The Bargain Bin

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Red Stripe Deals: November 27th, 2014

  • ZNMSZNMS653,466
    Posted on 28 November 14 at 00:30
    Free is free.
    #1 in the world for Laser kills in the Halo Reach - Anniversary BTB playlist (
  • LuckyKantLuckyKant1,205,650
    Posted on 28 November 14 at 00:39
    ZNMS said:Free is free.Thanks for the clarification. toast
    Hey Niko, its your cousin! Let's go bowling!
  • HolyHalfDeadHolyHalfDead829,254
  • AxessAxess191,404
    Posted on 28 November 14 at 04:52
    Cool, free games. Yay
  • BlackxRyanBlackxRyan1,136,925
    Posted on 28 November 14 at 06:13
    No way to get the games without a Windows Phone ? (I will have one for Christmas).
  • LuckyKantLuckyKant1,205,650
    Posted on 28 November 14 at 06:23
    I presume if you go to the store (check the game page for a direct link to the game) then you can purchase the game and it will download once you sign your account in to the phone.
    Hey Niko, its your cousin! Let's go bowling!
  • NO1KEVNO1KEV3,676,150
    Posted on 28 November 14 at 09:31
    LuckyConquerer2 said:I presume if you go to the store (check the game page for a direct link to the game) then you can purchase the game and it will download once you sign your account in to the phone.i don't think it works like that with phone games. I literally can only download games thru my phone or pc with the phone hooked up to it. If you don't have a wp i don't think you can download anything for it that i know of
  • SpilnerSpilner1,224,477
    Posted on 28 November 14 at 09:37
    NO1KEV said:LuckyConquerer2 said:I presume if you go to the store (check the game page for a direct link to the game) then you can purchase the game and it will download once you sign your account in to the phone.i don't think it works like that with phone games. I literally can only download games thru my phone or pc with the phone hooked up to it. If you don't have a wp i don't think you can download anything for it that i know ofBefore you can buy games via the website a WP has to be tied to your account (You signed in on one)

    Once you've done that you can queue games up on the site or use your phone.
    I speak for me, the site speaks for itself
  • LuckyKantLuckyKant1,205,650
    Posted on 28 November 14 at 09:40
    Yeah, I was not sure. Strange that happens. Thanks for correcting me.
    Hey Niko, its your cousin! Let's go bowling!
  • SpilnerSpilner1,224,477
    Posted on 28 November 14 at 09:52
    LuckyConquerer2 said:Yeah, I was not sure. Strange that happens. Thanks for correcting me.Its the same on the android store I think, assume its to stop you buying things for a system you don't own.
    I speak for me, the site speaks for itself
  • LuckyKantLuckyKant1,205,650
    Posted on 28 November 14 at 10:07
    Every day is a school day. I don't understand why you can get X1 content via the website but not WP, even if you don't own an X1. Is is it something to do with registering a device for the WP whereas on a X1 you just sign in?
    Hey Niko, its your cousin! Let's go bowling!
  • xPut Name HerexxPut Name Herex1,707,027
    Posted on 28 November 14 at 10:18
    Simple, there is only one Xbox One model/specs out there, but hundreds of different phone models/specs out there. The safe assumption if you are buying Xbox One content online is that you have an Xbox One (can't imagine other than GwG why else you would, unless throwing away money is your thing) and thus anything sold will work with your system, but such an assumption about your phone can't be made due to the plethora of different models, some of which may or may not be able to run certain applications/games. Registering first stops a whole lot of "well I bought this for my device but it can't even run it!" style complaints, and is better for the ultimate consumer experience (since an app not being compatible with your phone is automated response, and you don't have to going through a list looking for your phone model for instance).
  • BlackxRyanBlackxRyan1,136,925
    Posted on 28 November 14 at 10:43
    Spilner said:NO1KEV said:LuckyConquerer2 said:I presume if you go to the store (check the game page for a direct link to the game) then you can purchase the game and it will download once you sign your account in to the phone.i don't think it works like that with phone games. I literally can only download games thru my phone or pc with the phone hooked up to it. If you don't have a wp i don't think you can download anything for it that i know ofBefore you can buy games via the website a WP has to be tied to your account (You signed in on one)

    Once you've done that you can queue games up on the site or use your phone.
    Ok thanks.
  • JamPound32JamPound321,533,312
    Posted on 28 November 14 at 11:03
    Hopefully the w8 versions go free as well, my phone isn't good enough for them but my new tablet will be.
  • LuckyKantLuckyKant1,205,650
    Posted on 28 November 14 at 11:06
    Thanks PNH. It is so simple when you think about it. redface
    Hey Niko, its your cousin! Let's go bowling!
  • NO1KEVNO1KEV3,676,150
    Posted on 28 November 14 at 14:23
    xPut Name Herex said:Simple, there is only one Xbox One model/specs out there, but hundreds of different phone models/specs out there. The safe assumption if you are buying Xbox One content online is that you have an Xbox One (can't imagine other than GwG why else you would, unless throwing away money is your thing) and thus anything sold will work with your system, but such an assumption about your phone can't be made due to the plethora of different models, some of which may or may not be able to run certain applications/games. Registering first stops a whole lot of "well I bought this for my device but it can't even run it!" style complaints, and is better for the ultimate consumer experience (since an app not being compatible with your phone is automated response, and you don't have to going through a list looking for your phone model for instance).yep if the game is not compatible or you don't have enough storage space its tells you straightaway before charging you for the paid games which i think is handy.
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