The Bargain Bin

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XBL Sale Roundup: April 28th, 2015

  • ScrapcanScrapcan1,828,036
    Posted on 29 April 15 at 16:08
    Looks like I will be downloading LEGO Star Wars The Complete Saga, Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2 and Remember Me.
    Gimme the loot
  • MasterpasjeMasterpasje435,911
    Posted on 29 April 15 at 16:20
    Twinkling82 said:So it's Star Wars tables on sale, but it seems to be packs. I tried to read the descriptions on the pages - will buying all three on the sale give me dupes in regard to tables?No dupes for you!
    Star Wars Pinball gives you 3 tables.
    Balance of the Force gives you 3 different tables.
    Heroes Within gives you another 4 different tables.

    10 different tables in total. It's safe to buy them all.
  • Posted on 29 April 15 at 17:20
    redjarman said:I still don't understand how they can charge $50 for the Angry Birds games when almost all of them are FREE on the phoneDifferent format, different price points on the formats. It can't be simpler.

    Master, thank you so much. That's a lot of Star Wars tables..
    Editor-in-chief of Gamin' Girl -
  • HolyHalfDeadHolyHalfDead829,246
    Posted on 29 April 15 at 20:25, Edited on 29 April 15 at 20:35 by HolyHalfDead
    Project Root 30% off (Gold Exclusive) until 11th May 2015
    Adventure Time: The Secret of the Nameless Kingdom 33% price drop

    MC PHILABUSTA said:Tons of stuff :) any guess on what games for gold will bring for the month of may ?CastleStorm – Definitive Edition FREE from 1st May 2015
    Mafia II FREE from 1st May 2015
    F1 2013 FREE from 16th May 2015

    Taken from HolyHa1fDead's Blog
    He's not a man. He's the holy Half-Dead who has seen the Underverse and returned with powers you can't imagine.
  • Posted on 29 April 15 at 20:47
    RE4 and RECV for me, last time I played them was on the Dreamcast, Gamecube, and finally both on the Playstation 2 lol
  • MaesenkoMaesenko368,058
    Posted on 29 April 15 at 21:19
    Masterpasje said:No dupes for you!
    Star Wars Pinball gives you 3 tables.
    Balance of the Force gives you 3 different tables.
    Heroes Within gives you another 4 different tables.

    10 different tables in total. It's safe to buy them all.
    So which console do I have to get them on in order to have them carry over to the other?
    "You can't spell ignorant without IGN."
  • Posted on 29 April 15 at 21:37
    Guess ill finally bite on Dragons Dogma.

    Ducktales is awesome!

    Really tempted to get Resident Evil, but 25% isn't enough. I know it will hit 50% eventually
    Your achievements are belong to us!
  • AhayzoAhayzo1,773,640
    Posted on 29 April 15 at 23:25
    Maesenko said:Masterpasje said:No dupes for you!
    Star Wars Pinball gives you 3 tables.
    Balance of the Force gives you 3 different tables.
    Heroes Within gives you another 4 different tables.

    10 different tables in total. It's safe to buy them all.
    So which console do I have to get them on in order to have them carry over to the other?
    You have to buy the 360 version to transfer it over. The 360 version gives you 360/One, the One just gives you the One.
  • Free RiegnFree Riegn783,698
    Posted on 29 April 15 at 23:37
    Antr0p0phagus said:Is Dragons Dogma any good?Dragon's Dogma is freaking excellent my friend.

    Since some of you guys said that puzzle fighter is to good to pass up... I will be picking it up. Question is who will help me get the online chivos???
    Yeah Buddy!!!
  • Wanderer128Wanderer128241,795 241,795 GamerScore
    Posted on 30 April 15 at 08:15
    gobey17 said:But I'm already distracted with several games so probably best if I let it go for now.Definitely the right way to think!
    Wanderer128 - See this Thread!!!:
  • IainocoIainoco147,482
    Posted on 01 May 15 at 16:08
    Bit pissed that on the 360 it specifically says full game for RE Revelations 2 when its just episode 1
  • AhayzoAhayzo1,773,640
    Posted on 01 May 15 at 16:51
    Iainoco said:Bit pissed that on the 360 it specifically says full game for RE Revelations 2 when its just episode 1That's just the way the 360 classifies games, if it were actually part of the game title it'd be different. The base game is always called the Full Game. As far as the system is concerned, Episode 1 is the full game, and the other episodes are just DLC, no different from a game like Battlefield or Mass Effect. The differentiations are from before episodic games so they don't account for that.

    It's a little annoying, but at this point in the console's lifecycle I think people just need to understand how the system works.
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 04 May 15 at 06:16
    Will these be on sale the rest of the day? (4th)
    Obtained the shadows rushed me.
  • ChewieOnIceChewieOnIce2,515,272
    Posted on 04 May 15 at 15:48
    BuryingMe said:Will these be on sale the rest of the day? (4th)Yes, the sales change over on late on the evening of the Monday/early hours of Tuesday. Sometimes the previous discounts last later into Tuesday morning but the timing is variable though so don't leave it too late and be disappointed.
    @ChewieOnIce | NewsHound | 'Please don't kill us.' 'Please don't make it so appealing'
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