Game Discussion: Battle Islands: Commanders

Alliance Boosting

  • tsetse f1ytsetse f1y428,770
    Posted on 09 July 17 at 01:19
    I have created an alliance called TRUE ACHIEVEMENT. The plan is to get a full 40 members who are active into the alliance and then create a session where as many people as possible will be online at the same time(will probably have to be a late night session). As we match up with each other the higher star rating person will win. Once people reach 3000 stars they will start losing so that everyone has an opportunity to get the achievements. Please join and add me on LIVE.
  • xUntildawnxxUntildawnx1,414,086
    Posted on 23 July 22 at 22:49
    Hi do you still boost this?
  • KindaSortaGamrKindaSortaGamr1,305,705
    Posted on 27 July 22 at 22:39
    ^ second this. I need any help I can get. This game is brutally p2w and I'm tired of playing against people I shouldnt be matched with in the first place
  • acedawg4acedawg43,548,303
    Posted on 16 December 22 at 12:08
    Probably dead thread, but do ppl still boost this
  • Posted on 04 February 23 at 02:45
    I would gladly boost if others are willing to try
  • Posted on 02 September 23 at 12:06
    I’d be down to get a group together to boost this GT Sonic123Sonic. Im sick of getting beat by high level players I just want the 3k achievement and will delete this game.
  • DubstepEdgelordDubstepEdgelord3,397,772
    Posted on 15 September 23 at 06:36
    I would like to do this as well although idk how you would go about boosting it but I think I keep getting stuck around the 800 mark
    I finally changed this thing and have nothing important to say. Not like anyone is going to read it...
  • JeffGOMESJeffGOMES2,916,721
    Posted on 13 October 23 at 13:45, Edited on 13 October 23 at 13:46 by JeffGOMES
    We can do boost it is not going to be facil more we can try to equal our points Sonic if you will give a step for behind me I stay that it ties in reaching 100 % of the play. My ingles is not very good more with you playing calmly and to combine what we need to do.
    In moment my points 900 at 950.
  • TrueWickedoneTrueWickedone1,010,542
    Posted on 08 August 24 at 03:39
    "Donations New" is one of the only active clans in this old game anymore. Few spots open if anyone is still looking
  • Vok 250Vok 250510,174
    Posted on 18 October 24 at 16:43
    Looking to boost this. Impossible to even win any games as a new lvl 2 player. How does boosting in an alliance work?
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