The Bargain Bin

Forum for discussing where to pick up cheap deals

XBL Sale Roundup: January 27th, 2015

  • Posted on 28 January 15 at 07:19
    warm slurm said:Is it okay to switch regions to buy games from other marketplaces? I want to get DA:I but the difference between the US price and the UK price is £10. Not sure if you're allowed to do so, or even if the game is region-locked, etc.It's fraud to switch your region to take advantage of deals. Depending on how bored Microsoft gets, they could banhammer you on their next outing.
    Supporter of unpopular opinions.
  • ITS ALivExITS ALivEx464,374
    Posted on 28 January 15 at 07:50
    Army of Two: The 40th Day
    Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel

    Out of these games, which does the community recommend if wanting to stick with single player? Don't like co-op pm my first playthrough, and probably won't get around to playing these a second time.

    Heavy on the co-op required achievements would be a negative as well.
  • Phoenix C64Phoenix C64320,385
    Posted on 28 January 15 at 08:15
    Everard Cox said:Army of Two: The 40th Day
    Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel

    Out of these games, which does the community recommend if wanting to stick with single player? Don't like co-op pm my first playthrough, and probably won't get around to playing these a second time.

    Heavy on the co-op required achievements would be a negative as well.
    Syndicate and 40th day have MP achievements. 40th day has discontinued achievements due server closed.
    I guess I would suggest Syndicate as it's a better game overall, alltho I really enjoyed splitscreen with a buddy on the army of two games.
    if I had to chose 40th day or devils cartel, i'd chose 40th day. liked game mechanics (like remove silencer and scope in mid battle) more and story was more fun with the morality choices.
    Nerd Rage:
  • mijn kontmijn kont250,162
    Posted on 28 January 15 at 08:18
    Although I've never really played a NFL game and don't know that much about it (yet) I am tempted to buy NFL 15 cause I'd do like to get into it.

    Can anyone recommend?
  • warm slurmwarm slurm1,030,686
    Posted on 28 January 15 at 08:29
    Mobius Evalon said:warm slurm said:Is it okay to switch regions to buy games from other marketplaces? I want to get DA:I but the difference between the US price and the UK price is £10. Not sure if you're allowed to do so, or even if the game is region-locked, etc.It's fraud to switch your region to take advantage of deals. Depending on how bored Microsoft gets, they could banhammer you on their next outing.Hmm, okay. Thanks. I guess I'll bite the bullet and find some cheap UK gift cards to buy DA with, then. And usually MS's conversion rates are good...
  • Phoenix C64Phoenix C64320,385
    Posted on 28 January 15 at 08:44, Edited on 28 January 15 at 08:45 by Phoenix C64
    warm slurm said:Mobius Evalon said:warm slurm said:Is it okay to switch regions to buy games from other marketplaces? I want to get DA:I but the difference between the US price and the UK price is £10. Not sure if you're allowed to do so, or even if the game is region-locked, etc.It's fraud to switch your region to take advantage of deals. Depending on how bored Microsoft gets, they could banhammer you on their next outing.Hmm, okay. Thanks. I guess I'll bite the bullet and find some cheap UK gift cards to buy DA with, then. And usually MS's conversion rates are good...just to clarify (coz i am sure someone will wanna come and argue what has been said)

    it's not fraud to switch regions. it's fraud to fake a billing address.
    and that has nothing to do with microsoft. it's the LAW of each country that considers this fraud.

    and yeah, you're breaking microsofts terms and agreement, which states the same thing as those laws, and ultimately it's microsoft who can (if and when they want) drop the banhammer.
    Nerd Rage:
  • warm slurmwarm slurm1,030,686
    Posted on 28 January 15 at 08:56, Edited on 28 January 15 at 09:05 by warm slurm
    Yeah, makes sense. Just I did a little looking around and noticed a quote from when they released the X1 about having digital games be region-free so people could buy from whatever marketplace they wanted to.

    "You can use one of the 13 digital marketplaces corresponding to our launch markets, assuming you have a valid payment instrument for those countries. Lots of people in Europe specifically travel, move, and visit family," he continued before slyly adding "Now, of course, if you were using Pre-Paid cards..."

    Obviously that does not say you can just buy it because they mention a valid way of paying, which probably includes a proper billing address etc., but a lot of places online now allow you to buy US prepaid cards for PS/Xbox without the use of a US address, is all. I thought it might be okay to do otherwise there's not much point in making digital games region-free, but I guess they changed their stance on it.

    Anyway, doesn't matter. I'd rather be safe than sorry. :p
  • Posted on 28 January 15 at 09:33
    • Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition - 50% offIt's mine clap
    • Battlefield 4 - 67% off - Now US$13.20 / £13.20 / €23.10 / AU$32.98 / ¥2245 *
    • EA SPORTS UFC - 75% off - Now US$10.00 / £13.75 / €17.50 / AU$12.49 / ¥1701 *
    • Need for Speed Rivals "Complete Edition" (includes all DLC) - 75% off - Now US$15.00 / £13.75 / €17.50 / AU$24.99 / ¥1156 *
    • Peggle 2 "Magical Masters Edition" (includes all DLC) - 67% off - Now US$4.95 / £4.22 / €4.29 / AU$6.58 / ¥535 *
    • Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare - 75% off - Now US$10.00 / £8.75 / €10.00 / AU$12.49 / ¥891 *
    Remember that these games can be received by subscribing to EA Access for only € 24.99 [annual subscription] or € 3.99 [monthly]. You can terminate the subscription and the games will still own!
    >> Let's go Bucs <<
  • ChadMarcChadMarc772,594
    Posted on 28 January 15 at 09:58
    warm slurm said:Yeah, makes sense. Just I did a little looking around and noticed a quote from when they released the X1 about having digital games be region-free so people could buy from whatever marketplace they wanted to.

    "You can use one of the 13 digital marketplaces corresponding to our launch markets, assuming you have a valid payment instrument for those countries. Lots of people in Europe specifically travel, move, and visit family," he continued before slyly adding "Now, of course, if you were using Pre-Paid cards..."

    Obviously that does not say you can just buy it because they mention a valid way of paying, which probably includes a proper billing address etc., but a lot of places online now allow you to buy US prepaid cards for PS/Xbox without the use of a US address, is all. I thought it might be okay to do otherwise there's not much point in making digital games region-free, but I guess they changed their stance on it.

    Anyway, doesn't matter. I'd rather be safe than sorry. :p
    the first time you try to add credit to an account it asks you for a billing address
  • MaesenkoMaesenko368,058
    Posted on 28 January 15 at 11:07
    Man, all that Mass Effect content is worth it. As is Dragon Age and KoA. Except, I already own all of it, save for the Firefight Pack for ME3. I'll pitch them a buck for more weapons, I still have to do the DLC and Insanity yet.

    Still, this is quite an impressive sale. If nothing else, I give kudos for that.
    "You can't spell ignorant without IGN."
  • G0DLY 5NiPeRG0DLY 5NiPeR584,898
    Posted on 28 January 15 at 11:53
    Catching ZZZs said:I value the opinion of total strangers. What's more fun? Crysis or Dead Space?I guess it depends on whether you prefer survival horror games over another FPS. Don't get me wrong, Crysis is a great game, but for someone who enjoys survival horror more, Dead Space is the way to go. The first game is also the best in the Dead Space series, before they started to change the theme of it from horror to more action.
    "If today were the last day of your life, would you want to do what you are about to do today?" - Steve Jobs
  • QuadrahandsQuadrahands540,188
    Posted on 28 January 15 at 11:58
    Prototype 2 cheaper than the first one for UK and Europe. Mistake? Probably not, just microsoft fucking with us again. Good sale though, might get Another world.
    I went outside once, the graphics were amazing but the characters and storyline were truly awful.
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 28 January 15 at 13:01
    Time to buy titsnfall season pass only 6e
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 28 January 15 at 13:11
    Hmmmmm... Need to check if I bought all DLC for ME3 already.
    There's no accounting for taste, it'd be best if everyone just respected that.
  • KKMPKKMP197,801
    Posted on 28 January 15 at 13:17, Edited on 28 January 15 at 13:28 by KKMP
    Great sale! This is how it should look like more often.
    So far I got Crisis & NFS: Most Wanted (2012). But some more are really tempting.
    Crysis 2, Mirror's Edge, Dragon Age: Origins, Dead Space, ehhhh... My backlog is big as well... What to do? What to do?...roll
  • Posted on 28 January 15 at 14:34
    Crysis 3, Fuse, and Dead space are steals for that price smile
  • maguzzolomaguzzolo677,317
    Posted on 28 January 15 at 16:13
    Thinking about getting Fuse... anybody interested in some co-op?
  • Posted on 28 January 15 at 16:53
    Nothing new here for me.
  • JMJimmyJMJimmy669,492
    Posted on 28 January 15 at 17:09
    Risen 2 DLC is on sale too... 50% off
    Life, it's funny that way.
  • ChewieOnIceChewieOnIce2,512,390
    Posted on 28 January 15 at 18:26, Edited on 29 January 15 at 09:47 by ChewieOnIce
    JMJimmy said:Risen 2 DLC is on sale too... 50% offAs these weren't discounted on the usual day and aren't announced anywhere they're likely perma-discounts. Might not be tho.

    EDIT: The discount percentage isn't consistent across regions either which lends more credence to it being a general price drop, not a sale.
    @ChewieOnIce | NewsHound | 'Please don't kill us.' 'Please don't make it so appealing'
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