The Bargain Bin

Forum for discussing where to pick up cheap deals

XBL Sale Roundup: July 5th, 2016

  • mcnuggestsmcnuggests1,006,005
    Posted on 07 July 16 at 07:46
    They changed Deadpool (360) from 9,99 EUR to 19,99 EUR... warning
  • IznibIznib768,995
    Posted on 07 July 16 at 08:07
    thanks for this, appreciated
  • Ereaser NLEreaser NL525,720
    Posted on 07 July 16 at 08:35
    Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe (!D!)

    What does !D! mean? lol
  • WyyvernWyyvern883,270
    Posted on 07 July 16 at 08:43
    If anyone hasn't played Life is Strange yet, pick it up now. Best game of last year.

    I personally picked up the Metro Redux Bundle and Trackmania Turbo.

    Darth Knight said:
    Just realised I've bought Shadow of Mordor for £17.50 when it's $10 in the US. Booo.
    I knew the gbp had fallen in value since Brexit, but not that much shock

    *** Spoiler - click to reveal ***
    Here be dragons.
  • o Heres Jonny oo Heres Jonny o1,917,169
    Posted on 07 July 16 at 08:44
    I went for:

    Layers Of Fear
    Powerstar Golf
    GTA San Andreas
    Gemini: Heroes Reborn
    Farming Simulator

    Not bad for £30, Now to start my Bean Dive.
    Happy Gaming
  • xinixbxinixb518,974
    Posted on 07 July 16 at 08:49
    Too bad for the price difference on Lego games in dollars or Euros. Now if only my 2nd One would let me buy games for dollars (set it up for US), but PayPal isn't co-operative lol
  • Dancing RobDancing Rob158,016
    Posted on 07 July 16 at 08:52
    I've similar thoughts to many other posters as that Faery game looks interesting enough at the price
    Posted on 07 July 16 at 10:41
    Awesome work Chewie!
  • Stevo6483Stevo6483404,641
    Posted on 07 July 16 at 10:44
    Picked up Mirror's Edge and Ori. Looking forward to playing them soon! Holding off getting Far Cry Primal - that price is still to high. Can get a physical copy for slightly less already, and by the time I get round to being able to play it it'll likely be even cheaper.
    Stoke me a clipper, I'll be back for Christmas... Whatever!
  • Posted on 07 July 16 at 11:02
    Great work Chewie, so nice to see all the discounts in one place!

    Just one point - Injustice: Gods Among Us is actually £8.74 in the UK (only £6.24 with Gold) rather than the £12.49 you've got listed. Only want to point it out because it's such a great fighter and at that price is a bit of a bargain considering that retail discs are holding value quite well.

  • BeanpotterBeanpotter2,627,684
    Posted on 07 July 16 at 11:16
    Awesome work putting all this together, Chewie. Bought a Tower of Guns and Party hard.
    Mame Tobikomi!
  • Itzz Sh0wt1m3Itzz Sh0wt1m32,217,041
  • Apocalypse KaneApocalypse Kane2,661,150
    Posted on 07 July 16 at 11:39
    There's lots of good stuff on sale this time! music
  • Elite1111111111Elite11111111111,162,470
    Posted on 07 July 16 at 12:18, Edited on 07 July 16 at 12:19 by Elite1111111111
    In the essence of consistency
    Missing the 'off' after the Assassin's Creed Unity sales percentages.
    Missing a space between the DiRT Rally percentages and 'off'.
    The Just Cause 2 360 $ link is messed up.
    Missing the 'off' after the 360 Lego Marvel's Avengers sales percentages.

    Also, gotta like how there are 50 bundles (which aren't all season passes to be fair) and only 5 season passes on sale (for the One at least).

    Good roundup, honestly surprised it's up already.
  • Posted on 07 July 16 at 13:17
    Damn, I already own most of the good stuff!

    Gears UE & Fallout 4 w/ season pass seem like a steal! Wish they'd put the DLC on sale.
  • DelithDelith405,802
    Posted on 07 July 16 at 13:25
    I can't pass up some of these, even though I haven't bought a game in over a year. Since I got my One a few months ago, I've been wanting Shadows of Mordor. Also as someone else said, the Saints Row Metro Double Pack looks to be a steal at that price so will snag that too. Those games should last me another year.

    Also, even more importantly, thanks Chewie for that nigh impossible compilation. It amazes me you actually did all that for free because you LIKE doing it....
    Smokey, this is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules.
  • ShinnizleShinnizle2,353,729
    Posted on 07 July 16 at 13:31
    I'm curious... How do you fetch the prices anyway? Can you query that information somehow, or is it simply a collaboration among people with accounts in different regions?
    Broke is a state of wallet. Poverty is a state of mind.
  • KedrixKedrix344,111
    Posted on 07 July 16 at 13:42
    Bought plenty at this sale:
    Faery: Lords of Avalon, Mars: War Logs, Call of Juarez: Gunslinger and the biggest purchase, the Dragon Age Inquisition bundle.

    Still might buy something else especially if they make another applicable BC announcement. I'm hoping for Bound by Flame (which is a Spiders/Focus Interactive title and both Faery and Mars are made by the same people and also BC).
    Michael Durr Gamertag: Kedrix
  • KedrixKedrix344,111
    Posted on 07 July 16 at 13:48
    And since I run a BC blog site, here are some corrections for you Chewie (but fantastic work overall):

    Saints Row IV should be marked as BC
    Witcher 2 should be marked as BC
    Counterstrike: GO should be marked as BC (which has already been pointed out by many)
    finally...Realms of Ancient War (or RAW) is NOT BC. (However, I think it's a darn good possibility that it will eventually be as such).
    Michael Durr Gamertag: Kedrix
    Posted on 07 July 16 at 14:26
    Anybody knows if oxenfree and #idarb on windows 10 have achievements? Do they stack? if you buy those you get them for xbox1 too? I ask because both have a better deal on win10.
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