misfit119 said:It's interesting seeing so many people in this thread who actually recommend Remember Me. I don't think I've seen a completely terrible game get defended this much since Risen 2... maybe Gothic 2. Anyone thinking of buying it might want to read some reviews for it, I normally do a few professional ones and then a few user reviews, since the general consensus seems to be that its somewhere between fairly decent with a few interesting ideas all the way to being a mish-mash of half-baked ideas that all individually suck and come together to create a real PoS.
That said this is a pretty damn good sale even if there's nothing here for me beyond Castlestorm. Actually, how is Battleblock Theater? There's no reviews for it on the site.
On the contrary, when I played Remember Me and then read the reviews, I was genuinely shocked. In a genre filled with over-rated games, it's one of the better action-adventures on offer. It looks great, it handles great, it has a great story, a great world, great sequences...