The Bargain Bin

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XBL Sale Roundup: April 8th, 2014

    Posted on 08 April 14 at 22:23
    2.99 for a game that you will never be able to complete. sweet!! Im in!
  • robdupprobdupp434,806
    Posted on 08 April 14 at 22:45
    janiwesterling said:
    Would've gotten Rio if the Euro-Dollar conversion rate wasn't so bad
    9.89 euro = $13.64 so it is cheaper for you already not to mention, the price in $ isn't what we're actually charged when purchasing content on xbl , idk if it varies by states or title but I get charged 9% +(put the plus because one game I dl was 9.99 but with taxes was 13.64) in taxes
  • BSquad56BSquad56319,522
    Posted on 08 April 14 at 23:10
    Remember Me is one of my favourite games from this console generation. The story is really where it's at and you can customize your combos so don't believe people if they tell you the combat gets stale.

    Also, Alan Wake is definitely worth the price! Don't forget the DLC!
  • S P 4 C E YS P 4 C E Y407,279
    Posted on 08 April 14 at 23:21
    At "67% off" - the Gears of War games are still substantially more expensive than they are second hand in CEX.

    I really do wonder if MS/Sony will ever deploy a pricing model that benefits developers and consumers alike.
    Category 4D SFA Referee - PSIA Freestyle Ski Coach with M.A in Politics. Random huh?
  • mamilo1mamilo1133,357
    Posted on 08 April 14 at 23:28
    Arbiter31996 said:
    Looking into Castle Crashers....
    I love Castle Crashers. One of my very first Arcade purchases. It is an absolute blast to play with friends.
  • CASS190684CASS190684264,077
    Posted on 08 April 14 at 23:46
    Was hoping Fire Pro Wrestling DLC would be on sale too :(
    I like what I like and I don't what I don't.
  • gobey17gobey171,022,695
    Posted on 08 April 14 at 23:46
    Considering the Gears of War 3 pass, even though I won't be attempting Seriously 3.0/some of the long-ass multiplayer achievements to actually fully complete the game annoyingly. Rather complete and enjoy multiple other games then being stuck on one for months.

    And maybe I'm being a tight-wad but I'll wait till Remember Me goes just a tad cheaper.
  • KilldbyNecropsyKilldbyNecropsy1,145,097
    Posted on 09 April 14 at 00:15
    Torn on Remember Me, Dragons Dogma, and reacquiring Halo Wars
  • ITS ALivExITS ALivEx462,611
    Posted on 09 April 14 at 00:19
    $6.59 for GoW 3 seems like a steal to me
    PSN ID: ImFunnyHow
  • Posted on 09 April 14 at 00:22
    bought castlestorm and charlie murder myself with the bing rewards ive been saving lol
  • Throni360Throni3602,879,586
    Posted on 09 April 14 at 00:49
    Too many repeated deals or deals on broken games.
    Posted on 09 April 14 at 01:58
    Is Shadow Hunters -- the DLC for Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet -- worth $4.99?
  • acedawg4acedawg43,420,089
    Posted on 09 April 14 at 02:46
    2 games for me out of all this crap! Ill try out Castlestorm and homerun sure a few of this will be free with gold next
  • BreakfasBreakfas210,571
    Posted on 09 April 14 at 02:47
    A lot of these game I already picked up for free during Free Games with Gold so nothing really here for me.
  • RoboShatnerRoboShatner204,173
    Posted on 09 April 14 at 05:17
    Metaltildea said:
    Is Gears 3 worth buying? I can't remember which but hear either 3 or judgement was pretty bad.
    It's no Binary Domain.
  • PetrifiedPetrified1,683,371
    Posted on 09 April 14 at 06:20
    Alan Wake for me
  • Kalkane101Kalkane10159,037
    Posted on 09 April 14 at 06:48
    Alan wake dlc now costs more than the game
  • Posted on 09 April 14 at 06:57
    misfit119 said:
    It's interesting seeing so many people in this thread who actually recommend Remember Me. I don't think I've seen a completely terrible game get defended this much since Risen 2... maybe Gothic 2. Anyone thinking of buying it might want to read some reviews for it, I normally do a few professional ones and then a few user reviews, since the general consensus seems to be that its somewhere between fairly decent with a few interesting ideas all the way to being a mish-mash of half-baked ideas that all individually suck and come together to create a real PoS.

    That said this is a pretty damn good sale even if there's nothing here for me beyond Castlestorm. Actually, how is Battleblock Theater? There's no reviews for it on the site.
    On the contrary, when I played Remember Me and then read the reviews, I was genuinely shocked. In a genre filled with over-rated games, it's one of the better action-adventures on offer. It looks great, it handles great, it has a great story, a great world, great sequences...
  • Legohead 1977Legohead 19772,178,193
    Posted on 09 April 14 at 09:28
    Too many unobtainable achievements this week, that or good prices until you factor in the DLC (why do I have to get it all?)...still a couple to interest me though, which is much better than nothing!
    Legohead 1977
  • Posted on 09 April 14 at 11:25
    Metaltildea said:
    Is Gears 3 worth buying? I can't remember which but hear either 3 or judgement was pretty bad.
    Judgment is not too bad as long as you know thats its not an important story or really a step forward for the series. Gears of War 3 is a top top game!
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