Game Discussion: ACA NEOGEO NAM-1975

100,000 points achievement tips?

  • I Ebon Hawk II Ebon Hawk I2,527,945
    Posted on 22 March 17 at 18:15
    I am having trouble with getting 100,000 points on High Score and Caravan Mode. In these modes it is not possible to change the difficulty or amount of lives so you are limited to two lives only. I can not make it past the second boss fight which occurs immediately after the first one. There are no guides or videos anywhere. I regret buying the game. Not only because it's garbage, but I was expecting an easy completion. The other achievements are very easy but the last two for getting 100,000 points are very difficult it seems.
  • GrumpySnyperGrumpySnyper432,799
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 15 April 17 at 19:31
    I'm struggling aswell completing the first level is ok but it goes to the 2nd boss which is hard if only we could know how to skip that and go straight to the 2nd l level
    Posted on 11 January 18 at 10:42
    Stuck on this too guys ,:(
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