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Windows Phone Release: September 18, 2013

  • litepinklitepink307,511
  • Posted on 18 September 13 at 19:05
    Nice I guess I will delete the first one and download this one since I finished it a few weeks ago
  • XtowersXtowers1,321,047
    Posted on 18 September 13 at 19:17
    I should probably just grab all the angry birds games. I'm going to play them all anyways, and I don't think they'll ever be cheaper that $0.99, and I wouldn't want them to disappear on me like the original.
  • REB3LREB3L1,857,007
    Posted on 18 September 13 at 19:57
    Please let this be an easy completion!!!
  • Posted on 18 September 13 at 20:00
    Looks like another game that will take forever and a half, but it's hard for me to resist at only $1
  • boldfoxrdboldfoxrd575,838
    Posted on 18 September 13 at 20:10
    Just started it. The vulture Qui-Gon is pretty cool and the Darth Sidious pig rules.
  • Posted on 18 September 13 at 20:54
    Well worth 79p. Even though its only Angry Birds it seems to play/launch better (if you get what I mean?). Quite impressed tbh
    If at first you don't succeed,boost.
  • xPut Name HerexxPut Name Herex1,707,765
    Posted on 18 September 13 at 21:13
    Yes! This has easily been my most anticipated game of the month (nope, not joking). The original was an absolute blast. And released a day early too! smile
    Gamers have two hobbies: Playing games, and complaining about those games
  • boldfoxrdboldfoxrd575,838
    Posted on 18 September 13 at 21:19
    xPut Name Herex said:
    Yes! This has easily been my most anticipated game of the month (nope, not joking). The original was an absolute blast. And released a day early too! smile
    Did you like the FB page too then :D
  • WinMo KirbyWinMo Kirby312,022
    Posted on 18 September 13 at 21:26
    boldfoxrd said:
    Did you like the FB page too then :D
    There was a Facebook thing? Well, good job people who pay attention to these sort of things. You're a credit to the force.
  • Humanguy1Humanguy1555,416
    Posted on 18 September 13 at 21:53, Edited on 18 September 13 at 21:53 by Humanguy1
    when is it coming out for windows 8 ?
  • NO1KEVNO1KEV3,696,866
    Posted on 18 September 13 at 23:21, Edited on 18 September 13 at 23:26 by NO1KEV
    Well i cant find angry birds star wars and space on my wp8 so have they been delisted? Anyone know? Also sonic 4 ep1 is showin as £1.49 so dunno if that is this weeks dotw or a temp/permanent price drop
    nevermind the ta link to star wars and space work. Weird they are not showin up in marketplace on my wp8 but star wars 2 is on there!
  • grex9101grex9101577,602
    Posted on 19 September 13 at 11:58
    Yup, will be buying.

    Possibly my last ever WP purchase as I'll be jumping to Android next month. Over two and a half years with WP is more than enough, sick of apps available for other platforms taking years to be released (if at all) and zero handset innovation.
  • Posted on 19 September 13 at 14:40
    grex9101 said:
    Yup, will be buying.

    Possibly my last ever WP purchase as I'll be jumping to Android next month. Over two and a half years with WP is more than enough, sick of apps available for other platforms taking years to be released (if at all) and zero handset innovation.
    You can still use the wp8 for xbl games even without a contract. Just keep the device at home and you can use it like a handheld console.
  • grex9101grex9101577,602
    Posted on 19 September 13 at 15:37
    trufflesonline said:
    grex9101 said:
    Yup, will be buying.

    Possibly my last ever WP purchase as I'll be jumping to Android next month. Over two and a half years with WP is more than enough, sick of apps available for other platforms taking years to be released (if at all) and zero handset innovation.
    You can still use the wp8 for xbl games even without a contract. Just keep the device at home and you can use it like a handheld console.
    Possibly. Although I'll probably only be able to do that for another year or so until WP9 comes out and WP8 gets abandoned, just like WP7 did.
  • I Spiritus II Spiritus I211,993
    Posted on 19 September 13 at 20:00
    All Windows Phone 8 devices will run Windows Phone 9. Was confirmed ages ago :).
  • Posted on 19 September 13 at 22:09
    Damn they brought back the get all 3 stars achievements this is going to make this a much more difficult completion than the first game
  • Al RajulAl Rajul244,743
    Posted on 20 September 13 at 20:20
    grex9101 said:
    trufflesonline said:
    grex9101 said:
    Yup, will be buying.

    Possibly my last ever WP purchase as I'll be jumping to Android next month. Over two and a half years with WP is more than enough, sick of apps available for other platforms taking years to be released (if at all) and zero handset innovation.
    You can still use the wp8 for xbl games even without a contract. Just keep the device at home and you can use it like a handheld console.
    Possibly. Although I'll probably only be able to do that for another year or so until WP9 comes out and WP8 gets abandoned, just like WP7 did.
    We get it - you're leaving Windows Phone behind. Glad to see you're not bitter about it.
  • boldfoxrdboldfoxrd575,838
    Posted on 20 September 13 at 23:41
    wbs 101 said:
    Damn they brought back the get all 3 stars achievements this is going to make this a much more difficult completion than the first game
    True but other than Rio's get nearly all stars achieves, this one is the first to bring out the 3 stars achieves since the first so I'm quite keen on this. Unlike SW1, it makes the grind for the hours achieves more enjoyable since some level of skill is needed.
  • NawtyCawtyNawtyCawty1,240,127
    Posted on 21 September 13 at 16:00
    Its a bit galling that WP7 has been abandoned already. It doesn't bode well for the 360 when the One comes out, especially since the launch titles are so shit cry
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