Game Discussion: Ice Age Village (WP)

Game crashing on startup

  • Mjolnir 69Mjolnir 692,094,419
    Posted on 31 May 13 at 11:52
    Anyone having issues with game crashing on startup? Comes up with gameloft logo, checking for updates then goes back to game list.
  • MusquitoMusquito826,216
    Posted on 21 June 13 at 14:43
    Switch off your phone. Leave it off for a few seconds and restart your phone. Mostly that does the trick.!/MusquitoBE
  • MusquitoMusquito826,216
    Posted on 25 June 13 at 10:46
    Musquito said:
    Switch off your phone. Leave it off for a few seconds and restart your phone. Mostly that does the trick.
    That does not work.

    Mjolnir 69 said:
    Anyone having issues with game crashing on startup? Comes up with gameloft logo, checking for updates then goes back to game list.
    I got the same problem no. I read on the official forums that this is a know issue. I contacted Gameloft about it.!/MusquitoBE
  • XtowersXtowers1,318,828
    Posted on 13 August 13 at 19:04
    My game is freezing at the social menu, but I think I got it. ;-/
  • o SeduLOUs oo SeduLOUs o777,268
    Posted on 03 September 13 at 18:26
    Mine kept doing this and the problem for me was Facebook. I removed the facebook connection about 3 days ago and haven't had a single issue since.
    Blog: Twitter: @dtiapril
  • GrugGrug663,117
    Posted on 30 June 14 at 00:47
    Hi, having this problem as well. How do you remove the facebook link/connection?
  • Nurse LoraxNurse Lorax337,166
    Posted on 14 July 14 at 01:06
    I've had this problem now for months outta nowhere, anyone have a fix that works yet?
  • o SeduLOUs oo SeduLOUs o777,268
    Posted on 14 July 14 at 07:24
    It's been a while so it's hard to remember but I think I removed a lot of decorations etc from m village and made it as minimal as I could without removing animals. This seemed to allow it to boot up long enough for me to get in and remove the Facebook connection which seemed to give the game enough stability to finish it.

    You might be able to remove the Facebook access from logging in to Facebook on the web instead?

    Not sure there's a sure-fire fix, it's just a pretty unstable game...
  • mosin360mosin360785,342
    Posted on 23 December 14 at 01:45
    For anyone who had the facebook crashing issue, you have to go to facebook itself, settings, and then delete the app.
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  • Posted on 19 March 16 at 17:37
    Thanks all this helpedb even after all this time.
  • RichRichie1989RichRichie19891,926,641
    Posted on 14 June 16 at 18:49
    anyone help me afte i shared something from the game when you win coins it kept going back to my list of games so i decided to uninstall it but then when i went back on the store i couldnt find it angry
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