The Bargain Bin

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Square Enix Steam Sale Going On Now

  • litepinklitepink307,511
    Posted on 23 March 12 at 12:36
    Includes a pair of GFWL games, on sale this weekend only.

    Steam often runs sales and specials, and this one from Square Enix happens to include two LIVE enabled titles for PC.

    Battlestations: Pacific (GFWL) - $29.99/£13.99 $14.99/£6.99
    Kane & Lynch: Dead Men (GFWL) - $14.99/£7.99 $7.49/£3.99

    The Square Enix sale is going on now through March 26th. You will need the Games for Windows LIVE client for your computer if you want to earn achievements, which can be downloaded here.
  • Barad 007Barad 007989,015
    Posted on 23 March 12 at 12:37, Edited on 23 March 12 at 12:38 by Barad 007
    Already bought kane & lynch for £2.50 on steam in the last summer sale, might get battlestations need to look at the achievements first.
    Battlefield 3 Gamer!
  • DaeryoonDaeryoon539,810
    Posted on 23 March 12 at 12:41
    Was hoping this was a sale for 360 games or XBLA from Square Enix... :(
  • Posted on 23 March 12 at 12:49
    Aww I was hoping for the new Deus Ex
  • Posted on 23 March 12 at 12:56
    blkalleykat said:
    Aww I was hoping for the new Deus Ex
    It's on sale, but it's not GFWL.
    Grr. Argh.
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 23 March 12 at 13:02
    oh sure why not :)
  • Posted on 23 March 12 at 13:12, Edited on 23 March 12 at 13:16 by Teh Paralyzer
    Pacific was nothing like Midway. Very disappointing.

    Wait a minute I just realized I don't think Midway was GFWL and the 360 version has an achievement in Pacific to have a Midway save file (which Microsoft says achievements like that are not allowed but there it is anyways) does Pacific not have that achievement on PC? I could see this game having jacked up gamerscore like Bioshock 2 PC...although that would screw up orginal 1k.....ah I should just go check.
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 23 March 12 at 13:16
    blkalleykat said:
    Aww I was hoping for the new Deus Ex
    I have it on my steam. If you have any games your willing to swap, we could if you fancy?
  • Posted on 23 March 12 at 13:26
    darn and here I was hoping for a longer list... PASS!
    [Bleep bloop!]
  • jc coldingjc colding1,944,839
    Posted on 23 March 12 at 13:33
    Unreal Japster said:
    darn and here I was hoping for a longer list... PASS!
    this is the only GFWL games. They have all theyre games on sale
  • Zacry072Zacry0721,568,933
    Posted on 23 March 12 at 13:44
    Daeryoon said:
    Was hoping this was a sale for 360 games or XBLA from Square Enix... :(
    Me too :(.
  • BradisonBradison233,567
    Posted on 23 March 12 at 13:58
    Never realized that Kane & Lynch was GFWL. I might have to grab that.
  • Posted on 23 March 12 at 14:11
    Daeryoon said:
    Was hoping this was a sale for 360 games or XBLA from Square Enix... :(
    ...same here
    ^ this
  • finallife6finallife61,880,987
    Posted on 23 March 12 at 15:01
    Why has square been putting all the eidos games and not any good ones (on the list) laugh
  • SebastianSBSebastianSB206,827
    Posted on 23 March 12 at 15:31
    It's worth mentioning that while the overall 50% sale lasts all weekend they're giving specific items an even greater discount each day. Yesterday was the Hitman series for 75% off and today's sale should be starting soon. This means that the two titles above might be even cheaper at some point in the next few days. People are best off if they wait until the end of the sale to pick these games up in case they get even cheaper in the meantime.
    WARNING: This Youtube page may contain sexy gaming commentary -
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 23 March 12 at 15:43
    I've seen K&L for cheaper than that in stores.

    Solid game though, if you've never played it. SIGN IT NOW
  • MH The RockstarMH The Rockstar1,429,371
    Posted on 23 March 12 at 16:07
    Doominatorx6 said:
    I've seen K&L for cheaper than that in stores.

    Solid game though, if you've never played it.
    But the mutliplayer is such a grind... Oh and remember that co-op is only local. At least it is for the 360.
  • AhayzoAhayzo1,773,596
    Posted on 23 March 12 at 16:31
    Teh Paralyzer said:
    Pacific was nothing like Midway. Very disappointing.

    Wait a minute I just realized I don't think Midway was GFWL and the 360 version has an achievement in Pacific to have a Midway save file (which Microsoft says achievements like that are not allowed but there it is anyways) does Pacific not have that achievement on PC? I could see this game having jacked up gamerscore like Bioshock 2 PC...although that would screw up orginal 1k.....ah I should just go check.
    You can download the demo for Midway and play it, Pacific will recognize that file. But yes, it does have that achievement.
  • MtldMtld2,636,554
    Posted on 23 March 12 at 16:59
    alklein92201 said:
    You can download the demo for Midway and play it, Pacific will recognize that file. But yes, it does have that achievement.
    Nice! Good idea!
  • ItalicpigeonItalicpigeon153,210
    Posted on 23 March 12 at 19:39
    2 awful games A WOOHOO!
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