The Bargain Bin

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Another EA Windows Phone Sale

  • PetrifiedPetrified1,715,633
    Posted on 10 January 14 at 20:18
    YA BILLY said:
    The time has come for old these old ass WP games to be permanently reduced to $1, instead of putting them on sale over and over at a miniscule discount.
    I agree with this, I have bought every $1 WP and I rarely buy anyone over $1.99 unless it's super easy to complete.
  • WillJoj17WillJoj17379,492
    Posted on 10 January 14 at 20:31, Edited on 10 January 14 at 20:32 by WillJoj17
    Thank you punkyliar for the clarification!

    I rely on your alerts for the weekly specials on WP!
  • NawtyCawtyNawtyCawty1,237,830
    Posted on 10 January 14 at 20:57
    Plants vs Zombies for me, still a bit pricey for an old WP game though.
  • Posted on 11 January 14 at 01:05
    punkyliar said:
    Willkat98 said:
    The article above links to the (possibly) wrong Bejeweled game.

    Bejeweled Live + is the game that is on sale (per the link in Senor Chupon's post above).

    I picked up the regular Bejeweled Live when it was on sale last month. Not sure if that one is also part of the sale.

    I'll be picking up "+" later when I'm over wifi later
    The article links to the right game as per the original source. Bejeweled Live is on sale although it was cheaper last month. However, + is also on sale according to the new source. I'll add it to the list.

    The new source is wrong. + is at its original release price of $2.99/£2.29. Bejeweled Live is the title on sale.
    Yeah it isn't just the news source that is wrong it is incorrectly listed under "spotlight" on the marketplace as well but I already downloaded it thinking it was normally $5. I can't be the only person tricked. Who would you contact about this EA support?
  • SashamorningSashamorning3,581,894
    Posted on 11 January 14 at 04:08
    If these are WP7-only, be aware that MS is discontinuing support for the WP7 in the not-so-distant future.
    Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Live like it's heaven on earth.
  • CASS190684CASS190684264,327
    Posted on 11 January 14 at 08:10
    Too bad the other Bejeweled isn't on sale cry Been waiting on that one to get a discount.
    I like what I like and I don't what I don't.
  • xPut Name HerexxPut Name Herex1,704,422
    Posted on 11 January 14 at 13:36
    Sashamorning said:
    If these are WP7-only, be aware that MS is discontinuing support for the WP7 in the not-so-distant future.
    Mainstream support for Windows 7.8 is ending 9/9/2014, and that won't mean the games and apps will just magically disappear then. Just that Microsoft won't be publishing updates beyond then (even tiny security ones). Something I don't think they've done in over a year for WP7.8 anyway.
    I miss the good old days of WW2 Call of Duty
  • NawtyCawtyNawtyCawty1,237,830
    Posted on 11 January 14 at 15:30
    Sashamorning said:
    If these are WP7-only, be aware that MS is discontinuing support for the WP7 in the not-so-distant future.
    And it won't be long until the 360 follows suit I imagine. Bastards.
  • Posted on 11 January 14 at 15:57
    Don't buy Battleship that's got to be the worse version of that game
  • Posted on 11 January 14 at 18:31
    Don't buy battleship or Tetris as they are buggy as fuck!
  • JakeythedudeJakeythedude1,313,612
    Posted on 11 January 14 at 23:19
    I bought Yatzhee, Blobster and Jet Set Go.
  • coipcoip314,515
    Posted on 13 January 14 at 21:34
    skhter said:
    Why would they list Tetris blitz and The Sims freeplay as part of the sale..?
    Because the IAP in those games are on sale.
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