Game Discussion: Ice Age Village (WP)

Achievement not synchronizing on my profile

  • MusquitoMusquito826,254
    Posted on 18 February 15 at 09:18
    I played this game daily when it came out until it froze and was unplayable. I was at level 46 and had only 2 achievements:
    Ice Age Village (WP)The Bigger They AreThe The Bigger They Are achievement in Ice Age Village (WP) worth 32 pointsThe Bigger They Are
    Ice Age Village (WP)The Bestest of the Best!The The Bestest of the Best! achievement in Ice Age Village (WP) worth 57 pointsThe Bestest of the Best!

    I recently bought a new phone and I want to give it another shot, starting from scratch. I noticed in-game that my achievements did not synchronized with those I already had unlocked. Each time I was suppose to unlock an achievement, the in-game message appeared and it light up in the achievement screen in-game.

    Now I got finally to the point where I unlocked the achievement "The bigger they are", it gave the in-game message and the green achievement pop. Now the problem is that this achievement does not want to synchronize with my Xbox profile.

    Any ideas how to get it on my profile? I do not want to waste my time leveling up to level 50 if everything is for nothing....
  • Draconic KyrDraconic Kyr207,329
    Posted on 18 February 15 at 10:08
    MS was having issues from a DDoS attack earlier, I would contact their support and tell them about the issue. Additional information may help. Does it appear synced to your profile on the phone under the Games App? If this is the case, then it is an issue and can be easily resolved. If not, you may want to try contacting the Windows Phone department about the achievement issue.
  • MusquitoMusquito826,254
    Posted on 18 February 15 at 11:06
    It does not appear on nor on the games app. I immediately unlocked another achievement in Real Racing 2 and it appeared immediately.

    Those Windows Phone support are all idiots but I will try it again. Really I know more about the phone than those guys...
  • MusquitoMusquito826,254
  • FrawstfeverFrawstfever829,858
    Posted on 19 July 15 at 22:40, Edited on 19 July 15 at 22:48 by Frawstfever
    So I was having the same problem as you guys but I found a way to unlock them

    This is what I did and it worked (may not for you) this happened completely by accident

    Step 1 ~ Create New Email
    Step 2 ~ Attach new email to a Microsoft account
    Step 3 ~ Make Sure you edit your profile on Xbox to reflex email change
    Step 4 ~ Make sure the change is reflected in your phone
    Step 5 ~ Log into game
    Step 5.5 ~ Jump and Scream like a 13 year old school girl, that they popped
    Step 6 ~ Change email back (if you want to)

    Also would like to add I was lvl 15, and the lvl 10 unlocked and "Im the Richest" which we "obtained" much earlier. So its retro active, im im sure once i get to lvl 20 and can complete the other collection the other one will post.
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