Game Discussion: Breach

Breach XBLA

    Posted on 12 January 11 at 23:34
    A new fps game created by Atomic Games will be out this month, you can see all classes, game modes, weapons and even gadget (like a sniper detector) already, sounds greatsmile

  • xxW0LFxx TFDxxW0LFxx TFD224,522
    Posted on 23 January 11 at 14:34
    Hmm, well I've been playing it for about 3 days now (getting schooled by the Dev's. Damn them) and at first I wasn't impressed, but that was because the initial people had no concept on how to play the game and were playing as a straight FPS, which it really isn't.

    Play Breach using cover and the slow paced movement begins to make sense. This is a game for teamwork and tactical play.
    There are a few problems with it like the cover system being rather picky on what you can use as cover, and the guns feel a little weak but so far this is a very good game, though one with a high price tag.

    Maxed out my Rifleman class last night as well :D

    The review embargo ends on the 26th, so I've promised to have my review published at exactly 00.01AM on the 26th ;)
    Currently playing: Breach - Review Embargo Ends 26th of January.
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