The Bargain Bin

Forum for discussing where to pick up cheap deals

Countdown to 2014 Daily Deals: December 18th, 2013

  • HolyHalfDeadHolyHalfDead814,630
    Posted on 19 December 13 at 04:41, Edited on 19 December 13 at 10:13 by HolyHalfDead
    Thursday 19th December 2013 "Forza Horizon"
    Forza Horizon $29.99 $14.99 and Season Pass (includes Rally Expansion Pack) $49.99 $14.99

    Now I can complete Forza Horizon :D

    Forza Horizon Season Pass price comparison:
    Australia $13.23 (14.98AUD)
    Canada $13.98
    US $14.99
    New Zealand $16.19
    UK $16.68
    Europe $19.65


    Borderlands 2 Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack $4.99 FREE

    HolyHalfDead's blog post - Countdown to 2014 Deals - Day 13
  • MaesenkoMaesenko363,377
    Posted on 19 December 13 at 04:52
    Picking up Terraria because my PC buddy has been advocating for it. Looks good, too.
    Picking up Fez because drama aside, still looks like a good game.
    No matter how much I try, I can't get behind Spelunky, so I'm passing on that.

    Here's hoping for some more good deals in the future, particularly Mass Effect 3 DLC.

    See you tomorrow!
  • blackboxroryblackboxrory3,352,111
    Posted on 19 December 13 at 05:53
    HolyHa1fDead said:
    Thursday 19th December 2013 "Forza Horizon"
    Forza Horizon $29.99 $14.99 and Season Pass (includes Rally Expansion Pack) $49.99 $14.99

    Now I can complete Forza Horizon :D

    Forza Horizon Season Pass price comparison:
    Australia $13.23
    Canada $13.98
    US $14.99
    New Zealand $16.19
    UK $16.68
    Europe $19.65


    Borderlands 2 Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack $4.99 FREE

    HolyHalfDead's blog post - Countdown to 2014 Deals - Day 13
    Thanks! Made sure to pick up the Ultimate Vault Hunter upgrade, wouldn't have known it was free otherwise. Cheers mate.
  • matdanmatdan863,301
  • MAH BOI 420MAH BOI 420658,590
    Posted on 19 December 13 at 09:23
    Under no circumstances am I giving Phil Fish money, but Spelunky seems alright for that price.
  • I darklost II darklost I113,436
    Posted on 19 December 13 at 09:24
    DrCanadianNinja said:
    Fez and Spelunky are highly recommended at those prices. Terraria I haven't played enough to give a solid yes/no, but it seemed fun enough.
    Yeah, Fez and Spelunky are really fun game.. and Terraria is awesome game, my opinion.
    >> Tampa Bay Buccaneers <<
  • x RepoUK xx RepoUK x401,688
    Posted on 19 December 13 at 11:29, Edited on 19 December 13 at 11:29 by x RepoUK x
    deutschZuid said:
    HingedMonster said:
    Scoochi2 said:
    OOoops. Bloody work calling me in for overtime made me forget to pick up the BL2 season pass.

    Ah well. 12:30pm the next day and it's still on it's discounted price. Sold! :D
    I almost bought it but decided to wait patiently until a GOTY edition is released and is cheaper than the current season pass price. #superscrimping
    I don't understand. Why would you use hashtags in a forum post??
    Irony, like deliberately typing !!!!!1 or teh :)

    I didn't like the UI for Terraria :(
    Not keen on platformers so gave the other two a miss as well.
  • Posted on 19 December 13 at 18:11
    eLbiChaN said:
    Anyone know if Spelunky supports online coop?
    Unfortunately no! That's the only thing that's really missing!
    Don't open your eyes you won't like what you see! The blind have been blessed with security!
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