
Forum for discussing game walkthroughs

Nevermind Walkthrough Discussion

  • Information
    Posted on 07 July 17 at 12:39
    Please use this thread to discuss the Nevermind walkthrough
  • Information
    Posted on 25 July 17 at 04:48
    The walkthrough has now been published.

    You can find it here: Nevermind Walkthrough
  • DoberkiinDoberkiin844,696
    Posted on 08 August 17 at 10:09
    Hey - Great walkthrough but I noticed something missing from memory #909. After you complete the door puzzle you missed the mirror mini puzzle which is You / You Are / You Are Beauty

  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 08 August 17 at 20:59
    facepalm Don't see how I missed that in the text. Updating it now, thanks!
  • Posted on 20 January 18 at 13:45
    Nice walkthrough, thanks for it! In the introsim, at memory 5/11: the skull. I made a mistake because there's several skulls in that area under the bridge, and also when you find the right skull (the one you point to), it's also important to turn the the skull so you can read the text "Save us" on one of the sides for the memory to register.
    Beware of the grammar police!
  • guns vs kittensguns vs kittens1,083,264
    Posted on 02 February 18 at 04:37
    I'd recommend going over the walkthrough and adding some screenshots for clarity because for some parts I've had to just find video guides on, like the above-mentioned skull memory in the introsim and also the door photo puzzle in the last patient.

    I'd go back over and add what I would contribute but I'm burnt out on this game atm.
    ...But why is the rum gone???
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 05 February 18 at 23:59
    I'm wrapped up in other projects at the moment, but I will write in additional details. Anything else confuse you guys besides memory 5 in the introsim?
  • Mal0d0rouSMal0d0rouS877,174
    Posted on 13 February 18 at 04:24, Edited on 13 February 18 at 04:36 by Mal0d0rouS
    During patient 909, the 'orange' and 'orange and blue' suits both appear orange and blue to me. Perhaps I am going colorblind, perhaps I'm just old, regardless, perhaps a numeric reference would be more clear... For example: Place the first outfit on the third doll, the second outfit on the fourth, the third on the first, and the fourth on the second (1~3, 2~4, 3~1, 4~2).

    Also, here's a screen-shot for that door-puzzle in 909: https://drive.google.com/open?id=12Ww4F5hhxFV2avU0RUBavo5tBs...

  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 13 February 18 at 13:59
    Mal0d0rouS said:
    During patient 909, the 'orange' and 'orange and blue' suits both appear orange and blue to me. Perhaps I am going colorblind, perhaps I'm just old, regardless, perhaps a numeric reference would be more clear... For example: Place the first outfit on the third doll, the second outfit on the fourth, the third on the first, and the fourth on the second (1~3, 2~4, 3~1, 4~2).

    Also, here's a screen-shot for that door-puzzle in 909: https://drive.google.com/open?id=12Ww4F5hhxFV2avU0RUBavo5tBs...

    Thanks for the screencap, I'll add it in and credit you. As far as the doll dressing goes, I might be able to find a video for that. It's been so long I don't remember the order
  • DwaggieniteDwaggienite6,287,940
    Posted on 04 March 18 at 13:10, Edited on 04 March 18 at 13:15 by Dwaggienite
    "Examine the garbage cans here, as well as in the alley across from you until you find a mannequin head (Memory 8/13) or ammunition (Memory 9/13). Leave the alley and go down the street to the left, looking under the slide by the rocket ship to find a foot, which is Memory 10/13. Go back down the street and into the alley on the left, looking in the garbage cans for the mannequin head or ammo."

    Slight error here.

    You don't need to look for the mannequin head or ammo for a second time. This part needs to be completely removed.

    "Do this 3 times total to get an explosion which covers the entire area in flesh."

    Also, you need to do this four times, not three.
  • Posted on 05 April 18 at 14:54
    On #418, the object of the sign puzzle is to create an arrow of empty space surrounded by the signs, pointing down.
  • Posted on 03 June 18 at 16:10
    TheJimiDude said:
    Nice walkthrough, thanks for it! In the introsim, at memory 5/11: the skull. I made a mistake because there's several skulls in that area under the bridge, and also when you find the right skull (the one you point to), it's also important to turn the the skull so you can read the text "Save us" on one of the sides for the memory to register.
  • FalensaranoFalensarano1,341,912
    Posted on 22 July 19 at 12:10
    Hey bud, thanks for the Walkthrough! I had trouble with 909 during the second apartment sequence . In order to get the room to shift, there is a letter that appears outside the front door. Nothing happened in my game until I read that so you may want to add that in. That said, no one else has mentioned it so maybe it was just me??
  • Posted on 14 July 23 at 17:17
    great walkthrough. I had issues with #client 251 Neuromapping complete not unlocking even though all 14 memories are marked unlocked in the console in the office. Also the achievement for unlocking 20 memories is stating 55% at the end of this client too so two achievements havent unlocked
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