The Bargain Bin

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XBL Sale Roundup: October 11th, 2016

  • Tanelorn82Tanelorn82596,485
    Posted on 12 October 16 at 02:08
    Rhyolitic said:
    Of fucking course they can put the Season Pass for Far Cry 4 on sale...on the 360. But put it on sale for the One? Apparently, it's nigh on impossible to divorce the season pass from the base game.
    Same thing, but replace with Watch_Dogs
    Welcome to TA, where stats are made up and some achievements do not matter.
  • DJB HustlinDJB Hustlin596,567
    Posted on 12 October 16 at 02:18
    Ssx is backwards compatible
    Also if you purcahse the Assassins Creed 4 Season Pass on xbox 360. You get it on the one for free
    I'm Awkward With Potential: Boss Major
  • NetechmaNetechma602,335
    Posted on 12 October 16 at 02:25
    were my finances in better straights I would be looking at Farcry 4 for the 360 and Unravel. Maybe another time *sigh
  • zeldafanjtlzeldafanjtl277,593
    Posted on 12 October 16 at 02:30
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  • HolyHalfDeadHolyHalfDead829,311
    Posted on 12 October 16 at 02:37
    Fire Hawk D said:
    Poor XBLA. Almost no sales anymore. :(
    Well this is the Xbox 360 Super Sale, not the Xbox Live Arcade Super Sale. I count 10, which is more than most other weeks.
    He's not a man. He's the holy Half-Dead who has seen the Underverse and returned with powers you can't imagine.
  • Posted on 12 October 16 at 02:44
    Great looking sale, with a weirdly high amount of previous 360 GWG, but that's not a complaint. For anyone who hasn't started the Saints Row games and can handle boosting for a really long time, and has no problem with getting DLC, I recommend the entire series.
  • Hyv3riniaHyv3rinia4,812
    Posted on 12 October 16 at 05:00
    fuck it, i'll be buying the forza deal this week.
    rip my wallet after mafia 3, FH3 and gears 4 ultimate edition :/
  • Orran DuraiOrran Durai152,497
    Posted on 12 October 16 at 06:51
    This post contains unbalanced formatting tags and cannot be rendered at this time.
    Stylish Laziness
  • Lucky BrianLucky Brian369,115
    Posted on 12 October 16 at 07:05
    Tanelorn82 said:
    Rhyolitic said:
    Of fucking course they can put the Season Pass for Far Cry 4 on sale...on the 360. But put it on sale for the One? Apparently, it's nigh on impossible to divorce the season pass from the base game.
    Same thing, but replace with Watch_Dogs
    Just buy the physical complete edition. I just did the other week and I was able to get one for €10.

    Also, I have some additional sales for you wink

    I have two codes:
    Call of Duty: Ghosts - Season Pass
    The Division - Season Pass

    Open to all offers.
  • Stevo6483Stevo6483404,641
    Posted on 12 October 16 at 09:00
    zeldafanjtl said:
    I'm waiting for a good sale on the Battlefront season pass. I know it was on sale for the first time ever for half off a few weeks ago, but that still seemed too high for me. I can wait. Also are we ever gonna see a sale on the Fallout 4 season pass?
    They recently announced that Battlefront will be going into the EA Access Vault soon (end of the year maybe), so hopefully they'll heavily discount the season pass on it's own then, if not earlier.
    Stoke me a clipper, I'll be back for Christmas... Whatever!
  • BeanpotterBeanpotter2,627,684
    Posted on 12 October 16 at 09:33
    The work that goes in to these posts is huge. Thanks, Chewie.

    Just Ziggurat for me, I think.
    Mame Tobikomi!
  • HalderHalder518,438
    Posted on 12 October 16 at 09:37
    Finally AC3 season pass.
    £10 Just for some achievements though.....
  • darkmafia99darkmafia991,854,440
    Posted on 12 October 16 at 10:52, Edited on 12 October 16 at 10:53 by darkmafia99
    This post contains unbalanced formatting tags and cannot be rendered at this time.
  • darkmafia99darkmafia991,854,440
    Posted on 12 October 16 at 10:53
    My last post did not format correctly and it's so hard to fix on a smart phone
  • ChewieOnIceChewieOnIce2,512,977
    Posted on 12 October 16 at 12:22
    Twobby said:
    Mirror's Edge 100% off and still costs $4.94..
    Proscaline said:
    You missed Saints Row The Third
    rekikire said:
    Shouldn't SSX have the (BC) tag?
    Fixed, fixed & fixed toast

    HolyHalfDead said:
    But Chewie should get his pay doubled for listing all the Rocksmith tracks and packs. I saw them and said to myself no f'ing way am I going to list them. Heck, let's tripple Chewies pay then increase it by 100% wink
    So still $0 then! laugh
    @ChewieOnIce | NewsHound | 'Please don't kill us.' 'Please don't make it so appealing'
  • AlphaSON1CAlphaSON1C1,879,967
    Posted on 12 October 16 at 12:55
    I need all Assassin's creed's revelation and brotherhood dlcs, one is on sale though.
    Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
  • Elite1111111111Elite11111111111,162,470
    Posted on 12 October 16 at 13:27
    Beanpotter said:
    The work that goes in to these posts is huge. Thanks, Chewie.

    Just Ziggurat for me, I think.
    Ziggurat is definitely a good choice for anyone who doesn't own it.
  • Posted on 12 October 16 at 13:50
    There's some pretty good stuff in here, Far Cry 3 and Spec Ops: The Line grab my attention (I know they've been on sale before).

    I want a BIOWARE themed sale again, I missed the sale in the summer this year (I think it was June or something)... I need all Mass Effect DLCs, and maybe some DA: II when I get around to that game.
  • Posted on 12 October 16 at 16:06, Edited on 12 October 16 at 16:06 by FightingMegaFoo
    Ooh, ooh! I had forgotten about Valley, but now I'm getting it on sale smile
  • spankyNspronklespankyNspronkle1,327,666
    Posted on 12 October 16 at 16:25
    These weeks feel like a slight slap in the face to late Xbox adopters... all those GwG listings people may have missed out on. There has to be at least a dozen.
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