Top Scores for the Brunswick Franchise

For the Brunswick Franchise leaderboards, we include all games including regional and platform variants of each game to enable us to properly compare gamers.

Top Scores for the Brunswick Franchise

Gamer Achievements TA GS Played Completed
1. Bongo 34 7,131 3,000 3 3
2. FEAR PointMan24 34 7,131 3,000 3 3
3. Jawnie B 34 7,131 3,000 3 3
4. marklynx 24 5,920 2,000 2 2
5. RedmptionDenied 32 5,878 2,800 3 1
6. VodkaFlockaFlme 32 5,878 2,800 3 1
7. The Afterburner 35 5,590 2,700 3 2
8. KinectNinja 22 5,480 1,800 2 0
9. BemusedBox 34 5,167 2,600 3 2
10. III Torpedo III 34 5,167 2,600 3 2
11. TOBI the GEEK78 22 5,056 1,800 2 1
12. TURUT 28 4,590 2,250 3 2
13. MrGompers 25 4,308 2,000 2 2
14. gmurda33 25 4,308 2,000 2 2
15. StiffishClown67 22 4,290 1,700 2 1
16. BigSilentRob 22 4,219 2,000 2 2
17. Das Kuhnen 22 4,219 2,000 2 2
18. zippy03 21 3,581 1,900 2 1
19. BigD The Chief 29 3,377 2,300 3 1
20. SNUFFLEDUCK 16 3,109 1,190 2 0
21. Gr3y MATTer 101 15 3,097 1,000 1 1
22. OLOT 15 3,097 1,000 1 1
23. Luka1269 15 3,097 1,000 1 1
24. Textim75 15 3,097 1,000 1 1
25. NitroLogic 15 3,097 1,000 1 1
26. AlbinoKidELITE 15 3,097 1,000 1 1
27. FF Tonberry 15 3,097 1,000 1 1
28. MAXIM0OSE 15 3,097 1,000 1 1
29. Pigimus Prime 15 3,097 1,000 1 1
30. SH4D0WWULF 15 3,097 1,000 1 1
31. HoHe69 15 3,097 1,000 1 1
32. Martel18 15 3,097 1,000 1 1
33. Ninjitsu Banana 15 3,097 1,000 1 1
34. Silver Salvo 15 3,097 1,000 1 1
35. M4ccie 15 3,097 1,000 1 1
36. TribalKurama 15 3,097 1,000 1 1
37. Specialist01 15 3,097 1,000 1 1
38. KinectKid333 15 3,097 1,000 1 1
39. ThreeManager6 15 3,097 1,000 1 1
40. Jan 0 15 3,097 1,000 1 1
41. DaGuitarHero1 15 3,097 1,000 1 1
42. Bazingator 15 3,097 1,000 1 1
43. Gamersystems 15 3,097 1,000 1 1
44. Kovy88 15 3,097 1,000 1 1
45. Oriole2682 30 3,067 2,260 4 1
46. MarkTheMaestro 14 3,057 980 1 0
47. SeanO 34 14 3,057 980 1 0
48. Knuck13z1 12 3,008 1,000 1 1
49. ChrisD0811 12 3,008 1,000 1 1
50. Zonrith1 12 3,008 1,000 1 1
51. The lMlan 12 3,008 1,000 1 1
52. Johnny Sinister 12 3,008 1,000 1 1
53. Tag Im It 12 3,008 1,000 1 1
54. LJAY6880 12 3,008 1,000 1 1
55. Dragon231 12 3,008 1,000 1 1
56. martino316 12 3,008 1,000 1 1
57. SDpadfan 12 3,008 1,000 1 1
58. jordaOwO 12 3,008 1,000 1 1
59. HTID Xtremez 14 2,974 960 1 0
60. smrnov 28 2,954 2,200 3 1
61. Stallion83 28 2,954 2,200 3 1
62. Bold1ee 12 2,912 1,000 1 1
63. Joon79 12 2,912 1,000 1 1
64. Nevetski 12 2,912 1,000 1 1
65. Snappy Nike 12 2,912 1,000 1 1
66. dadanter 08 12 2,912 1,000 1 1
67. xHitxKingx 12 2,912 1,000 1 1
68. PandoraTorsten 12 2,912 1,000 1 1
69. QuoziFIN 12 2,912 1,000 1 1
70. RedJonin1 12 2,912 1,000 1 1
71. LutinAdri 12 2,912 1,000 1 1
72. GutsTheBerserk 13 2,899 930 1 0
73. kiyerra 11 2,782 900 1 0
74. SockMonkey77 11 2,782 900 1 0
75. xNand 4 11 2,782 900 1 0
76. o LuckyRabbit 12 2,774 890 1 0
77. Super Madd Max 12 2,774 890 1 0
78. SUPERFT 12 2,774 890 1 0
79. DaCowboysFan22 11 2,699 860 1 0
80. Splintered 11 2,699 860 1 0
81. THE SALTIRE 11 2,698 900 1 0
82. wdcking 11 2,698 900 1 0
83. Bonkekook 20 2,546 1,700 2 1
84. U549Q77X1EJ 26 2,514 2,000 3 1
85. jjbcbus 25 2,425 1,950 3 1
86. I Kyru78 I 10 2,379 770 1 0
87. Brambaba 20 2,370 1,430 2 1
88. BrutishMuffin 11 2,370 900 1 0
89. Hawkwulf 11 2,370 900 1 0
90. MonDab 11 2,370 900 1 0
91. x SC0TT FREE x 11 2,370 900 1 0
92. xRusdaddy 357x 10 2,300 850 1 0
93. Chunkeh Munkeh 11 2,297 900 1 0
94. EnigmaB2S6elite 11 2,297 900 1 0
95. HARLEKIN543 11 2,297 900 1 0
96. Nirumano 11 2,297 900 1 0
97. Krazie 21 2,228 1,650 3 1
98. Woodster 86 18 2,204 1,700 3 1
99. Wraith x28x 12 2,198 730 1 0
100. Sir Paulygon 19 2,194 1,300 2 0
101. x iRuSh3Rzz 11 2,154 810 2 0
102. OM4R LITTLE 10 2,144 800 1 0
103. U2CantSeeMe 10 2,144 800 1 0
104. HyRoad v2 21 2,141 1,620 3 1
105. FearlessEugene 19 2,095 1,600 2 1
106. Goothgone 19 2,095 1,600 2 1
107. BLUESTEELRUNS 19 2,095 1,600 2 1
108. Avianette 19 2,095 1,600 2 1
109. allhands238 19 2,095 1,600 2 1
110. Matt L8Bloomer 10 2,083 800 1 0
111. red tanuki 19 2,070 1,600 2 1
112. rockinroosters 19 2,070 1,600 2 1
113. JJBDude48 19 2,070 1,600 2 1
114. Baby Sheamus 20 2,034 1,650 3 1
115. planting42 18 2,018 1,550 2 1
116. DopeyChad 15 2,009 1,040 3 0
117. mikemnsn 17 1,956 1,500 2 1
118. RPGDavey 17 1,948 1,500 2 1
119. AvengedAgainst 17 1,928 1,500 2 1
120. Bozack 15 1,895 1,100 2 0
121. Moravec593 19 1,879 1,510 3 1
122. MisterBigDog 18 1,869 1,500 2 1
123. TheNatolinator 18 1,869 1,500 2 1
124. DEMONICGYZMO13 18 1,869 1,500 2 1
125. ArnaldoDK 19 1,868 1,550 3 0
126. II Dark II 17 1,867 1,460 3 1
127. Hi Unit 17 1,812 1,250 2 1
128. SKIPPY42010 11 1,811 620 1 0
129. DrGator 17 1,778 1,450 2 1
130. J0KER W 18 1,767 1,400 3 1
131. matthewdrifter9 17 1,742 1,400 2 0
132. o klarke o 2k10 16 1,710 1,400 2 1
133. Cougar 16 1,702 1,400 2 1
134. Ten Inch Prince 16 1,702 1,400 2 1
135. j hews 16 1,702 1,400 2 1
136. o EcLiipzE 13 1,691 1,220 4 1
137. Montana97 17 1,681 1,150 2 0
138. GT mVst8ng MARK 16 1,670 1,360 3 1
139. xXxBANE83xXx 12 1,651 1,200 3 1
140. AC Rock3tman 12 1,651 1,200 3 1
141. CanadaDancer 16 1,651 1,350 2 0
142. TheMiniTaker 9 1,648 560 1 0
143. Matt DB87 19 1,640 1,200 3 0
144. Millerman 15 1,631 1,350 2 1
145. Mystery Tails 15 1,631 1,350 2 1
146. JONMOXLEY20 14 1,600 1,300 2 0
147. Anti699 15 1,580 1,300 2 1
148. Mr Glenn V1 15 1,577 1,300 2 1
149. Janewayfan 15 1,573 1,310 3 1
150. Fats3s Mojo 14 1,572 1,300 2 0
151. hockeygodDVD 14 1,569 1,300 2 1
152. JoystikJoe 14 1,569 1,300 2 1
153. DR JB JOVI 14 1,563 1,300 2 1
154. Chad and Jessie 15 1,546 1,050 2 0
155. CAG3 F1GH73R 14 1,529 1,130 2 1
156. Aerosmith 74 14 1,521 1,250 2 1
157. x xx LARS xx x 17 1,517 1,100 2 0
158. wraithrock 13 1,493 1,250 2 1
159. BlueThunder7398 13 1,493 1,250 2 1
160. theB0SSsauce 13 1,493 1,250 2 1
161. JacobBarton 13 1,482 1,250 2 1
162. ObscureMindways 14 1,457 1,110 2 1
163. jimzy26 14 1,447 1,120 2 1
164. ImFlantastic 13 1,444 1,200 2 1
165. XxChiCubs32xX 11 1,437 1,100 2 1
166. Terrin 11 1,437 1,100 2 1
167. Matty to tha G 11 1,437 1,100 2 1
168. lucas1987 11 1,437 1,100 2 1
169. TheIronWorker5 12 1,433 1,200 2 0
170. Pare ESP 11 1,425 1,100 2 1
171. D0G141 11 1,413 510 1 0
172. サイコウ 9 1,385 490 1 0
173. Bumbera 12 1,382 1,150 2 1
174. DAVID MAXSON 13 1,376 1,160 3 0
175. Obi wan Xbox 12 1,374 1,150 2 1
176. pittsburgh 2004 12 1,374 1,150 2 1
177. MISSION H0TR0D 12 1,374 1,150 2 1
178. CognitiveCaveat 12 1,374 1,150 2 1
179. danksy9 13 1,369 1,080 2 1
180. GRM T THURMN 14 1,364 1,100 2 0
181. CYKO7IK 10 1,335 700 1 0
182. ScuzzyBunny 10 1,335 700 1 0
183. Crackdown 16 1,303 1,000 2 0
184. AHP Elite Dawg 14 1,301 950 2 0
185. DecafSuccerball 12 1,300 1,000 2 0
186. CrippIe 12 1,296 1,040 2 1
187. thearyadragon 11 1,284 1,040 2 1
188. DevilWithin08 10 1,282 700 1 0
189. Team Brether 10 1,282 700 1 0
190. UltraTocci 10 1,282 700 1 0
191. choochE75 11 1,221 1,010 2 1
192. BahHull 11 1,221 1,010 2 1
193. Katzenkuschler 11 1,221 1,010 2 1
194. RichRichie1989 11 1,221 1,010 2 1
195. Jrocker23 11 1,221 1,010 2 1
196. Death3king 11 1,221 1,010 2 1
197. ROOSTERxBS7 11 1,221 1,010 2 1
198. SonicSayin 10 1,211 1,000 1 1
199. DOUGIEFRRESH 10 1,211 1,000 1 1
200. Skate 323 10 1,211 1,000 1 1