Game Discussion: The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena

Riddick Dark Athena MP achievements unlockable offline?

  • I Ebon Hawk II Ebon Hawk I2,528,972
    Posted on 15 September 12 at 21:28
    I noticed that the achievement flags for the multiplayer achievements in this game were updated recently to show that they can be obtained online or offline. Since the game came out, I have assumed they can only be unlocked Online. I haven't been able to confirm that they can be unlocked in offline system-link on any other site outside TA. I was wondering if anyone could confirm it? Thanks :)
  • GunnerkiteGunnerkite425,014
    Posted on 01 October 12 at 15:41
    I would love to know this as well. Be great if they could be... I might actually go and play it again to finish it off. As I rememeber though, it didn't have split screen options so not sure how you could get them off-line, unless they've added that option as well.
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 05 November 12 at 21:29
    I dont think you can get them off line, how ever as theres 3 of us still needing some chevo's mesage me to arange a boosting sesion I can get a 4th player.
  • XxXxS8TNxXxXXxXxS8TNxXxX540,627
    Posted on 19 November 12 at 04:16
    hey would love to get the online acheves with a group sometime. Just let me know or add my gamertag and message me.
  • Posted on 17 January 13 at 15:13
    I would like to do some mp boosting, just add me on xbox or here. I need to pick the game up but would be ready to roll in 2-3 days
  • Impdaddyzer0Impdaddyzer0211,605
    Posted on 19 January 13 at 04:40, Edited on 08 February 13 at 22:22 by Impdaddyzer0
    Actually, you can get the achievements offline. However, it does require System Link with another console/copy of the game, as there is no splitscreen or "local" MP. Also, the achievement won't be timestamped, since you (well, at least I) can't be in system link and online at the same time. I know that timestamps can be a big thing for some people, so I just wanted people to know ahead of time. :)

    Edit: I just wanted to reiterate that anything earned in System Link matches (flags, kills, wins, etc.) does, in fact, count towards your overall totals, even if part of those overall totals were earned online.
    \m/ IMP \m/ That's what it says: A horrible person. We weren't even testing for that. \m/ IMP \m/
  • GunnerkiteGunnerkite425,014
    Posted on 21 January 13 at 10:44
    cheers for the info Imp. I figured it would be something like that. well I'm not shelling out for another console just to get these out of the way (and some need 3/4 players anyway!), maybe I'll wait till I get the nex Xbox, assuming backwards compatability...
  • Impdaddyzer0Impdaddyzer0211,605
    Posted on 08 February 13 at 22:25
    Yeah, the main reason I have 2 consoles is because I had to have the Halo 4 console. That thing is sweet! If you can get a hold of a used console cheap, it is definitely worth having two. There are a LOT of achievements in a LOT of games that can be double boxed. If you happen to have a turbo controller, many of them can even be idle boosted, hands free. :)
    \m/ IMP \m/ That's what it says: A horrible person. We weren't even testing for that. \m/ IMP \m/
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