Posted on 12 November 19 at 09:09, Edited on 12 November 19 at 11:16 by Cosminiion
I'm happy to help with Rush Hour in the foreseeable future if there will ever be another session organized in this sense, if there is a shortage of one player and if the time will be suitable for me. Organizer should message me on TA in that case.
P.S. For anyone really wondering about the 2 discontinued achievements, it's impossible to do anything about them, other than straight up cheating them. Don't be misled to think that there is a hidden solution to this by the bunch of people who unlocked these 2 with a time stamp past the closure date of Dirtnet (24 Sep 2012). They all straight up cheated them.
I looked into it thoroughly and these are my findings: When you attempt to check the "Current Tournament", for example, Dirt 2 simply queries the main Xbox Live production server at "", which reverses to "" (and a few other subdomains). There has never been a dedicated server for Dirtnet owned by Codemasters or anything like that.
As to what I speculate: This leads me to believe that Dirtnet was a service hosted on Microsoft's side, as it also made it easier to integrate with leaderboards (for ghosts), which are also administered by Microsoft, and Codemasters would pay Microsoft to host this social service for them. I guess, they eventually decided it was no longer economical to keep paying Microsoft for this, so Codemasters terminated that contract (obviously with no regard for the attached achievements) and the service was turned off on Microsoft's side, never to be brought back.