The Bargain Bin

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XBL Sale Roundup: June 24th, 2014

  • Jay InsomniakJay Insomniak1,550,090
    Posted on 24 June 14 at 18:11
    Crimson Drifter said:
    hm thought Fable Heroes was Kinect for some reason, guess I'll pick that up at least. May get AP, but that about it.
    you're thinking of Fable: The Journey
  • Flopsy86Flopsy86979,759
    Posted on 24 June 14 at 18:11
    Castle of Illusion is finally on sale again! I'm not going to miss it this time.
    Making Easters happy since 1986.
  • Posted on 24 June 14 at 18:27
    A lot of games here, but nothing sparks my interest. They could've included the DLC for some of these games though...
  • SprinkyDinkSprinkyDink2,979,423
    Posted on 24 June 14 at 18:28
    Picked me up LEGO Harry Potter. Gonna play it after I finish Skylanders Giants
  • Otouto72Otouto721,635,661
    Posted on 24 June 14 at 18:34
    Might grab Castle of Illusion and Hell Yeah.
  • Posted on 24 June 14 at 18:43
    Was hoping that the Sega vintage collection arcade games would be a part of that Sega sale, only one I need to purchase is toejam & earl
  • A KING 84A KING 84411,153
    Posted on 24 June 14 at 18:52
    I will grab a game or two. Great options if you don't have a huge collection
  • MarcFisher58MarcFisher58109,482
    Posted on 24 June 14 at 18:52
    LEGO Marvel Super Heroes - 50.00% off - Now US$14.99 / £22.49 / €32.49 / AU$49.97

    I don't want to be that guy, but $14.99 is £8.83, not £22.49. UK being completely diddled by Microsoft. I'd pick it up in a second for £8.83
  • XtowersXtowers1,309,991
    Posted on 24 June 14 at 19:07, Edited on 24 June 14 at 19:07 by Xtowers
    You mean I paid an extra $3 for the Ryse Season months ago? Nevermind that I enjoyed it for these couple months or got the DLC before everyone else. I DESERVE A REFUND!

    MadDragon360 said:
    What is with the stingy Ryse sale... (the game, not the dlc) cry
    Maybe trying to get Crytek a few extra dollars since they are on the edge of bankruptcy?
  • Posted on 24 June 14 at 19:11
    Can anyone recommend Anarchy Reigns it looks like a spiritual successor to Mad World for the Wii, the price is nice but I already have 2 full hard drives and space is limited on my 3rd
    It is the same company and it's actually sort of a sequel as Jack from Mad World is one of the main characters. Bayonetta is also a cheap DLC character which is pretty cool. Fun game. But, seriously, delete some space on your HDs. If you've beaten a game all the way, why bother keeping the game installed?
  • o DEEVIUS oo DEEVIUS o673,886
    Posted on 24 June 14 at 19:19
    Did anyone even know that Red Dead was 75% off yesterday?
    My reputation precedes me. Otherwise I'd be late for all my appointments.
  • ChewieOnIceChewieOnIce2,457,065
    Posted on 24 June 14 at 19:28, Edited on 24 June 14 at 19:35 by ChewieOnIce
    AmazingSpider97 said:
    I think sr the third and IV season passes are on sale or where on sale but didn't mention it last week! 60% off btw!
    o DEEVIUS o said:
    Did anyone even know that Red Dead was 75% off yesterday?
    Yes Deevius, you did wink

    These were last week's deals:
    XBL Sale Roundup: June 17th, 2014

    New deals start on Tuesday.
    @ChewieOnIce | NewsHound | 'Please don't kill us.' 'Please don't make it so appealing'
  • Posted on 24 June 14 at 19:27
    I think I'll be picking up Lego LOTR. Was tempted by Fable Heroes too but I don't really have anyone to play a game like that with any more.
  • MaesenkoMaesenko365,765
    Posted on 24 June 14 at 19:50
    Oh ye gods, my poor wallet.

    Fable Heroes and Fable Anniversary content, Sonic Generations, Sonic 4 (1+2), Alpha Protocol, Anarchy Reigns, Vanquish, and Castle of Illusion. And Maybe Virtua Tennis after some shopping around.
  • Posted on 24 June 14 at 20:15
    RYSE Season pass here I come. GREAT deal.
  • Posted on 24 June 14 at 20:17
    Looks like it's Ryse: Son of Rome for me this week also followed by Valiant Hearts coming out tomorrow. This is a great week from gamers and sales.
  • AkirakornAkirakorn270,198
    Posted on 24 June 14 at 20:38
    Really!? None of the Fable DLC is on sale. I grabbed III on GwG just for that reason. Oh well. More money saved
  • AnavrynAnavryn855,343
    Posted on 24 June 14 at 20:43
    Not much for me this week.
  • Posted on 24 June 14 at 20:50
    You are aware this site is basically dedicated to achievement whores right .... so yea no gamer score means no sale for the majority of this community, think on that next time lol facepalm
    I completely understand that. I just love to point out that most of the whores will still buy overpriced games that are years old just for a silly number. It makes me feel better inside.
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 24 June 14 at 21:11, Edited on 24 June 14 at 21:22 by
    SilvrgunSuprman said:
    You are aware this site is basically dedicated to achievement whores right .... so yea no gamer score means no sale for the majority of this community, think on that next time lol facepalm
    I completely understand that. I just love to point out that most of the whores will still buy overpriced games that are years old just for a silly number. It makes me feel better inside.
    Not everyone one has a PC.. If you don't care for the silly number why are you here?
    Who cares about ratio? No one can see it without TA lmao.
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