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Xbox One Sale Roundup: March 21st, 2017

  • Team BretherTeam Brether1,544,478
    Posted on 21 March 17 at 09:10
    May trade in my copies of res revelations 2 and origins (0 & 1) and buy the super bundle to effectively get 4,5, and 6 for nothing
    Count your blessings.
  • Tendoman77Tendoman775,939,335
    Posted on 21 March 17 at 09:11
    That RE Super Bundle, has to be one of THE best bundles offers I ever seen in Xbox Live history. That's gotta be like £60-80 off overall.
  • TechnoTomatoTechnoTomato881,650
    Posted on 21 March 17 at 09:13
    Only £16 for that Resident Evil bundle?! Holy shit that's good!
    We're all mad here...
  • MakeMeACoffeeMakeMeACoffee1,735,026
    Posted on 21 March 17 at 09:15
    The UK gta 5 bundles prices look funky e.g. "£101.99£47.90"
    RIP Trueachievement App
  • Stealth DavidStealth David4,053,919
    Posted on 21 March 17 at 09:17
    Tendoman77 said:
    That RE Super Bundle, has to be one of THE best bundles offers I ever seen in Xbox Live history. That's gotta be like £60-80 off overall.
    In the UK its still showing up as £39.99
  • DwaggieniteDwaggienite5,958,255
    Posted on 21 March 17 at 09:17, Edited on 21 March 17 at 09:23 by Dwaggienite
    That resident evil Super bundle is shockingly good value. Unusual for Xbox. Well done!

    Beware though, the sale is not active yet, it's still coming up as £39.99 for me.

    Edit: Also, to the writer of the article, can I make a request? When you're writing about consumable items, can you please write what game they're for in the same table? Thanks.
  • LordSoth66LordSoth66449,509
    Posted on 21 March 17 at 09:26
    Waiting for The Resident Evil Super Bundle, it isn't active yet.
    Awesome sale this week!
  • WAZ91WAZ91530,769
    Posted on 21 March 17 at 09:30
    I hope that Resi bundle is genuine!
  • WebChimp UKWebChimp UK660,644
    Posted on 21 March 17 at 09:31, Edited on 21 March 17 at 09:34 by WebChimp UK
    Dwaggienite said:
    That resident evil Super bundle is shockingly good value. Unusual for Xbox. Well done!

    Beware though, the sale is not active yet, it's still coming up as £39.99 for me.
    Interesting, this one was live a little earlier - so that might mean they've toggled the sale off temporarily or pulled it?
  • Stealth DavidStealth David4,053,919
    Posted on 21 March 17 at 09:37
    WebChimp UK said:
    Dwaggienite said:
    That resident evil Super bundle is shockingly good value. Unusual for Xbox. Well done!

    Beware though, the sale is not active yet, it's still coming up as £39.99 for me.
    Interesting, this one was live a little earlier - so that might mean they've toggled the sale off temporarily or pulled it?
    Great when something seems to good to be true it normally is....
  • HelsingsPLHelsingsPL706,149
    Posted on 21 March 17 at 09:37, Edited on 21 March 17 at 09:38 by HelsingsPL
    WebChimp UK said:
    Dwaggienite said:
    That resident evil Super bundle is shockingly good value. Unusual for Xbox. Well done!

    Beware though, the sale is not active yet, it's still coming up as £39.99 for me.
    Interesting, this one was live a little earlier - so that might mean they've toggled the sale off temporarily or pulled it?
    It was a mistake, they cut the price twice.
  • TomjehTomjeh1,506,402
    Posted on 21 March 17 at 09:40
    Haha so funny when MS screw up like this laugh Someone at Capcom is thinking 'God damn it we're struggling enough as it is without this shit'.
  • matdanmatdan863,244
    Posted on 21 March 17 at 09:42
    Resident Evil Super Bundle seems like a great deal for all that content, been wanting a sale on some of them. All of them in one bundle is even better.
  • mcnuggestsmcnuggests983,891
    Posted on 21 March 17 at 09:57
    I got the RE super bundle for 20 EUR.
  • RacxieRacxie603,430
    Posted on 21 March 17 at 10:03, Edited on 21 March 17 at 15:55 by xPut Name Herex
    Damnit, just realised I forgot to grab 2 of the season passes from last week :(

    Shame about the super bundle price being an error but it still seems like a pretty good deal.

    Mod Edit: Removed response to deleted post
  • Posted on 21 March 17 at 10:03
    another week, another COD, Destiny and GTA sale.... roll
    Boosting achieves/games on my to-do/boost-request list. Interested? Send me a PM on TA/XBL!
  • Posted on 21 March 17 at 10:11
    I bought the deal for super bundle for £16 earlier. I already owned Revelations 2 Deluxe so I saw it as me paying for Remake, 0, 4, 5, and 6 at £3.20 each. Hope they don't screw me over ^
  • Posted on 21 March 17 at 10:19
    Managed to snag the resi bundle for £16 earlier. Don't know if it was an error but for that price I was in there like flies to a turd!
    Ah! Devil ether!
  • ZalexzyZalexzy2,796,392
    Posted on 21 March 17 at 10:19
    Racxie said:
    Damnit, just realised I forgot to grab 2 of the season passes from last week :(

    Shame about the super bundle price being an error but it still seems like a pretty good deal.
    They should still be live for sometime day after, check store. If not on xbox, then website.
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