can help out because you will probably need a copy for the same region. The achievements are seperated so the game regions should be seperated too.
    well either way, i got past the mission.
    Remember, science rhymes with compliance. Do you know what doesn't rhyme with compliance? NEUROTOXIN
  • Otouto72Otouto721,635,499
    Posted on 25 May 12 at 15:16
    I've all about this on x360a, I was just prepared to put this in my account after going places with a dummy account for the past week, now I'm totally holding back on this.
  • Priest CrowPriest Crow2,097,628
    Posted on 18 June 13 at 04:22
    My gome got stuck.. I need a partner on this one
  • Desi ShinobiDesi Shinobi741,107
    Posted on 20 January 23 at 15:32
    I am literally going through this right now, it will not load.
  • SSJ3 NathanSSJ3 Nathan388,166
    Posted today at 11:14
    Desi Shinobi said:
    I am literally going through this right now, it will not load.
    Hello this is happening to me now and its frustrating me, I am wondering if you remember how you fixed it.
  • SSJ3 NathanSSJ3 Nathan388,166
    Posted today at 17:32
    Deleting my save and restarting fixed this issue for me.
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