The Bargain Bin

Forum for discussing where to pick up cheap deals

Red Stripe Deals: April 9th, 2015

  • TrEX 71RTrEX 71R840,502
    Posted on 10 April 15 at 17:23
    ME for me )
  • Redd FiveRedd Five1,168,684
    Posted on 11 April 15 at 01:47
    Guess my phone can't handle the awesomeness of ME.
  • ElyohElyoh1,124,813
    Posted on 12 April 15 at 01:49
    Would be good if we could have these articles tell us if the game is a 1GB game. Personally I'm well aware of what games I can and can't run, but every time a 1GB game comes up the forum always ends up with people lost as to why they can't find it.

    Just an idea laugh
    No God, know fear. Know God, no fear.
  • Demo MCNDemo MCN268,103
    Posted on 12 April 15 at 21:33
    MrZombieChicken said:Demo MCN said:Well, Mass Effect Infiltrator happens to be Only Mass Effect game i don't own.

    Will pick it up.

    Edit: Or not, can't even find it from the store...
    Does your phone have 1GB RAM? If not you won't see it.
    Unfortunately not, so that explains a lot. Thank You...

    Lumia 530 :_:
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