The Bargain Bin

Forum for discussing where to pick up cheap deals

Windows Phone Game Discounts [UPDATE]

  • HolyHalfDeadHolyHalfDead829,213
    Posted on 27 October 13 at 05:35, Edited on 27 October 13 at 06:03 by HolyHalfDead
    Spilner said:
    They dont always advertise with WP, ive seen many a free flash kind of sale.

    Edit: Plus word of mouth is free and effortless to them so why bother making a big fuss saying look at our sale.

    Unnecessarily scaring people isn't needed though.
    You are right that word of mouth works extremely well. Word got around about Injustice being free very quickly, and many people downloaded it because "everyone else" was doing it and were upset when they got banned as many of them had never done anything like that before. Sites like this were assurring them that they weren't doing anything wrong and even if it was wrong to take advantage of Microsofts pricing mistake, that no one has ever been punished for it. My intention is not to scare, but to inform, so people can make up their own mind if the risk is worth it.
  • SpilnerSpilner1,224,348
    Posted on 27 October 13 at 05:43
    Last off topic ill be, we still do not know the exact reason for the bannings so there is no point speculating in yet another thread and scaring people by saying they could get banned for a reason you might not actually be correct on.
    You either hate me or fucking hate me
  • HolyHalfDeadHolyHalfDead829,213
    Posted on 27 October 13 at 06:18, Edited on 27 October 13 at 06:24 by HolyHalfDead
    Spilner said:
    Last off topic ill be, we still do not know the exact reason for the bannings so there is no point speculating in yet another thread and scaring people by saying they could get banned for a reason you might not actually be correct on.
    or might be correct about ;) Who knows? Microsoft know exactly what they are doing when they refuse to give people the exact details on why they were banned. It is all part of their scare mongering tactics. What I do know is there has never been such a big wave of bans that followed the large amount of Xbox 360 content that was available for free in various regions, and for so many sites to withdraw all talk of the topic.

    I wouldn't say our discussion is completely off topic, the topic being "grab some free games while they are free because we don't know why they are free or how long they will be free for" and we are talking about "will I get caught for grabbing free games and if I do what are the consequences?". I would say the risk of Microsoft taking any action against people grabing a few games only worth a few dollars each, is less then when they went after people for getting Injustice and Rayman, but I decided to give the free WP games a miss (as what I could potentially lose far outweighs what I can gain).
  • BSquad56BSquad56331,052
    Posted on 27 October 13 at 07:25
    ok ill bite. Dream Track Nation and Tiny Plane here i come!
  • flip407flip407761,528
    Posted on 27 October 13 at 08:04
    I must've caught this damn early (uk), as i managed to get angry birds space, star wars x2 and amazing Alex for free!
  • Mince Pie 77Mince Pie 77425,739
    Posted on 27 October 13 at 09:01
    Well I managed to get the free games. Hate the fact that they aren't live enabled for WP7.8 :(

    That said, my main reason for getting the angry birds games is coz I find them highly enjoyable. So do my kids so let it be known.... I am actually playing games for FUN!!! WTF??? Who would have thought! ;)
  • pezza888pezza888186,083
    Posted on 27 October 13 at 09:11
    Marcos Aspira said:
    All Angrys Birds that I got for free became trial again... Can't access achievements list at all

    They appear on the Marketplace as paid, except ABSW2 (but this also gets error)
    Has this happened to anyone else?
  • Throni360Throni3603,092,587
    Posted on 27 October 13 at 09:39
    Xtowers said:
    I wouldn't switch regions to get them free, not after so many people got console banned for doing a similar thing on the 360.
    The ban wave had nothing to do with the Oman thing. People got banned for other reasons and they know it.
  • flip407flip407761,528
    Posted on 27 October 13 at 09:41
    pezza888 said:
    Marcos Aspira said:
    All Angrys Birds that I got for free became trial again... Can't access achievements list at all

    They appear on the Marketplace as paid, except ABSW2 (but this also gets error)
    Has this happened to anyone else?
    It hasn't happened to mine - I've played both amazing Alex and AB: Space this morning and I have no issues.

    Reading back through this thread I have seen the argument surrounding account banning. I don't believe that there is any risk of this, as it seems to me that the other instances were through fraudulently using another regions' marketplace (as mentioned). Besides that, I got Monster burner for free when it first came out and I wasn't put into the naughty corner when 8 hours later they decided to start charging for it; it seems like a quick and unplanned developer promotion to me. However this is my own opinion so don't come at me with pitchforks in the night...
  • Posted on 27 October 13 at 11:17
    AB SW2 isn't avaiable yet in Brazil, but it appears on my SD as free and I haven't changed my region to US

    Installed it again and the error at achievements list isn't appearing as they did yesterday

    Kinda freaking out here of being banned :(
  • Posted on 27 October 13 at 11:28
    The others I purchased when they were free appears on my purchase list as retail, going to install Space again to see the achiev issue
  • SwearySeanSwearySean1,593,289
    Posted on 27 October 13 at 11:32
    HolyHa1fDead said:
    If you downloaded any of these free games, then you risk getting a permanent Xbox Live gamertag account ban and loss of access to all your purchases, account balance, live membership and gamerscore. This is what happened to many people a few weeks ago when the prices of some Xbox 360 games showed up as free in certain regions.

    As many members of the TA community will point out, if the price is free and you download it then you know what you are doing is wrong and you are stealing.
    What are you on about? They were listed as free. Why would Microsoft ban people because they listed games for free? That's just a stupid comment.

    This is nothing like the various account glitches that were circulating a while ago AND the people that were banned had used a method to duplicate the games to other gamertags, hence the reason they were banned. All the people I know that used the glitch weren't banned because they didn't dupe the games.
    Don't feed the trolls
  • ChadMarcChadMarc772,599
    Posted on 27 October 13 at 11:35
    ive downloaded lots of games they have put up for free (mistakes or not) but ive never changed my region to do so. you wont get banned for downloading free items (mistakes or not) from your own region.
  • PetrifiedPetrified1,715,421
    Posted on 27 October 13 at 11:44
    pezza888 said:
    Marcos Aspira said:
    All Angrys Birds that I got for free became trial again... Can't access achievements list at all

    They appear on the Marketplace as paid, except ABSW2 (but this also gets error)
    Has this happened to anyone else?
    Nope I just got done playing them and unlocked achievements
  • Posted on 27 October 13 at 11:45
    Weird, I purchased them in my region, but the store says I purchased them at the US store... But they were free at Brazilian store

    Holy crap, freaking out more now, LOL :(
  • Posted on 27 October 13 at 11:48
    Space is retail again to me, althought they appear in the SD as trial, but the achiev error didn't happened
  • SpilnerSpilner1,224,348
    Posted on 27 October 13 at 11:55
    Gotta learn that edit button instead of double posting.
    You either hate me or fucking hate me
  • Posted on 27 October 13 at 13:04
    Glad I am getting the chance to play the Assassins Creed game.
    Prepare for unforeseen consequences!
  • Posted on 27 October 13 at 13:49
    There were none of the cut the rope Games and angry birds Games available for free as i checked.if im not Right,in which region were they free
    Let's hunt some achievements.Look at my boost request list and PM me.
  • Posted on 27 October 13 at 13:58
    Throni360 said:
    Xtowers said:
    I wouldn't switch regions to get them free, not after so many people got console banned for doing a similar thing on the 360.
    The ban wave had nothing to do with the Oman thing. People got banned for other reasons and they know it.
    i can confirm that they re Just trolling - my friend have played the "oman discount" Games and his account and console hasnt been banned.i wouldnt hesitate checkomg out stuff like that because its legal.its Microsoft guilt that set It for free,not our
    Let's hunt some achievements.Look at my boost request list and PM me.
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