The Bargain Bin

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XBL Sale Roundup: August 9th, 2016

  • ChewieOnIceChewieOnIce2,516,783
  • Posted on 09 August 16 at 22:59
    Still hoping for Bulletstorm dlc or other things that haven't been on sale for years, like GRAW 2 dlc...............
  • gobey17gobey171,031,134
    Posted on 09 August 16 at 23:05, Edited on 09 August 16 at 23:06 by gobey17
    JeDiMlnDTrlcks said:
    Still hoping for Bulletstorm dlc or other things that haven't been on sale for years, like GRAW 2 dlc...............
    Waiting on Bulletstorm too, among others. DLC sales on older games on the 360 though are growing slim. Keep hoping BC might increase the chances but not so much so far. :(
  • DrSchlepensteinDrSchlepenstein1,054,596
    Posted on 09 August 16 at 23:17
    At those prices, I may pick up Destroy All Humans and Remember Me.
  • scotwolf2scotwolf22,546,160
    Posted on 09 August 16 at 23:34
    JeDiMlnDTrlcks said:
    Still hoping for Bulletstorm dlc or other things that haven't been on sale for years, like GRAW 2 dlc...............
    GRAW 2 enhanced edition has dlc on 2nd disc, i recently bought it for 50p used from CEX.
    far cheaper than buying the overpriced dlc
  • Jamiereloaded23Jamiereloaded232,990,824
    Posted on 09 August 16 at 23:35
    DrSchlepenstein said:
    At those prices, I may pick up Destroy All Humans and Remember Me.
    I played Remember Me a couple of weeks ago for the very first time and really enjoyed it. I never realized just how much Life is Strange borrowed from it until I gave it a go. I am tempted by Resident Evil 5 on Xbox One although I am sure this won't be the last time it ends up at a reduced price.
  • Mr DuckMr Duck321,262
    Posted on 09 August 16 at 23:35
    Really tempted by DuckTales Remastered laugh Gotta' have that on my tag, just don't like the look of the Extreme difficulty achievement.

    Achievements aside it does look like a nice little fun game.
  • kintariskintaris333,611
    Posted on 09 August 16 at 23:38
    Remember Me is definitely worth that price. Flawed but interesting.
    Sam Quirke | @kintaris | TA Newshound | PM me if you need a Famous Piñata!
  • Posted on 09 August 16 at 23:44, Edited on 09 August 16 at 23:50 by PrettyColt21109
    gobey17 said:
    JeDiMlnDTrlcks said:
    Still hoping for Bulletstorm dlc or other things that haven't been on sale for years, like GRAW 2 dlc...............
    Waiting on Bulletstorm too, among others. DLC sales on older games on the 360 though are growing slim. Keep hoping BC might increase the chances but not so much so far. :(
    Wow I remember getting both years ago - according to XBLDB, they both went on sale on the 22nd of August 2011, never been on sale again - so you might be waiting a LONG time.

    I just got Virgil's Downfall, I 'knew' it would be on sale soon as I looked it up on XBLDB and it was on sale only 3 times before this time, all towards the end of the year (2013 Nov, 2014 Aug, 2015 Sep), so naturally I waited like a true disciple of Mr. Krabs

    I'd also like to add that the Darksiders 2 season pass is worthless
  • Goggs25Goggs252,195,331
    Posted on 09 August 16 at 23:47
    nothing for me but x360 deals are better then x1 yet more crappy nba sales
  • PithyRumblePithyRumble243,997
    Posted on 09 August 16 at 23:51
    SF x Tekken woo.
    Greta, fear the Kittens...
  • Posted on 10 August 16 at 00:12
    Just got SF x Tekken but am wondering if Capcom offers will expire a the beginning of the day ?, will receive my payment the same day but at the afternoon and really want a couple of more titles, anybody know if they will available for the whole day, please!!
  • Posted on 10 August 16 at 00:38
    I would have picked up Capcom Arcade Cabinet if ANY of the DLC would have been on sale.
    Pretend inferiority and encourage their arrogance.
  • tornprince2012tornprince20121,709,924
    Posted on 10 August 16 at 00:39
    Mr Duck said:
    Really tempted by DuckTales Remastered laugh Gotta' have that on my tag, just don't like the look of the Extreme difficulty achievement.

    Achievements aside it does look like a nice little fun game.
    Much easier than it was on NES!
    When it was released, it had a strange bug - while getting to the last platforming sequence ( no spoilers ), if you had failed, the game would freeze until dashboarded. Playing on Extreme meant restarting the whole game again.

    Guess what? Happened to me 3 times. My fourth was the last one laugh. In any case, it's fixed and it's nit hard at all!
  • vSullyvSully1,293,983
    Posted on 10 August 16 at 01:03
    The Fall is on sale for $1.50. Noticed it randomly today as I was browsing the marketplace. I've heard good things and you can't beat that price.
  • rocking23nfrocking23nf710,690
    Posted on 10 August 16 at 01:13
    destroy all humans is like the poor mans saints row, its decent, didnt age well, easy to complete though. it felt just like saints row to me.
  • AhayzoAhayzo1,773,596
    Posted on 10 August 16 at 01:20
    Might pick up SSFIV Ultra, have the Arcade Edition from GWG way back when. Would grab Garden Warfare 2 in a heartbeat if it wasn't coming to EA Access this month.
  • Nekro NekoNekro Neko401,005
    Posted on 10 August 16 at 02:10
    I already have Remember Me but I haven't played it yet as I'm hoping for it to get a BC release. The price here is higher than I paid for it on the MS store so maybe? Probably misguided hope, but I'll keep my fingers crossed.
  • HolyHalfDeadHolyHalfDead829,246
    Posted on 10 August 16 at 03:29, Edited on 10 August 16 at 03:30 by HolyHalfDead
    vSully said:
    The Fall is on sale for $1.50. Noticed it randomly today as I was browsing the marketplace. I've heard good things and you can't beat that price.
    There are a few deals running since last week or longer, such as The Fall 85% off and MagNets: Fully Charged 40% off

    Since they haven't been officially announced, we also don't know when they will end.
    He's not a man. He's the holy Half-Dead who has seen the Underverse and returned with powers you can't imagine.
  • ThaHawkaThaHawka625,342
    Posted on 10 August 16 at 04:07
    I used to have a lot of fun playing the Destroy All Humans! games back in the day - glad I picked it up.
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