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TA's Holiday Gift Guide 2013: Digital Content

  • Got HooyahGot Hooyah466,320
    Posted on 30 November 13 at 12:28
    In blood dragon the year was later then 2007 I thought smile
  • XKingZ0mbieXXKingZ0mbieX1,898,331
    Posted on 30 November 13 at 12:32
    i Would say if i was you Get Blood Dragon one of the best Arcade games of this year! if you played Far Cry 3 then you got to get Blood Dragon it's just to good to pass up.
    xSoWx Zombie ------------------------------------------------------------------- Best Zombie ever!
  • Posted on 30 November 13 at 12:34
    Other than Mickey up there, I have all of those. You guys have some good taste.toast
  • Dresden N7Dresden N7555,964
    Posted on 30 November 13 at 14:06
    If anyone is looking into Blood Dragon, buy it from XBLA on Cyber Monday because it will be 75% off on that day only.
  • l TN95 ll TN95 l149,970
    Posted on 30 November 13 at 14:33
    Dishonored DLC highly recommend Daud <3
  • Posted on 30 November 13 at 15:09
    I wish MS would put all the Mass Effect 3 DLC on sale already cry. Hopefully it'll happen during the X-mas sale.

    Also, TTG is taking their sweet time releasing the 2nd Episode of the Wolf Among Us.
  • Sera Di SiahSera Di Siah1,311,853
    Posted on 30 November 13 at 15:11
    dresdenWWII said:
    If anyone is looking into Blood Dragon, buy it from XBLA on Cyber Monday because it will be 75% off on that day only.
    Due to a huge backlog I never bought it at release though it looked fantastic and heard nothing but good things ever since about it, 75% off will surely push me to get it :)
    We're floating into the Sunset ~
  • RickyGBirdRickyGBird396,623
    Posted on 30 November 13 at 15:11
    Another vote for Blood Dragon. As a fan of FPS and 80s action flicks, I lapped this up.
    Previously on Alan Wake...
  • vSullyvSully1,292,076
    Posted on 30 November 13 at 15:41, Edited on 30 November 13 at 15:41 by vSully
    The Cave was fantastic!

    No love for the Dunwall City Trials?
  • Posted on 30 November 13 at 17:00
    Get Blood Dragon on Monday no matter what!!! One of the best XBLA games. Definitely in my top 5.
    Does this smell like chloroform to you?
  • MaxForce357MaxForce357132,254
    Posted on 30 November 13 at 17:29, Edited on 30 November 13 at 17:29 by MaxForce357
    If you like first-person shooters AT ALL, you have to get Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon.
    You don't even have to like the Far Cry series to like this game.
  • Posted on 30 November 13 at 17:41
    Sera Di Siah said:
    dresdenWWII said:
    If anyone is looking into Blood Dragon, buy it from XBLA on Cyber Monday because it will be 75% off on that day only.
    Due to a huge backlog I never bought it at release though it looked fantastic and heard nothing but good things ever since about it, 75% off will surely push me to get it :)
    I bought FC3: Blood Dragon day one for 1200 MSP ($15.00) and I honestly can say I got my money's worth. The voice acting is top-notch, shooting/stealth mechanics bang on and the whole vibe of this game is incredible. For an XBLA release there is actually a good amount of content to enjoy. Took me 12.5 hours to 100% this game and loved every minute of it. Just one con I experienced with this game. No save point once you start a mission so you have to play the mission to completion for the game to save your progress. Other than this hiccup FC3: Blood Dragon is a fantastic gaming experience that should be enjoyed by all gamers imo.

    No excuses now for owning this "hidden gem" with Monday's sale of 75% off ($5.00). An absolute steal for the admission price !!
  • eHeadacheseHeadaches263,369
    Posted on 30 November 13 at 17:57
    Blood Dragon is sexually good.
  • VeithyrVeithyr354,103
    Posted on 30 November 13 at 19:21
    Thrashballer said:
    I wish MS would put all the Mass Effect 3 DLC on sale already cry. Hopefully it'll happen during the X-mas sale.
    I'm with you on this, I've waited far too long.. cry
    Feel free to add me as a friend here on TA
  • BSquad56BSquad56319,469
    Posted on 30 November 13 at 19:35
    I want The Wolf Among Us but I don't wanna wait around for more episodes to release. Is there a release schedule? I also want Terraria, is it 4 player local co-op?
  • Posted on 30 November 13 at 20:19
    No BattleBlock Theater? I have to say if you're a fan of platformers (and you're not a completionist) that is a great game. Especially since you can do couch co-op.
  • JakeythedudeJakeythedude1,313,548
    Posted on 30 November 13 at 23:20
    Good list here. I have Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, but haven't played it yet. Been meaning to pick up The Wolf Among Us. I love Dishonored, but haven't played the DLC's yet even though I own them.
  • NawtyCawtyNawtyCawty1,205,170
    Posted on 01 December 13 at 00:41
    I can't believe Truck Racer isn't up there.....
  • Posted on 01 December 13 at 01:10
    All great suggestions and most are on sale no?

    The Cave is absolutely fantastic, you need to have 5 playthroughs to get everything but you *want* to to see the different endings, plus it is a very short game after you have beat it once. You will also have new puzzles to do depending on which characters you choose. This is one game where you won't get too bored playing through it again. The graphics/art style are 11/10 top notch, only complaint is the frame rate seems to take a dip sometimes and it chugs along in some sections.

    (Oh yeah, I like the humour and often dark themes, it's quite creepy sometimes. The little drip feeding of the story behind the cave and its 7 characters leave you wanting more and searching for it because you *want to*, not because you have to. Loved it.)

    Other than that, if you don't buy this you are crazy. It's not 50% off, it's 75% off! Best money I have spent in ages.
    The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug ;)
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