Game Discussion: NASCAR 08

Can u get 100% without online Achievements???

  • Posted on 20 May 11 at 18:00
    Just wondering if i can unlock the 100% achievement without the 2 online achievements? Almost with the game but wanted to know if anyone knew the answer.
  • Will072Will072284,702
    Posted on 21 May 11 at 07:04
    I haven't played it myself but looking at it, the 100% may be closely linked to driver badges in-game and it doesn't seem like there is one for winning a race online or anything so you may still well be able to do this achievement without those discontinued ones.

    I would test it out on a second account first or something if you are worried it will be a waste of time or something. smile
  • Posted on 23 May 11 at 20:22
    Nah i alrdy started lol it would take a LONG time with a 2 account just got all my driver badges and just have to finish my chase mode in first im sitting at 96% so i think theres a chance it will still pop ill post back here when i find out.
  • Will072Will072284,702
    Posted on 23 May 11 at 20:23
    bcleal said:
    Nah i alrdy started lol it would take a LONG time with a 2 account just got all my driver badges and just have to finish my chase mode in first im sitting at 96% so i think theres a chance it will still pop ill post back here when i find out.
    Ah fair enough, I just meant test it out to check out the driver badges and see if any of them involve the online achievements.

    Good luck with chase mode! smile
  • Posted on 23 May 11 at 23:16
    Just finished Everything and it puts me at 99% :/ so u cannot get the 100% achievement without the online things and i didnt simulate the seasons so thats not the problem either......
  • Rob JedRob Jed331,441
    Posted on 26 September 11 at 11:21
    Dagger, I read somewhere in the past that the 100% cheevo will not pop untill you start a new season. Try starting a new season b4 u get rid of the game.
    V/r Rob
  • Posted on 18 January 12 at 06:06
    Yea u did start the new season and it still didn't work kinda suxs but im 99.9% positive that u need the online achievements for the 100% achievement
    Gamma Phi Gamma 1183
  • Uranium DepositUranium Deposit1,330,248
    Posted on 09 May 12 at 00:50
    I too am working on this and am interested. From who has won the achievement it appears that the Trade achievement is not required, but I haven't seen someone with 100% achievement who didn't have online win achieevement. Let me know if you find out anything.
  • Uranium DepositUranium Deposit1,330,248
    Posted on 09 May 12 at 00:55
    I just found someone who won it on Nascar 08 (EU) without the wins achievement but with the trade achievement, so at this point still can't be sure.
  • AbleHenryAbleHenry4,976,685
    Posted on 24 August 19 at 13:54
    I think the 100 % achievement should be flagged as "partially" discontinued.
    I completed all the offline stuff at the EU version but I remaint stuck at 99 % without being able to connect to the EA servers
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